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Everything posted by agusto

  1. I havent read the whole thread and i dont intend to do so, but have you guys already reached a consensus on whether or not the armata will enter service any time soon (or at all)?
  2. I disagree with any TO&E changes that would sacrifice realism for balance. I am fine with changing the QB points for balancing H2H, but scenario designers must have the option to create realistic battles if they want to, however imbalanced they may be. The common solution for a scenario with imbalanced forces would be to distribute the victorys points accordingly: in CMSF, the Coalition usually had superior everything, but the scenarios were still difficult due to a huge penaltiy for taking casualties. I see no reason why concept could not be applied to CMBS.
  3. The US Army is significantly larger than the Russian Army. Wikipedia on the US Army: 546,047 Active personnel 557,246 Reserve and National Guard personnel 1,105,301 total[3] Russian Army: Size 285,000 personnel (2014), incl 80,000 conscripts[1] Equipment wise, the Russians have about twice as many active MBTs as the US if we only count the models that are in CMBS. In total, the Russians have about 1,5 as many MBTs as the US if we count all models and active and stored MBTs. Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equipment_of_the_United_States_Army#Vehicles http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_equipment_of_the_Russian_Ground_Forces#Vehicles http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Ground_Forces Regarding the Javelin, it is indeed a very common weapon in the US Army it seems. The Marines AFAIK only have specialised Javelin teams, but the Army hands them out like lollipops. It was excessively used in Afgahnistan and Iraq, even against seemingly "unworthy" targets like DShK positions or RPG teams, so it seems reasonable to assume that the US Army would bring lots and lots of Javelins when fighting a foe as fond of armoured vehicles as Russia. I couldnt google up any hard numbers on how many Javs the US infantry platoon actually fields in the past 5 minutes, but i am sure there is a veteran on this forums who will tell you the exact number and/or how realistic CMBS models the Javelin. Maybe you should send a PM to panzersauerkrautwerfer regarding that matter, i have always found his posts on TO&E etc quite insightful.
  4. Wow...even after 5 years of playing combat mission i still learn something new regularily.
  5. The best advice on combat mission tactics i have read in quite some time.
  6. Yep, that is the way i use covered arcs as well. Most of the times i order ~4000m 180 degrees arcs because i want my tanks to turn their barrels towards a specific area. Other than that i use very short circular arcs as "hold fire" command or - rarely - to ambush enemy troops in an urban environment. In an urban environment you dont start shooting at the moment an enemy squad opens the door of a building, you wait until the whole squad is outside in the middle of the road and THEN start shooting. That way you make sure your guys kill them all and not just the first 1 or 2 unlucky guys who go through the door first.
  7. A responsible boss would certainly understand you need a new PC for playing CM.
  8. That is unusual. To simply copy & paste a program + folder structure on a machine using Windows XP or later usually results in the program not starting because of missing registry entries and/or problem with the DRM. If it is feasible i would recommend to properly install programs anyways though because you might run into problems when updating the game if you just copy & paste it to another location.
  9. The RPG-29 is extremely deadly in CMSF. I have no hard numbers available, but judging from my experience, i think that it is more capable of taking out modern MBTs than the RPG-7. At least when we are talking about the base version of the RPG-7 without the tandem warhead.
  10. So it is a matter of what is more deadly to the disembarking infantry - the blast of the ATGM (which certainly fills the air around the vehicle with dozens of nasty little fragments travelling and several hundered meters per second) or the APS. Probably it is a lose-lose situation and not getting hit by a missile in the first place is the best solution. It is just a matter of how expensive the machine is - how many mens lifes are worth a nuclear powered aircraft carrier?
  11. But wouldnt the disembarking troops be killed anyways if an ATGM or RPG round hits the BMPs rear and/or, in a worst case scenario, the BMP blows up? It is better to kill the dismounting troops and save the vehicle than to lose both. It sounds brutal and it is brutal but that is reality. In one case you have 8 dead dismounts and in the other case you have 8 dead dismounts, 3 dead crew and a several hundered thousand dollar vehicle blown to bits.
  12. I think the Reptilians from Alpha Centauri are causing this. If they planned to invade earth, they would certainly strike first where the "people who know more about military tactics than any man living" reside, to quote JasonC, which would be here, at the Battlefront.com forums. I hope you all have your tinfoil hats on.
  13. I cant see the following of Reiters pics: I can see all the others though.
  14. Yep. Traffic management is a big problem with larger military forces. It is usually a considerable aspect in operational wargames, fortunately not so much in CM though.
  15. Regarding super secret russian military technology: I honestly have no idea how they do that.
  16. Nice. Most likely it would be late war model, like a T-34/85. Early and mid war models probably survived only in comparably small numbers. I was having something like this in mind: EDIT: WOW that was fast . Thanks for making this.
  17. Also could you import a T-34 from CMRT and turn it into a flavour object? That would be so cool , i am thinking of a WW2 memorial or something. Maybe i am going to make another siege scenario, i already made two for CMSF (FSA/Al-Nusra capture of SAA Base 46 and Base 111). If i do i will use your flavour objects.
  18. How to use them? In the editor i mean, how do you place them? Lkike regular flavour objects? Do they replace any of the existing ones? BTW these look great .
  19. Great! I cant wait to finally play mission 3.
  20. IIRC there is a mod that converts Harpoon 3 to a WW2 game.
  21. Yeah i noticed it. I saw the guy with the RPG move into position and i instinctively leant back in my chair and turned my face away while thinking: "oh no oh no OH NO" - BOOOOM!.
  22. On my way home from work work today, i stumbled across this van. Maybe a bit childish but i still like it . Obviously this company doesnt do business with english speaking people very often.
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