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  1. Like
    Probus reacted to Billy Ringo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    This seems staged, almost like actors in a high school play.  Why this--why such a public announcement?  Have we seen situations like this being broadcast by the Russians previously?   Maybe it's just me, but this just seems like another BS poorly executed Russian video for some as yet to be known Russian ploy.   That will fail. 
  2. Like
    Probus reacted to dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    random happy anecdote, need one of those occasionally.
  3. Like
    Probus reacted to dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
  4. Like
    Probus reacted to Kraft in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Incredible 27min video from Counter offensive on Kupiansk, by Kraken Unit. Contains NSFW CQB clip.
  5. Like
    Probus got a reaction from Raptor341 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A link to the rebellion in the Dr Zhivago scene in @LongLeftFlank's link earlier:
    Hopefully will happen soon in Ukraine.
  6. Like
    Probus reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    And none of this addresses the major operational and strategic issues that brought them to this point of the war (i.e. losing strategic and operational initiatives and on the defence) - the misalignment between political objectives and military strategy's; a poor collective military learning system unable to adapt at the same or better rate than its opponent; the lack of a modernized operationally competitive C4ISR enterprise which underpins an effective joint targeting system; and the continued erosion without any real mitigation of a logistical system stretching from the forward ammo resupply point back to production and procurement.
    The RA can churn out units and people all it wants, however, until it entirely retools itself to fight the war it is in and not the one for 1999, it simply will not matter how many troops it can produce…unless there is a failure in support to Ukraine whose single greatest vulnerability is that is is not strategically self-sufficient in the prosecution of this war.
  7. Like
    Probus got a reaction from Beleg85 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A link to the rebellion in the Dr Zhivago scene in @LongLeftFlank's link earlier:
    Hopefully will happen soon in Ukraine.
  8. Like
    Probus got a reaction from danfrodo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A link to the rebellion in the Dr Zhivago scene in @LongLeftFlank's link earlier:
    Hopefully will happen soon in Ukraine.
  9. Like
    Probus reacted to Harmon Rabb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I try to avoid getting into political discussions relating to U.S. politics. But if Ronald Reagan saw some members of the GOP sympathize with a former KGB officer, who wants to retake lands that he thought were unfairly taken away from Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Reagan would be rolling in his grave.
  10. Like
    Probus reacted to Chibot Mk IX in LOS is broken!   
    LOS is broken!
    Well, this is a very frustrating experience. Soviets are advancing in the direction marked in red arrow. They are still 300m away from the woods.

    With that intelligence I move my JPz IV into a prepared fire position.
    I thought this is going to be a prefect ambush place. It has LOS cover the open field and the road out of the town. The woods blocks advancing Soviets’  LOS, forcing them either go through the open field and take the flank shot or get into the woods (which should trigger the early warning as I have a lot of infantry units watching that area).

    The result? It just feel like that T-34/85 has thermal sight, one round of 85mm AP shot through dense vegetation, penetrated JPz IV through “Forward Bottom”? What the heck?

    OK, review the pervious turn save file, maybe, just a maybe this magic AP round was shot through a tiny gap between woods. But how come it penetrated through the bottom when my JPz IV is in a hull down position?

    This is not a blame or a complaint that the game is broken.
    I just want to speak out my frustration…..
    Now I feel much better. Time to get back to my cockpit and resume my battle

  11. Like
    Probus reacted to RockinHarry in Assault, Squad Only   
    Yup I was unclear. Meant final waypoint for deploying the way I want them to. Otherwise it´s just a temporary thing and the TacAI keeps doing its mostly random way of moving teams. Optionally one can use the pause command as well. Detail stopping AS is also defined by which team contains the squad leader. It´s the blinking yellow square then.
    Now I´m bits of confused. I mean using script commands (in AI plans) that we´ve available in CM AI plan editor already. Some combos "can" mimic human ways of pushing things across the map "if" used in right order and in appropriate environment (terrain, likely enemy disposition etc) But if BFC adds more options (and AI groups) it would be great as well. I.e basic AIP movement modes are geared toward using speed / non cover terrain, meaning it´ll expose itself almost all the time when moving from A to B. So more move zones for AI are required so it moves into cover and not around it because it considers it a movement obstacle. But that´s the same for human player units and their TacAI. It´s just more effort when scripting the AIP and it is inflexible for lack of conditional branch scripting (if - then i.e)
  12. Like
    Probus reacted to Artkin in Assault, Squad Only   
    The Assault command is perfect to use alongside a hedge/low wall when you don't want to manually bound your troops. Otherwise the Assault command is a sure way to get your squad killed.
  13. Like
    Probus reacted to womble in Assault, Squad Only   
    Evidence? As I said, I believe that Mr BFC himself, Steve, has said that it doesn't give any "assaulty" benefits. It's a pure convenience to reduce micromanagement.
    There's a verb or some punctuation missing from this statement, depriving it of clarity. Can you elucidate?
    Ah. I understand what you mean. However, since there will be two AS highlighted at the waypoint, and (assuming a two team squad) only one of them will stop there (the other will bound on past without stopping), how do you get the stopping team to stop anywhere other than the AS that's on top of the waypoint? Frankly, I'm not sure you can, and I don't think this approach will achieve what you hope for, except at the last waypoint, where all elements will "rally".
    Ah, so I think you're suggesting that BFC incorporate some of the refinements people already use when they're using split teams into the TacAI's own SOPs?
  14. Like
    Probus reacted to Pelican Pal in Assault, Squad Only   
    Like @womble said some people in this thread are confusing ease of use for some sort of unique capability. 

    The assault command exists to allow a player to quickly bound a squad to a location. Its functionally worse than manually splitting the squad and doing it yourself. The only provided benefit is that it takes less time. The Assault Command exists for real-time players.

    If you have the time you will get better results by manually splitting the squad and moving each element yourself. Using Quick, Fast, pause commands, target commands, and so on. 
    IIRC the longer the waypoint the longer the legs are
  15. Like
    Probus reacted to RockinHarry in Assault, Squad Only   
    I´s talking of using "face" where I want the squads sections to deploy in certain action spots. You know the yellow squares that show up when hitting G on selected waypoint and move the mouse around. I don´t leave that to the TacAI´s decision if possible, since it has its own view of what is cover terrain. Not that it´s the way I play the game usually, but that´s the idea.
    Sure it is (simplistic). But it as well can use Face, target area, various fire modes etc. and when using retreat toward selected direction it can bits of cover its own movement by throwing some smoke grenades. So "teaching" is rather scripting the AI´s orders in ways to mimic what a human player can and would do. With known limitations (no move nor hunt etc orders) Off course it doesn´t learn anything. lol Hope this will be next generation CM game engine. But one can keep dreaming.... 😅
  16. Like
    Probus reacted to chuckdyke in Assault, Squad Only   
    Avenue of approach easier to control.
  17. Like
    Probus reacted to womble in Assault, Squad Only   
    The information in this thread is devolving into confusion.
    Why? Why do this:
    ? You've already got them split, you can control what they do. Why leave it to the TacAI after having micro'ed your approach?
    If you're talking about RT, then maybe this has some mileage. But, in WeGo, using your squads split is almost always better: your "own fire support" can be tailored better to the situation by choosing your team splits; you can tailor your wait times at each waypoint to change the emphasis placed on fire or movement and control your troops' fatigue rate/recovery; you can incorporate different movement modes (Slow, Quick and Fast all have their place; Move has no place in an assault evolution and Hunt is of very limited use, since it cancels all following waypoints if it's triggered).
    This is simply untrue. It takes time to do, and so probably isn't practcable in Real Time (if you don't/cant pause), but it's entirely possible to do in WeGo or if you can freely pause your game. In fact, in RT-with-profligate-pausing, if you're crisis-managing a squad, you can (if you're prepared to do the micro) do "better" than in WeGo, since you don't have to use "guesstimated" pause times and can perfectly coordinate the actions of the firing and moving elements. The methodology for WeGo has been ably described by IanL.
    You can use Face, or Target Arcs, for sure. But this is probably an edge case, since if you're under fire, you probably know where it's coming from and want to hose it down without having to wait for your pTruppen to acquire the target; having them seek a target might well give that target time to suppress the team that just stopped moving.
    Erm, wut? The TacAI in CM is a very simplistic rules-based system. It has no capacity to learn anything. And what "scripting" are you referring to.
    Or did I miss something.
    IanL described the procedure pretty well. Some supplementary points:
    split your squads so that the short range weapons are in one team and the support weapons are in another. choose your movement modes for the movement legs wisely. Fast is good, especially if you're using short legs, with longish firing pauses for the pTruppen to get their wind back; you might not want individual members of the moving team to pause to return fire, especially when they'll be stopping soon anyway. Quick is good if you want some responsiveness in your moving teams. Slow is good for one AS if you want your team to drop into cover and throw the opposition's target acquisition off, or for the actual last leg where you're chucking grenades and bayonets might notionally become involved. you can give the "Assault team" (with the grenades and SMGs) Target Arc orders if you want, so they don't spaff their precious ammo on suppressive efforts at long range.  if your squad splits into three teams, you can have two covering and one moving, or the other way round, depending on the situation. you can coordinate teams that are not part of the same squad (either different squads or independent teams) in the same evolution. There are probably other things that you'll pick up for yourself when you start using this method.
    The Assault command is confusingly named. It is just another movement mode, and has no direct relationship to "dislodging the enemy from their positions and taking their place". It is, as far as I can tell, a pure convenience, mostly in place for the purposes of unpaused RealTime players, or those who prefer not to have to micromanage. Any other movement command can be used to get up close and personal to the enemy's positions, with varying degrees of efficiency, both inherent to the inbuilt priorities of the mode chosen, and the context in which the choice is made. Slow can be the best way of assaulting through a door into an occupied building, for example.
    As far as I know, the Assault command doesn't bestow any particular attitudinal bonus for "attacking the other guy". I think that was confirmed by Steve "way back when". As I recall, it uses the same speed and priority set for the TacAI as "Quick" (so sometimes they'll return fire during a movement leg), and alternates movement between teams of a squad. 
  18. Like
    Probus reacted to chuckdyke in Assault, Squad Only   
    It is the killer at close attacks 
  19. Like
    Probus reacted to Artkin in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I would like to restress the corruption of our politicians. We spend
    900 Billion Dollars
    on our military every single year. Russia is 1 of 2 challengers of peace, and is currently close to defeat.
    It was paid for with a pitiful fraction of this enormous amount of money.
  20. Like
    Probus reacted to Rokko in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Does anyone know what happened to @Grigb? Hope he didn't get mobilized or arrested or anything.
  21. Upvote
    Probus reacted to chuckdyke in Assault, Squad Only   
    Doing the quick move with well-placed waypoints is Imo something to be considered. The troops waiting at the waypoint for other teams to catch up will engage enemy units especially giving them an additional 5sec pause. The assault command to be given when the hand grenade becomes the primary weapon. Less than three action squares. Brits WW2 a section has three teams split three ways and keep the Bren team for support. Let the other two teams merge and use them for the assault. 
  22. Like
    Probus reacted to Erwin in Assault, Squad Only   
    I think that is what most experienced players do.
  23. Like
    Probus reacted to Letter from Prague in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Finally we have video proof of Banderites attacking poor Donbass children with HIMARS:
  24. Like
    Probus reacted to Jace11 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Oh cool, I always thought H.I Sutton was american for some reason. I learnt of him via sub brief, and checked his twitter when stuff is going is down... Didn't know he even had a YT channel... duh me!...
  25. Upvote
    Probus got a reaction from Huba in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    H.I. Sutton
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