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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. Oh I didn't saw your txt before... Do you want I try to find the MAS38 smg ?! I don't know myself if I can do because this will be my first weapon, but I could try if I find one or if you tell me if this exist already in another CM game, because me and weapons I don't know the name, and if you give me green light of course ?!
  2. Sorry to come back to this place @chuckdyke but "I have a problem" to find the correct position see the screeen below ! On the first screen I try to have approximatively the view that can have the gunner or the commander of the tank ! The second screen show in the view loock (tab), the changing view that I have when the vehicle have to move or to shot... Is there a possibility to save the first view in the view lock using tab, with a key shortcut from the keyboard F1, F2 or whatever of a personal choice...to keep the same position when I click again on the tab key ? like I would be somebody in the turret and like, I would be in the first person shooter mode, and move myself with the tank when the vehicle is on move ? Just saving the position like the first screen but in view lock and apply the "shortcut key" everytime for every tanks or squads ? and not when I press again the tab key that I come again in a view like the second screen ? I dont know if this will be understanding ??
  3. You cherry too much the french army Phill, nice job !
  4. Strange also to have the reflect to use the shortcuts or mouse buttons, that you use in Blender or whatever 3D programs, and wonder why this doesn t work more, but realise that you are in a CM game, and not on your 3D environnement !!
  5. I prefer also using the space key with the pop up menu for differents kind of commands, in fact I think if we could hidding this 6 buttons menus, or manage the opacity, we could perhaps have a better view of the background of the field, but not sure about this ?? I will make some tests with a background menu with less opacity !!
  6. Time to change a little my habit and starting to do something different, so I would also test some...
  7. I think I will delete the link for now to dont give more confusion !!! Ok guys Link deleted for now untill we dont use a modtag... Sorry for this incovenience !!
  8. well, happy guy that I am, I dont have personly to do it !!!
  9. Ok sorry I was perhaps a little to quick to let the link to everybodys, this was normaly only reserved for @Falaise that were asking me to added this sign for the goumiers only, so, we have to make a decision of whisch modtag we will added. So these files are Only if you want to use 2 kinds of helmets with cressents and RF letters for the goumiers in CMFI. so you can also use only ONE if you want ! Later we will probably added a modtag but untill now we dont decide it !! So this will be perhaps better to >>>wait before replacing the original one, so long we dont added a modtag, sorry for that my mistake !!! Goumiers helmets with the cressents CMFI ============================================================================== So nothing to do with the mod of Phill France 1940, his mod will be with the grenade and RF letters for the regular french army in 1940 and with a modtag, sorry to made some trouble to understand correclty about this, I hope this was clear enough ? Helmets from Phill mod France 1940 usual french army
  10. We have to added first a modtag for the goumiers helmets !!
  11. Ok Steph I was making a BB today in the forest, so I come back now, I will let the helmets in my signature link soon, thank you for your explanations I didn t know, but we learn alsways, and with you everydays a little more the story !
  12. In fact I asking me if Elisabeth have not right you know never upset a woman !!! Just kidding, "Wartsy" is more cuddle cuddle...
  13. Steph @Falaise I will put a link from goumiers helmets CMFI available in my signature, for a short time and for some interrested. I guess this have nothing to do with the France 1940 mod isn't ? I don't think the goumiers were already wearing this helmet with crescent shape on the beginning of the war? But I can be wrong !!
  14. Sound good Phill thanks, I will check your Phill trick, also put all in your DroPhill, tell me if something is wrong.
  15. Happy to see a laugh from you "Wartsy" no offense with your name, if you don't like tell me, I will find another one, (jokking), no I will respect your choice !
  16. Perhaps working a little thes sign and cressent with PS this Steph @Falaise is also a boss !!
  17. holy where this happens again now I will check the news ?? first in Greece than ??
  18. yes I just do it also with the others helmets (the usual french helmets and its work) but we have to use perhaps a modtag to use both helmets with cressents and RF ??? but both now are with !!
  19. Steph @Falaise in CMFI the goumiers helmets refer to another helmets, see picture, so I will try to use both but not sure this will work !
  20. again an simple intuition ! and after France 1940 !
  21. edit I think we have to open a thread to do that about a picture of bandgroup, I guess here we will disturb a little and this is understanding, and also go away from the real subject, but personly I was taking a good time guys !
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