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Everything posted by agusto

  1. It doesnt really matter what you call it. If you claim that something happened that is extremely unlikely to happen and the only source you can provide is your word, people will have (entirely justified) doubts. Especially if your story constructed in such a way that it is generally impossible to have it independently confirmed because you are the only one having access to whatever source you claim you got the info from. Despite the whole story maybe beeing within the physical realms of possibility, it just sounds too fantastic for me to believe it if you cant provide better sources than the ones nobody but you has access to. Even in WW2, wich was in every way much, much more intensive than the conflict in Syria and Iraq and accordingly there were much more opprtunities to attack active tanks by shoving explosives down their barrels, accounts of such actions are extremly rare.
  2. ISIS has had several oppertunities to capture M1 tanks. There are quite a few shots of them posing with wrecks: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BsP5NQ4CYAA0vst.jpg:large http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=220136&d=1402594655 http://www.longwarjournal.org/assets_c/2014/07/IS-Anbar-Armor-ambush5-3391.php However i couldnt find any images or videos of working M1 tanks in ISIS hands. This, though, well, what am i supposed to say? I am sorry, John, this sounds too incredible. I am not going to get started on why i find this story to be implausible.
  3. How about dynamic WeGo times with different times for each player and player sepcific WeGo time beeing a function of the overall % of intact C2 links? 0,5 minutes WeGo time = 100% of all C2 links intact 1 minute WeGo time = 50 % of all C2 links intact 1,5 minutes WeGo time = 25% of all C2 links intact 2 minutes WeGo time 12,5% of all C2 links intact and so on..... What do you think of that?
  4. Some statistics regarding life expectancy and russia: Life expectancy: https://www.google.at/publicdata/explore?ds=d5bncppjof8f9_&hl=en&dl=en#!ctype=l&strail=false&bcs=d&nselm=h&met_y=sp_dyn_le00_in&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&rdim=region&idim=country:CAN:RUS&ifdim=region&hl=en_US&dl=en&ind=false Deaths/1000 people/year: https://www.google.at/publicdata/explore?ds=d5bncppjof8f9_&hl=en&dl=en#!ctype=l&strail=false&bcs=d&nselm=h&met_y=sp_dyn_cdrt_in&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&rdim=region&idim=country:RUS:CAN&ifdim=region&hl=en_US&dl=en&ind=false % of people reaching age 65: https://www.google.at/publicdata/explore?ds=d5bncppjof8f9_&hl=en&dl=en#!ctype=l&strail=false&bcs=d&nselm=h&met_y=survival_to_age_65&fdim_y=gender:1&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&rdim=region&idim=country:RUS:CAN&ifdim=region&hl=en_US&dl=en&ind=false Statistically it is today pretty much twice as likely to die for a russian as it is for a canadian. Even Afgahnistan is doing better than Russia in some aspects: https://www.google.at/publicdata/explore?ds=d5bncppjof8f9_&hl=en&dl=en#!ctype=l&strail=false&bcs=d&nselm=h&met_y=sp_dyn_cdrt_in&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&rdim=region&idim=country:RUS:CAN:AFG&ifdim=region&hl=en_US&dl=en&ind=false https://www.google.at/publicdata/explore?ds=d5bncppjof8f9_&hl=en&dl=en#!ctype=l&strail=false&bcs=d&nselm=h&met_y=survival_to_age_65&fdim_y=gender:1&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&rdim=region&idim=country:RUS:CAN:AFG&ifdim=region&hl=en_US&dl=en&ind=false
  5. All conflicts in general are always about power. Whether you discuss with your girlfriend where you are going to spend your holydays togather or whether a 5 year old steals a red plastic shovel from another 5 year old in the kindergartens sand pit, those conflicts are both as much about power as the conflict currently going in Iraq. 'A' wants to do something that 'B' doesnt want to happen, so 'B' trys to stop 'A' from doing it. The one who has more power gets what he wants. Of course this power doesnt always directly translate to the application of physical force. If you love your girlfriend and shes begs you really badly to go with her to a location you dont really like, you might still do it because you want to do her a favour. In this example she is applying power by using your emotions for her to get what she wants. In his book "Tödliche Konflikte. Zur Selbstorganisation privater und öffentlicher Kriege" (litterally: "Deadly conflicts. How privat and public wars organize themselves"), german author Fritz B. Simon defines power as "one systems/persons/societs ability to control the environments relevant to another system/person/society". So after all, the only difference between the two 5 year olds fighting for the shovel in the sand pit and the currently ongoing fighting in Iraq are the means the participating factions are willing and able to apply. EDIT: By the way, here is one of my favorite quotes concerning war and money: "Nervos belli, peamiam infinitum" (Cicero: 'The sinews of war, infinite money") Oh, just go and watch the pro-ISIS proaganda videos the jihadists release themselves. They are executing people by the truckloads and they are proud of it. I tend to believe the story, but actually it doesnt matter weather or not this man is really a survivor of a massacre or just an actor. The important thing is that those massacres are happening and that ISIS are pretty much the islamic version of the Nazis: conquer the world and kill those who dont share your own believes. And their relatives. And their friends. And their friends relatives. Google for the ISIS propaganda video 'salil as sawarim 4' (literally "clashing of the swords 4") and you will find a full hour of gore and public executions, accompanied by radical islamic music.
  6. Actually executing POWs right after capture is a very ineffecient practice, even if their deaths are wanted by the leadership. It decreases the enemys will to surrender and thus puts a higher strain on your own forces. For example Germany, wich during the early stages of Barbarossa in 1941 faced a similar situation, ordered its troops to avoid executions of soviet soldiers right after capture because if they knew they were going to die anyways they would keep on fighting and causing casualties in situations where they would otherwise surrender. Anyways, i cant say i am shedding a single tear at anything that hurts ISIS. After watching this video i kinda find it good to know that at this very moment there are brave people out there who are fighting ISIS with all their means.
  7. Did you intentionally modify your Z folder (add/remove any mods) before the game stopped working properly? If not, you could try the following: 1) Open your Z folder in Windows Explorer. Delete one of the mods in there (but first make a saftey copy somwhere), start the game and see if the error still occurs. If the error still occurs, keep deleting mods and starting the game until the everything works fine again. Once the error is gone, memorize the name of the last file you removed before the game was working normally again. 2) Remember the name of the last file you removed during step 1 and put all the other mods you removed except that one back into your Z folder. Start the game and check if everything works fine. If the error occurs again, apply step 1 on the remaining group of files in your Z folder and then do step 2 again. Ultimately you should have a group of files in your Z folder that work fine and a group of mods outside you Z folder that somehow either got changed by accident and/or conflict with the other mods. Try re-downloading and installing the mods that seem to cause problems, that may help if you changed some of the files by accident.
  8. "United we stand, divided we fall" - Aesop At the moment ISIS, as a common threat the iraqi government and the autonomous krudish regions share, certainly does strengthen the bond between the two, but what once the ISIS threat has been dealt with? Wont the Kurds still feel the need for having their own state? I think that after ISIS is defeated, the Kurds, having gained years of combat experience and lots valueable high-end weaponary, might be even more motivated than they were already before the war to grasp at their long wanted independence, especially given the weak iraqi central government.
  9. The more they behead, the more bombs they are going to get - i dont think that ISIS' propaganda department doesnt know that the US wont tolerate this sort of behavior. Maybe they want to lure the US into another costly ground engagement in the Middle East.
  10. Oh yes, the Bradley with its 2 TOW tubes and applique ERA packs is a great killing machine. Not even in the same class as the good old german SdKfz-style vehicles.
  11. They were probably using the same bad maps those 12 paratroopers did last week, you know, those old soviet maps, where Ukraine is part of Russia. On the other hand, i cant tell just by the images that those are really russian troops in ukrainian territory. They could be ukrainian troops on an ukrainian road or russian troops on a russian road as well. Can anyone translate what they are saying? They videos title translates to: "Technic (probably mechanized troops) between Krasnodon and Luhansk (both cities in Ukraine)."
  12. Seperatist tanks in combat with government forces: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=939_1406001628 VICE News on the attack on Donetsk Airport: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=fd0_1401311985 Go to 5:00 for an Mi-24 Hind attack helicopter hitting the airport. I wouldnt want to be in that journalists shoes.
  13. sburke, is that Kieme(ITA)s HD mod? EDIT: Oh, i am dumb. Of course it is, you said it just 2 posts above...
  14. This issue and the possibility that the Peshmerga may be using the german weapons against the iraqi government after their victory against ISIS are, according to Merkel, both less of a threat to Germany than ISIS taking over Iraq/Syria permanently.
  15. I heard merkels speech today. Germany will only deliver weapons to one of the iraqi kurdish factions in Syria and Iraq, namely the peshmerga. Pkk and pyd are not going to get german weapons. Also check out wikimapia, you might find some accurate info on the frontlines there.
  16. Are you from eastern Ukraine, Ashez? You seem to be able to read cyrillic script, you seem to have some quite detailed infos (like the one about the IFF markers), you seem to be more affected by the conflict than others here and you seem to have a slightly pro-speratist attitude.
  17. Counter battery fire has a longer reaction time than just the few seconds a missile salvo takes, plus they also cant just drive away after firing a salvo. It will take at least a couple of minutes to get the vehicle back to road march configuration. Given the risk of a misfire/a missile detonating inside the launch tube or near the launching vehicle, it is probably safer outside, 50 meters away from the launching vehicle, sitting in a trench. Now of course those missiles have in-built mechanisms to prevent a premature detonation, but it still happens from time to time. I remember reading a news paper article recently that was about a shell exploding in the barrel of one of Autrias M109 howitzers. The result was 2 injured, one killed. It is even worse when you are living in Europe. The road signs in Europa all use the same color/shape code, so driving down a ukrainian street with burning APCs on the sides doesnt look much different from what it would look like in any other country in Europe, except for the burning APCs.
  18. Or even worse, someone who orders a squad to clear a minefield by running through it until all mines are exploded .
  19. These guys look much more professional than the average Iraqi Army soldiers. Good to see there are troops in Iraq capable of standing their ground against ISIS.
  20. According to Wikipedia the SAA only uses their BTR-60s in strictly defensive roles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equipment_of_the_Syrian_Army#Armored_fighting_vehicles And concerning the videos, here you are:
  21. Kinda reminds me of the highly accurate way Apocalypse Now depicts Col. Kilgore calling in an Airstrike. Kilgore, talking over the radio to the fire control aircraft several miles away about the target location: "Duck 1, this is Big Duke 6! Goddammit! I want that treeline BOOOMBED!" *points arm at treeline* The type of ammunation Kilgore wants to be used: "Bomb 'em to stonage, son!"
  22. What version of Photoshop do you use? Try to play with Image -> Adjustments -> Colour Balance and/or Image -> Adjustments -> Levels and/or Image -> Adjustments -> Curves. You should be able to accentuate the wrinkles with those tools. Check out this video as well: http://lifehacker.com/5753621/basics-of-photoshop-color-correction-photo-retouching-and-enhancing
  23. If it is supposed to look like on the picture on the left, Yes. Just make sure the layer you are painting on is above the wrinkles.
  24. Great idea! A visual overhaul is just what CMSF needs. Like Aris HD textures for the WW2 titles. Keep in mind though that buildings with certain textures serve certain roles in CMSFs scenarios. Replacing, for example, the textures of a stone building with wooden textures could lead to some scenarios having, for example, 8 story wooden buildings with a marker saying 'hospital' above them.
  25. It is more challenging to fight MBTs and helicopters with AKs and RPGs than the other way round IMO.
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