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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by agusto

  1. Pah, a T34/85...much too modern and outfitted with completely totally uneccessary gimmicks such as a cannon, optics, engines, etc. Give me a Xiphos, a spartan shortsword, and a Hoplon, a spartan shield, that should be enough to defeat any modern Main Battle Tank. First i will charge the tank frontally, protecting myself from its fire with my Hoplon, and then i will jump on the turret, rip the hatch open and unlesh hell on the crew using the Xiphos. That is how you kill a tank.
  2. In my experience units fire at the center of what is visible of a vehicle. If just the turret is visible, they will fire at the turret. If the turet is obscured by a tree and just the hull is visible, they will fire at the center of the hull.
  3. IIRC ChrisND confirmed that the probability of large ATGMs fired from aircraft is too high and they will look into it.
  4. Some missions have variable mission time, the battle can take up to 15 minutes after the regular time is over. If you are playing WeGo, just fast forward until you reach T+15. If you are playing real time, you will have to wait for 15 minutes or try to kill the last two stragglers.
  5. There is also a demo for CMSF if you want to get an idea of what modern combat feels like. ATGMs, IR optics, RPGs and assault rifles in every squad and fully stabilized tank guns are a total game changer that makes CMBS feel disitinctively different from any of the WW2 titles.
  6. Call me masochistic but i enjoy the challenge of fighting the americans with inferior gear . I play most of times as russian.
  7. This is highly speculative. Do you have anything else than your subjective perception to support this claim? The high probability of the APS shooting down incoming Kh-29 missiles and other heavy AT missiles was recently confirmed as a bug by the devs and will be fixed in 1.02. But keep in mind this affects all heavy missiles from fixed and rotary wing aircraft that are not top-attack capable, not only the russians. I think (but i am not sure) that the US F-15s/F-16s in game can be equipped with Maverik AT missiles, so these should be affected as well. Isnt it like that already? In a Meeting Engagement QB i can buy a company of Typical quality T-90s and a company of BMPs while US can only buy a force of 1 Typical M1A2 platoon and 2 platoons of Bradley infantry.
  8. Also it is just fun to go through the vehicles on the battlefied after a battle is over and take a look at what happened to them. Each of them has its own history told by the hit markings. I love doing that in Graviteam titles/Theatre of War 2!
  9. Technically the Bradley was certainly not hit. The LASER WARNING text indicates you have Hit Text turned on, so had the Bradley been hit, there would have been a Hit Text saying :"Hit: Front Turret". I dont know why but from the games perspective the round did not make contact with that Bradley. Judging from the size iof the explosion the T-90 fired a HEAT round and its absolutely plausible that a thick branch could prematurely detonate it, leaving the Bradley crew with dirty underpants but alive.
  10. Michael you have no idea what a sacred place this forum is in this regard. On some other forums the average poster is angry, tired and drunk! EDIT: LukeFF upvoting your own posts in response to someone downvoting them is lame. Also i agree with Desertor. Just dont read Johns posts if you are not interested. I dont read 90% of them either.
  11. I think i figured out a formula for the TIM1500 that translates target size and distance to the target to the size in pixels on the 640x480 display. I will now just post the fomula and instructions on how to use it. The mathematical proof is rather long, if anybody is interested i will scan the manuscript tomorrow when i am at work and upload it. Here is the formula for the horizontal size in pixels: pxh=(G*tan(0,5*alpha1)*2*f)/(res_h*(g-f)) with pxh...horizontal length in pixels G...size of target in meteres alpha1 = horizontal FOV of the lens = 0,102 meters for wide FOV, 0,307 meteres for narrow FOV f...horizontal focal length of the camera = 10,1 degrees for wide FOV or 3,3 degrees for narrow FOV g...distance to target res_h...horizontal resolution of display in pixels = 640 You can look up the horizontal FOV alpha1 and the horizontal focal lenght f here: www.baesystems.com/download/BAES_020343/thermal-imaging-module---tim-1500 Appearently there are two distinct settings for FOV...narrow and wide. The forumla for the vertical size in pixels is similar, just replace horizontal focal length and horizontal FOV with their vertical equivalents. For testing purposes i calculated the horizontal size in pixels of a 3m long target 1000m away and the result was ~9 pixels. This seems reasonable to me. This is what it would look like on a 640x480 screen:
  12. You can take any number of pixels for the calculation. 1x1, 2x2, 3x3 etc...as long as you keep it a square you will only have to solve a single equotation for each target. If you can get me the diameter of the lens i will do the math for a given number of pixels and post the results on the forums. EDIT: Ahh that is interesting: http://www.google.at/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCoQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.baesystems.com%2Fdownload%2FBAES_020343%2Fthermal-imaging-module---tim-1500&ei=gxIHVZSsDovcUZ6TgIAL&usg=AFQjCNFhcNPt4rJaB-aewRPDZ5717THrSg&bvm=bv.88198703,d.d24&cad=rja On page 2 it says: Physical characteristics Length (276 mm) 10.9 in. Width (178 mm) 7 in. Height (178 mm) 7 in. Weight (5.7 kg) 12.5 lbs. When i come home from work tonight in will see what i can do with these values. It has been a while since I had to do math the last time, but i think i can do it.
  13. IIRC each of the stock QB maps has 8 (?) different AI plans so replayability is within acceptable ranges, at least for me. I play a lot of QBs vs. the AI because i often dont have the time to play 1-2 hours continuously and i want to keep the well made scenarios for when i have the time to fully enjoy them. The trick for an enjoyable QB IMO is to 1) manually select the forces for the AI and 2) pick the side with the inferior equipment for yourself and 3) pick a wide, open map so the AI can take full advantage of its superior equipment. In most of the QBs i play i am playing a russian Company (+) sized element vs. a US Company (-) sized force. Usually i pick a platoon of M1A2s + 2 platoons of Bradley infantry for the AI. The M1A2 is so damn hard to kill and the Javelins are so horribly deadly that, despite all the negative things you might says about the AI, i still regularily find myself in situations where i struggle not to loose.
  14. If you wanto to be fair to the computer player drink half a bottle of vodka before playing and then a shot of vodka for every tank that you loose. It helps a lot with hampering all the unfair human advantages like rational thought, reason, reluctance to do suicide charges etc. BANZAI!
  15. Try this procedure: http://www.wikihow.com/Block-Websites-on-Firefox and enter the direct URLs to the emoticons in the block list. You can get the direct URLs to the emoticons by right clicking on them and selecting "show image" or something.
  16. Maybe we can calculate the maximum effective range from the data available. The question could be formulated as follows: At what range will the longest side of a 6x3m target (like a tank) be smaller than 1 pixel on the 640x480 screen? The only additional information we need to do this would be the diameter of the lens. We assume that if there is only electronic zoom for 2x, 3x, 4x, the optical magnification is 1x, so it only a geometrical problem.
  17. I just finished the last mission. I was halfway through with it when CMBS was released, so it took me a while to get it done. But below are the final results in case you are interested. I hope you are going to do a remake with CMBS , i really liked the military exercise style of the campaign. It felt less gamey and more serious than most others i have played.
  18. This forum uses .png for its emoticons. Maybe you find an add-on for your browser that allows to specifically block the URLs of those .pngs. For example, here is the URL to this guy : http://community.battlefront.com/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png You could try this one: https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/adblock-plus/ Dont know if it can block specific URLs, you will have to try it out. But I am sure though there is some way to block the .pngs from beeing loaded.
  19. The probability of ATGM teams using their missiles against soft targets has been significantly reduced compared to Shock Force IIRC. But theoretically it should be possible in Black Sea too. Edit: @sburke: I think i have also seen them fire it at enemy ATGM and teams and other weapon crews.
  20. "Its alrigth honey, we can try it again later"
  21. How goes that saying again? Every drop of sweat used for preparing fieldworks is one drop of blood less lost during the battle. I find that there are few things more satisfying than watching a human opponent waste his precious artillery on an empty trench line.
  22. Due the way the engine currently works it would probably use forbidable amounts of disk space and RAM and the loading times would be horrible.
  23. Digging fake trenches to deceive the enemy is actually a common military tactic. Speaking of deception, maybe we could get dummy tanks in a future module: Imagine you bring that thing to a pool party! The ultimate airbed!
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