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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by agusto

  1. Actually the real pain is that, with that thing on your back, it is like running around with big red banner saying "Shoot me! Shoot me! I am important, i carry the radio!". You cant even conceal your self in a cornfield in summer if you have to carry that thing.
  2. That depends on how much you like the concept of CM games. If I took all the money i spent on CM titles and divided it by the time i spent playing them, i would probably end up with something like less than 10 cents per hour. So for me, it was was absolutely worth it. I would recommend you that if you liked all the previous titles you should definately get this one as well. Chances that you are going to be disappointed are small. Otherwise wait for demo and judge by first hand experience if the game is worth 55$ to you. I know i am going to get it soon.
  3. WW2 tanks couldnt accuratley fire on the move. So exchanging rounds with an enemy meant stopping the tank. Why not use the advantage of a hull down position if the tank has to stop moving anyways?
  4. I really hate that we have that few emoticons available on the forum. Really, why cant we have that cool sniper smiley i have seen so often on the internet or a simley rants about having to pay for an engine upgrade. I wont buy any further engine upgrades if i dont get a smiley that rants about it!
  5. Or more like the japanese version of the refresh monkey: It must be the ultimate humiliation for an employe to be replaced by a monkey .
  6. Well, different people have different interests. It is that simple, i guess.
  7. @Steve: was that a joke or will there really be a first person view in CM:RT? If yes, well, that would be reeeeeeally cool .
  8. Exactly. Taking casualties in a firefight is almost inevitable. Your job as a commander is a) to make sure that your men have high chance to win the fight and to make sure that those men of yours who lost their lives didnt die in vain. You always have to carefully weight the lives of your men against the military advantage that exposing them to enemy fire would give you, but if you see an opportunity to make a decisive move, never hesitate to accept the inevitable risk of taking casualties. During basic training our drill instructor often told us that in combat "Wirkung geht vor Deckung" - effectively engaging the enemy is more important than not beeing engaged by the enemy.
  9. Be careful with bunker placement. If they are sunk to deep into the hillside troops (including bunker busting weapons like large calibre tank guns) wont be able to target them. Always make sure that the center of mass (they point where AFAIK our troops in CM aim at) is above ground level. That is espceially important when you place a bunkers on a forward slope that are supposed to be fought up hill.
  10. Besides that many players (including myself) probably dont value the lifes of their virtual soldiers beyond the casualty limit in the victory conditions. It is easy to command a platoon of men to their death if you know they neither feel pain nor have families mourning for their loss. Anyways, for my pixeltruppen, the motto shall be: 'Victory is life!'. I dont have mercy with them and in fact i even enjoy costly engagements vs. a reasonably armed AI or human opponent more than steamrolling infirior enemy troops.
  11. From a game developers point of view it is probably always better to rely on hardcoded mechanics that prevent foul play than instead relying on peoples honor. It is just statistically too likely that out of a couple of thousand players a few are willing to play unfair.
  12. Depending on the amount of files before a suggested cease fire becomes active, there would be several possibilities of abuse. One example: If, in theory, the cease fire became active as soon as the second player, the one who receives the cease fire request from his opponent, accepts the cease fire, then he would have the possibility to accept the cease fire, view all his opponents units, and then reloaded the turn, decline the cease fire and play on. So the game mechanics need to be crafted in a way so that a requested and confirmed cease fire can only become active (i.e. units are shown) in a situation were reloading and declining the cease fire is not possible anymore. That is why you have send a few more files back and forth after clicking cease fire: turn n, player 1, file 1: cease fire request turn n, player 2, file 2: request accepted // if the cease fire became active as soon as player 2 clicks accept, player 2 could abuse the situation and gain an unfair advantage. turn n+1, player 1, file 3: request acception confirmed turn n+1, player 2, file 4: cease fire activated when player 2 opens file 3. file 4 can now be sent to palyer 1 so that he can view all units as well. // Now player 2 isnt able to take advantage of the game mechanics and gain unfair knowledge. EDIT: in my experience that doesnt matter at all. I had cease fires in situations where there was still a lot fighting going on, me and my opponent just negotiated a cease fire because the decisive action had been over.
  13. Erwin, you will need the following free tools: Free Youtube to mp3 Converter (needs to be installed): http://www.chip.de/downloads/Free-YouTube-to-MP3-Converter_26495270.html I gave you the link to the german chip.de site because it can be trusted as download provider - chip.de is a large computer magazine. The name of the youtube to mp3 converter is self-explanatory. Alternatively you can use this online tool wich also has an optional english interface: https://www.youtube-mp3.org/ After you downloaded the music, you will have to convert it to a format that CM can use. I think the correct format is .wav, but double check what format the original files have before converting. You can convert the .mp3 you downloaded with the other tools to a CM compatible format using this free online tool: http://audio.online-convert.com/convert-to-wav And that is it. Just rename the resulting .wav file to the name of the original CM sound file you want to replace and put in your Z folder. Oh, and by the way: the music in the video is the national anthem of Gaddafis Libya. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allahu_Akbar_%28anthem%29
  14. Do you have PIATs or something similar at your disposal? Artillery, mortars, tanks? Attacking bunkers with infantry grenades/ demo charges is always only an option if no large calibre HE is available IMO.
  15. That is to prevent abuse of the PBEM game modes mechanisms.
  16. That is, in theory, a reasonable proposal but -probably- too restrictive and too narrow minded to be sucessfully implemented in a reationship between humans. It would work fine though as concept for programs sharing system resources while running simulataniously on the same computer.
  17. Erwin, when it comes to depth/realism/atmosphere, it really depends on how you play ARMA and what mods you use. Take Arma2, add a couple of realism mods like ACE and ACRE, join a realism-oriented gaming community and you will soon find yourself experiencing the intense atmosphere of probably the most realistic and complex first person military shooter available to the civillian market. But, as i have to admit, the vanilla game isnt particularily realistic and playing ARMA2 in one of the more limited game modes like singleplayer is, at least for me, nothing but outright boring.
  18. It definately was a bullet that took out the guy.
  19. As far as i know only bullets that impact near a unit will be perceived by the unit all. Passing by tracer rounds do not cause units to cower. Small arms (less than .50 cal and not explosive) friendly fire should not have any effect at all.
  20. As far as i understand it Antmf is trying to order the following fire mission: C Coy HQ -> orders -> Mortar team with the Plt HQ not beeing in contact with the C Coy HQ. But IIRC calling on map mortars from C Coy HQ would only the following way: C Coy HQ -> orders -> Plt HQ -> orders -> Mortar team with the Plt HQ beeing in contact with the C Coy HQ and the Mortar team
  21. I actually do much better WeGo. During large engagements there is just way too much happening at the same time to pay attention to every single (important) detail. What does the trick when playing WeGo is planning ahead - ideally you dont have to react swiftly (within the next 5 seconds after something happened or so) because you arranged your forces in a way that they will do fine for some time without your input. The TacAI is is quite good, trust its abilities and let it work for you, not against you.
  22. c3k, the distances on wich the use of the various means of communication depends are provided somwhere in the manual. I cant remeber the exact values right now, but they are there for sure.
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