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Everything posted by agusto

  1. Look at the huge muzzle flash, something must be wrong with that ZSU-23. I have seen lots of videos of ZSU-23s beeing fired and usually the muzzle flash is barley visable during daylight.
  2. Actually the dancing at 0:16 is a highly sophisticated psychological warfare tactic: the idea is to first make the enemy laugh so that he cant aim properly and then kill him by making him laugh so badly that the resulting cramps of the respiratory system result in death by suffocation.
  3. Here is an AAR of the first mission: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=91822 Looks very interesting. I might give it a try soon.
  4. IIRC i ve seen Mr.X (that is the designers name) posting in the CMRT section recently, you ll find him there maybe.
  5. Actually for a small fee Google will manipulate the search results for the one who pays most and show whatever results you want them to show at the first pages top positions. So at at least technically it would be possible for BFC to ensure that google searches for ww2 wargames related keywords always lead to their store.
  6. There are armed insurgents in your neigbourhood? Damn, Canada must have changed a lot since my last visit .
  7. It works well if that is the intended goal. I am that kinda of player that, if my infantry makes contact with an enemy in a building or any other kind of fortified position, pulls back the boots on the ground and sends in the 70-ton MBTs to blast the building plus the whole surrounding area (if you meet one enemy suqad, there are often some of their buddys nearby) into tiny little pieces, preferingly from 2 kilometeres away. I have completely obliterated whole villages in the CMSF Marines campaign where you get a LOT of firepower and absolutely no ROE restrictions. During one mission IIRC i didnt even reach any of the touch objectives, i just sat there and had my tanks, my 40mm automatic grenade launchers, my .50 cal HMGS, my ATGMs, my artillery and aircraft pound the enemy positions for almost an hour until the Syrians just gave up. I completely used up almost the whole battalions ammunation supply that day , propably like 5 to 10 tons of ammo. Why risk the lives of my Marines in a fierce CQB if i can accomplish the mission without doing so? Ammo is expendable, my men are not. I know, i know, destroying the country wont win any hearts and minds, but that isnt what CM is about, isnt it? Anyways, the ROE in the NATO campaign made some of the missions noteably more challenging than they would have been without those restrictions.
  8. Actually it is even safe to a few fire 20 to 30mm HE rounds into buildings without damaging them (well, at least in game terms). Rifle grenades, Panzerfausts (but not ATGMs!), small calibre artillery and/or air burst artillery shells also only seem to significantly damage the buildings in CMSF if you use them excessively. Rifle fire (5.56, 7,62 and the like) doesnt seem to cause damage at all.
  9. Maybe they sent their "special" special forces.
  10. When i am building scenarios i pay a lot of attention to the briefings because i dont like playing scenarios with unclear/bad briefings as well. I especially pay attention on the commanders intent because going into a fight without knowing what you want to accomplish is truely a worst-case scenario, IRL as in CM. There is no way of systematically pursuing a goal if you dont know what your goal is. However when it comes to the description of the enemy forces (i.e. the results of the reconnaisance conducted in the days before the attack), i often find it very difficult to give the player the 'right' amount of info that is on the one hand helpful and at least credible if not realistic but on the other keeps enough information a secret so that the player will still have to deal with some nasty surprises. I honestly have to say that i have no idea how much information on the disposition and composition of the enemy forces a real life commander would have. Should i tell the player in the briefing exactely where the enemy forces are? Should i tell him what is their equipment, how many there are, what they are going to do during the battle, what is their commanders intent? Usually i drop a bit of information on all those topics, trying to give the player a rough idea of what he has to expect during the upcoming engagement, but i dont have any idea weather or not a military professional would consider that realistic.
  11. Looks great Saferight, i cant wait to blow some of these guys up!
  12. I personally really like the following: Some of the ragtag uniform packs: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=44 A mod that gives syrian SF a camo pattern: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=545 Ragtag insurgents: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=1505 Some more Syrian uniforms: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2975 AKDs sound mod: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=868 Alternatively to all of the above: Euroscape mod: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=107372
  13. Especially in times of mobile internet, smart phones, tablets PCs etc, there is absolutely no excuse for not checking this forum at least everytime while taking a break from playing CM:Touch.
  14. Hellas, now Steve is soon going to tell you that the fact BFC has been around for over a decade an still exists today proves they know how to run their business better than their customers. Ha! I am fortune teller! . I disagree with you on the generalized statement that BFCs PR-strategy is bad: battlefront.com is one of the few games company i ve ever met whose developers actively and regularly discuss issues with their customers at the forums. More often then not the devs of other game companys dont appear to care much about what is said on their forums. Like at some of the Matrix Games sub forums, for example, where communication between developers and customers usually happens by once-a-months statements about how is progress on the new patch going and that's it. I agree with you though that a Twitter account would come at a quite low cost in terms of work hours and certainly wouldnt do any harm. I really liked ChrisND doing those small CMBS videos of the super-early-alpha, they noteably raised my interest in the game. But the question here is if it is worth it to invest time into a Twitter account. But, talking about customers telling BFC how to tun their business, what really wonders me is that BFC appearently isnt using Google AdWords for advertising their products (or at least they arent showing their googles ads in my country). I am working at a small IT-Support business and we are having great success using Google, in other words we are really quite dependent on Google advertising because it is affecting our sales so significantly. Maybe you should have a look: http://www.google.com/adwords/
  15. Sometimes CM really produces truely awesome, holywood worthy but yet authentic scenes. One time i had a small group of only 4-5 men with Panzerfausts and MP40s take out an enemy recon element consisting of 2 tanks and 1 APC in an ambush at a river crossing. As the APC leading the column rolled into the killzone, closely followed by one the tanks, the first of my men got on his knees and fired a panzerfaust wich took out the APC. The APCs crew disembarked and was mowed down without mercy by a deadly hail of lead coming from 2 MP40s within a second or two. The tank, having spotted the guy that took out the APC, stopped and slowly began to turn his turret towards the shooter of Panzerfaust. The heroic pixeltrooper got up, ran towards the tank, stopped to fire a burst at the TC killing him, continued to charge towards the tank and destroyed it with several hand grenades! LOL! A single guy on his own just killed 2 armoured vehicles + their crews in less than a turn or two! It was like in holywood, like watching a Rambo movie . I absolutely couldnt believe what i had just witnessed.
  16. Excellent footage Saferight, thanks. I wonder though why there are so many scenes of Militias shooting their rifles in the air - and i am not talking about their VOGs wich they are appearently using as indirect fire weapon. At first i thought they were firing at aircraft, but i could neither hear helicopters or jets, nor did they appear to move their points of aim as it would be required to hit a fast moving target. On a second thought, i think they might just want to intiminate the Ukrainian Army troops, make them hide in their trenches. Possibly the crack of a bullet moving at super sonic speeds can be heard far enough to have some sort of effect on the Ukrainian troops behaviour even if it misses them far, but most fortunately i have no experrience at dodging bullets so i cant tell for sure.
  17. When i havent played for a long time i often lose the feeling for what is the 'right' amount of surpressive fire. I either do excessivley, burning through ammo at unsustainable rates, or i forget doing at all, getting my men killed quickly the unsurpressed enemy units.
  18. That awkward moment when you realize that the hot ~18 year old women on the old black & white photograph at your grandparents house is actually your grandmother...
  19. I just looked up some images of female USSR soldiers and when they are wearing their summer uniforms you can quite clearly see the shadows: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/062/e/1/russian_female_sniper_ww2_by_uniformfan-d5wt0iz.jpg http://www.ww2incolor.com/d/2871-9/russian-lady-530606.jpg http://www.historybanter.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/russian_female_soldier_8__ww2_by_uniformfan-d5r4kfv-1.jpg http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/034/f/5/russian_female_soldiers_ww2_by_uniformfan-d5tof7v.jpg http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/034/e/7/russian_female_soldiers_group_ww2_by_uniformfan-d5toe2l.jpg During the winter months though, with their thick colthing, it is less obvious and men and women look more or less the same, at least regarding the shadows: http://www.bildirchin.az/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/second_world_war02.jpg http://waralbum.ru/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/rus_fem_pow.jpg
  20. You could possibly modify the upper-body textures in such a way that it appears as if there were breasts underneath the clothes. You know, playing with the shadows and such. If a woman stands straight up and the sun is coming directly from above, the length of the shadow on her belly is a function of the size of her breasts. You get the point. And this is a serious suggestion. Oh, and on a less serious note, check out this: http://www.use.com/images/s_5/sorted/2014_08_03_1_bbd9b8796165c96f7607_2.jpg?is=true&ps=true&rand=735081181395 @Heirloom_Tomato: I dont it matters much weather or not there are women in this game, simply because the audience is 99.9% male and because only a small percentage of Red Army troops were actually female. Yes, it would be nice to have the women who served in the Red Army represented and yes it would be more historically accurate, but I dont think it would make a difference for almost all people who play the game. It is better if BFC invest their time into other stuff.
  21. Lets see: The US Marines' 155mm M777 Howitzer has a maximum ROF of 5 Rounds Per Minute and is capable of firing the guided M982 Excalibur Block II shell wich is capable of delivering a payload of 64 DPICM submunitions. A single M777 Howitzer can thus hit a target with 320 submunitions per minute at maximum ROF, wich is 0,041 times the amount of submunitions a single M270 can deliver at maximum ROF (7728). This means that in order to achieve the the same effect on a 1km² target area as a battery of 8 M270s, 193 M777 howitzers are needed, wich equals 24 8-gun batterys. That is quite a lot, isnt it ? I used the following Wikipedia Articles as sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M777_howitzer http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/M982_Excalibur
  22. That is why they call the M270 'The Grid Square Removal System': Full article on the M270: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M270_Multiple_Launch_Rocket_System Check out the M77 DPICM cluster munitions for the M270: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:M77_Cluster_Munition_With_Hand.jpg 644 per rocket, 12 rockets per launch platform. This makes 7728 HEAT submunitions per salvo per launchplatform per squarekilometer. If now a full battery of 8 vehicles fires simultaniously at the same target, this makes 46368 submunitions detonating in an area of 1 square kilometer within 60 seconds wich equals on average ~1,3 detonations within a 30 meter radius around a randomly chosen point in the 1 km² target zone. Also interesting in that context: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturation_fire
  23. I miss the 'Incredible footage' thread we had last year. Too bad it got locked. We had lots of interesting videos and some good discussions there. However the tank in the video you posted is clearly abdonned, dead and obviously not sitting right in the middle of an active battlefield, all factors that significantly increase the chances of success of a bomb-down-the-barrel-attack. They are destroying it so that the SAA cant tow it away and repair it.
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