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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by agusto

  1. It is best to let the enemy know who hit them! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d9/American_Flag_F-117_Nighthawks.jpg http://intercepts.defensenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/080306-F-1234A-801.jpg
  2. Yeah, the CMSF forum is kinda dead since they anounced CMBS. But great footage you found there. I often surf liveleak for combat footage from Ukraine but they dont have much on that topic. You mostly find political propagnda for both sides there.
  3. Great AAR, i love the stroy telling. It is very immersive, really, and it complements excellently with Bils cold tactical analysis of the game. But could you occasionally post a screenshot from high above the map so we get a an idea of the big picture? Like, every 5 turns or so.
  4. I hope the repository will be transfered without any losses. I dont have saftey copies of my uploads and i doubt other uploaders have saftey copies of all the stuff they made too. But otherwise, good idea! This forum is so 1990s. .
  5. You mean like in the trailer? Moving in from like 500 meters to attack a bunch of Shermans at point blank range is probably the stupidest thing any Tiger commander could have done. Is it still worth watching it?
  6. I agree, that is my impression of Putin as well. He is very rational when in comes to increasing or maintaining his personal power. First, you should never believe anything anybody says about something important without reflecting about it - no matter if it is Putin or somebody else. Secondly, when Putin talks about using nuclear weapons, it is not trash, it is just a threat. He does not want to start a war with NATO, nor does he want to use nuclear weapons, he just wants to remind his opponents that he has the option to push the red button. It is a bit of game like "look, i have the bigger gun".
  7. That is almost worth a Darwin Award. I kinda can imagine the answear, but were there any casualties? BTW the link you posted dont work for me. I get "Error - Request Denied, please try again."
  8. But not even that unrealistic - i ve seen videos from Syria where it is common practice for Assads forces to just litterally throw bombs out of the back ramps of their MI-8 helicopters. They hover at high altitude, possibly to stay out of the range of manpads, light the fuse witha cigarette and just roll them out of the ramp. It looks so medieval.
  9. As long as the drone that kills you isnt sentient, technically the man who wrote the algorithm makes (or better: made) the decision if you die or not. The drone itself does not make any decisions, it just does exactely what it has been told to do by its creator. If it does something it wasnt supposed to do, then it is the creators fault who gave it the wrong instructions. If there is a bug in the code and the drone recognizes and specifically targets orphanages and puts a couple of hellfires into each it finds, it is the programmer who is guilty of involuntary manslaughter, not the drone. The problem is you cant put the programmer in the kill-loop - he makes the decision who might die and who might not years before the military actually puts the autonomous drone in a position where it gets a chance to kill someone. So basically using autonomous drones 1) removes the kill-loop problem from the hands of the military and puts it in the hands of civillian technicians and 2) puts those civillian technicans in a situation where they have to predict -in theory- every possible situation the drone might run into. Practically that is not possible. An autonomous drone will always run into situations that havent been forseen by its programmers, and it will then not be able to act appropriately. There will always be a certain amount of uncertainity. So using armed autonomous drones is a bit like closing your eyes and firing a shotgun at somewhere you think the enemy could be - maybe. The possibility of producing collateral damage will always be very real when using autonomous drones. On the other hand, they do have numerous advantages that can not be denied. Weather or not they should be used is a question of of weather or not the military advantage that comes from using autonomous drones outweights the potential collateral damage they might cause.
  10. The A-10 did a great job during the last 2 invasions of Iraq. The Iraqi army, despite beeing one of the best equipped and trained in the ME, was torn to pieces by coalition aircraft. Operation Iraqi Freedom began on 20 March 2003. Sixty OA-10/A-10 aircraft took part in early combat there.[85] United States Air Forces Central issued Operation Iraqi Freedom: By the Numbers, a declassified report about the aerial campaign in the conflict on 30 April 2003. During that initial invasion of Iraq, A-10s had a mission capable rate of 85% in the war and fired 311,597 rounds of 30 mm ammunition. A single A-10 was shot down near Baghdad International Airport by Iraqi fire late in the campaign. The A-10 also flew 32 missions in which the aircraft dropped propaganda leaflets over Iraq from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairchild_Republic_A-10_Thunderbolt_II#Afghanistan.2C_Iraq.2C_Libya.2C_and_recent_deployments 1 month of high intensity warfare, hundreds of missions against a compareably well equipped enemy, and only a single aircraft lost. Sure, the Iraqi airforce was destroyed on the ground during the first days of the war, but that is the premise for using aircraft like the A-10 anyways. Th real advantage of the A-10 is cost-effectiveness: the costs of a single weapon system are ~12 mln dollars. A single F-35 costs almost 7 times as much. But is it 7 times as effective in the CAS role? I doubt it. There may be though some financial advantage in fielding 1 single type of aircraft that can fulfill CAS and other missions when compared to having a multirole aircraft and an additional dedicated CAS aircraft.
  11. I am 24 but now i am feeling so old . When i went to school Pluto was still a Planet...but these Planets nowadays, they arent what they used to be when i was young. The significant other...? No, my computer will love to have a new Combat Mission game on its harddrive. It will look great on it.
  12. I have no idea, so lets see what happens if i close my eyes and try to type a date on my keyboard: 24-67-45656 Wow, that is going to be a long time. 67 months, that means they will release it only on Pluto, it is the only Planet in our solar system that has enough 30-day-standard-months per year to make such a date possible. I hope they will add some new features in the next 40.000 years. Given the current inflation rate of the US $, we will probably have to pay 6 to 8 billion dollars for each copy the game. But given that i didnt think i would even hit the number keys, the result is better than expected.
  13. I think i remember that in the US Army it is SOP to go into combat with a HEAT round loaded because a HEAT round is effective against all sorts of targets: buildings, personell and armored vehicles. If a target is encountered that requires APDSFS, the HEAT round is fired at the target, an APDSFS round is loaded and then the target is reengaged. The goal of that tactic is to ensure that your guys get to shoot at the enemy first. I dont know about the Syrian Army, maybe their T-72 go into battle without a round loaded and then load the appropriate ammunation as the different targets appear. But who knows, maybe the breach was open to help ventilation. I ve read that Syrian tankers go into battle bare feet and in underwear due to the excessive heat inside their vehicles.
  14. That tank is probably not active. In the full video you can clearly see it is inactive, the engine is off, it sits motionless for almost 5 minutes before the insurgents blow it up. Additionally there was a guy with the group carrying an RPG. That he didnt use it further strengthens my believe that this tank was not operational at the time of its destruction. But great footage anyways. That sounds like a great idea. I am sure the militaries of the countries fielding APS are currently considering this.
  15. Probably not. The Javelin uses a tandem-HEAT warhead. The first charges destroys the slat armor or triggers the ERA packs, the second charge penetrates the actual armor. On the above pict.ure you can clearly see how the 2 HEAT charges are arranged inside the missile.
  16. No. But that also wasnt necessary, AT weapons are abundant on the modern battlefield. IIRC a squad of US Marines in CMSF usually carries approximately 5-6 unguided AT weapons. They have the M136 AT-4, a one-shot AT missile launcher. All Syrian squads have at least 1 RPG-7 + some ammo or better, all platoons have at least 2 additional dedicated RPG teams IIRC. Both the US and the Syrian weapon system are effective up to approximately 150-200m, much more than the old WW2 Panzefaust we know from CMBN. I ve never felt the need for some sort of close-assault anti tank option in CMSF.
  17. Yeah, good question. What about the anti-tank handgrenades we have seen in CMBN? Will there be similar weapons in CMBS?
  18. Well, one method is to just stay away from all potential spots where an enemy RPG team could hide. ~300 meteres should be a distance where a hit with an unduided missile vs. a moving target becomes really unlikely. The other thing you can do is to massively surpress the area where you expect the enemy RPG teams to be. Ideally with with artillery because it can cover very large areas, but everything else that causes sufficient surpression works just as well. The problem with this tactic is that if it is done for an elongated period of time, it can really become quite ammo-intensive.
  19. Oh yeah. RPGs are the real killers in MOUT operations. Before i enter a town or city in CMSF, i always have my infantry take all the RPGs they can carry from their transports. Even the most elite Syrian special forces just die if you hit the room they are in with 2 or 3 RPGs. Another favorite weapon of mine in CMSF are the automatic grenade launchers - and i kinda count the BMPs and Bradleys autocanon as automatic grenade launchers too because their effects on infatry are similar - because they are just so extremly deadly against all soft targets. The best way to clear a room is to hit it with 10-15 30 mm HE rounds - not only will the enemy infantry be dead, but the building will also be mostly left intact, so you can use it for your own purposes.
  20. Cool. How does it work? Technically, i mean? How do you keep the game from using the files in the Z folder without temporarily removing them?
  21. It could be done IMO, it is just that nobody has ever done it.
  22. It is a parody on all the jihadi combat videos you find on sites like liveleak. It is really stupid, but i laughed so hard watching it, i thought i would post it anyways:
  23. I like the idea. IIRC Graviteams Steal Armor Blaze of War has something similar (although it is only available in the 2D tactical view, not the 3D battlefield view), and it often did help me to figure out what my units can see and what they cant see.
  24. Do you have any info available on how the rifles of probable OPFOR armys do? Even if the M-16 family of rifles was unreliable in total numbers, wouldnt they still be sufficient as long as they are more reliable than the rifles of possible enemys?
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