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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by agusto

  1. A german mortar position is gets surprised by an italian counterattack:
  2. In real life guns may not sound as dramatic but they are f*****g loud when they are fired close by. That is the most significant sound characterstic of large calibre firearms IME and that is why many people probably prefer sound mods that bring across that ear drums shattering experience. IRL you can feel the shockwaves passing you when a large calibre weapon is fired near you. Distant shots IRL however are not only less loud but also somehow "distorted" as a result of the soundwaves passing obstacles and the variation of the airs desnity and other factors. The problem in CMBN is IMO that there is no sound distortion that increases with the distance between shooter and camera, the sounds are currently just played less loud.
  3. IIRC there is already a really good Pegasus bridge scenario. It is part of a user made campaign (first mission).
  4. I think that it maybe wouldnt look too bad - all the problematic bodyparts, like hair, ears, usw are covered by the helmets anyways.
  5. It is almost finished. 50% of the Red briefing still need to be done, but then it is done. For those interested, here are more videos made by the rebels after capturing Base 111: 1) This video is shot at the eastern of the 2 AA gun positions in the northern half of the map. At 0:23 you get a great view of the nearby Sheikh SUleiman farms: 2) Here is another view of the AA guns positions in northern half of the map: 3) Inside one of the ammo bunkers in the western part of Base 111: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seMydaUxy9E
  6. Didnt the crew bail out? BTW reminds me of reports of M1 tanks in Iraq taking dozens of RPG-7 hits without beeing impressed at all. The insuregnts in Syra are having more luck with the old Soviet tanks in Syria.
  7. Yes, that is true. But actually the suicidal thoughts dont come from the anti-depressants themselves - they are already there before the therapy with anti-depressants starts. However one of the major symptoms of depression is a decreased "drive", a decreased motivation to do things. So depressed people often think of suicide but they are too depressed to actually do it. If now a patient starts to take anti-depressants, it is possible that the drive to do things increases before the other depressive symptoms, like a depressed mood, feelings of hopelesness and suicidal thoughts go away. If that happens, then there is a temporarily increased suicide risk for a couple of weeks. That is why they recommend in the fine print that you shouldnt kill yourself immediately after starting a therapy with anti-depressants but instead wait until your mood improves.
  8. I carefully attacked from the far left flank, using the trees for cover & concealment and destroying each encountered allied position one by one. I found the Italian on-map mortars to be the killers in that scenario. The Italian armour cars must be used with great care, they wont even withstand .50 cal.
  9. The later versions of the Sherman were probably compareably effective tanks for their time. The early models with the short 75mm gun though were probably sub-standard in 1944. My favorite allied WW2 tank is the Firefly: maneuverable, a lot of firepower, available in numbers, sloped armour. The only tank superior to the Firefly by the means of cost/use is probably the T-34-85.
  10. I always planned to play that scenario after taking a look at it once but unfortunately i havent had the time yet. There are just soooooo many scenarios available for CMSF, it is impossible to play all of them. The map looks really great though.
  11. I think i tried that scenario as Italians some time ago, it was the first scenario i ever played as Italians. I very much enjoyed it, but it is kinda difficult if you are not used to the italian TO&E.
  12. I turned 23 recently. My first PC game was Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000. I got it along with a joystick when i was 11 and i directly jumped in without reading the manual. I pretty much learned how to fly a virtual Boeing 747 by try and error (and ten thousands of passangers died during the course of my learning) . I ve always loved flight sims and i still do, my all times favorites are LOMAC & IL2-Shturmovik.
  13. Actually that result doesnt imply that CM is a game for old men. Interestingly the average age of the CM player is almost equal to the average age in western countries: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_median_age So appearently age isnt a factor when it comes to the question wich part of society is the target group of CM.
  14. Those are general problems that all static defense operations face, especially in that area. The Netherlands are an open and flat country. Basically i would say that if you dont like the idea of a scenario set in the area around the fort, dont play it. I think it is an interesting man-made structre that would be worth beeing part of a larger battle.
  15. That is true. I have a low end PC and if i use high quality sound mods for CM, it oftens leads to no sounds beeing played at all during large firefights.
  16. 1) The Fort is kind of a local high ground. The surounding earth walls are several meters above the ground and the sourrounding countryside is completly flat. Without the trees (wich possibly werent there in 1944, who knows? I couldnt find any evidence that they were there back then, so if i made a scenario i could simply not place them there*), the gun positions on the earth wall would give a defender great LOS on the surrounding area. 2) It is adjunct to a village wich might be defended. Integreating above mentioned local high ground into the defensive positions around the village would be a reasonable idea, especially since said high ground offers LOS onto the avenues of approach that lead towards the village. 3) Hitler ordered the Wehrmacht not to retreat. They defended many strategically worthless villages, towns, positions throught the war. *What the fort would look like without the trees:
  17. Well i think that, although the fort itself, on its own, may not be the best defensive position, i am sure that the defending germans would have integrated it into their defensive net if the nearby town had been attacked by the allies. One of the advantages of the fort is that what is inside is litterally invulnerable to direct fire - the surounding earth walls are several meters thick.
  18. Are you sure? I know i saw screenshots where someone gave a CMBN soldier model a CMSF Javlin in its hands. I also think that i can remeber that the CMSF Euroscape mod exchanges some of the Syrian vehicle models for Russian ones (not only the textures - the 3D models).
  19. Talking about gloves: explode the CMFI .brz files, look for soldier textures and paint their hands black (or use a glove-ish texture). I think some of the CMSF models wear gloves, you could cut out these textures and put them on the CMFI models. IIRC the 3D models used by the CMx2 engine are seperated from the textures, so you can simply edit them with Photoshop without having to be able to use a 3D-editor. Mittens would be significantly harder to do because you would have to open the 3D models and edit them. Scarves would also have to be done with a 3D editor. It is probably possible (although i dont know how the animations would work with scarves, possibly you would have to do that too in order to have the scarves look good) but it would never ever be worth the effort. Mittens on the other hand probably wont need new animations. Changing the vehicle textures is within the range of what can be done IMO, but it would still require a lot of work to transform all of them to winter camo/white. The easiest thing to do of all of the above would be the gloves with fingers.
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermobaric_weapon Quote from Wikipedia: "The [blast] kill mechanism against living targets is unique–and unpleasant.... What kills is the pressure wave, and more importantly, the subsequent rarefaction [vacuum], which ruptures the lungs.... If the fuel deflagrates but does not detonate, victims will be severely burned and will probably also inhale the burning fuel. Since the most common FAE fuels, ethylene oxide and propylene oxide, are highly toxic, undetonated FAE should prove as lethal to personnel caught within the cloud as most chemical agents."
  21. That is not crazy, that is awesome. But it would more fit a game that depicts the final battles of WW2 IMO, like the Battle of the Seelow Heights or Unternehmen Frühlingserwachen (Operation Spring Awakening) or Unternehmen Eisbrecher (Operation Icebreaker)
  22. This type of naming the games can find its climax by naming the games after the sounds the weapons make in the game - litterally: CM:BRRRRRRRT BRRT BRRRT BRRRT BRRRRT (MG-42) CM: BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG KAH-TCHING (M1 Garand)
  23. Ok, the map is finished now. Screenshots: http://imageshack.us/a/img401/3081/3gyh.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img822/3364/wchs.jpg The first screenshots does not show the micro foliage (like you can seem it on screenshots 2) and the textures are bad from the distance due to my low-end PC. Should look better on high-end machines.
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