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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Hister

  1. Stop crying like a little baby and do as you were suggested. The patch will come when it will be ready and devs have never before told the exact date when it will come out. Sucks but c'est la vie. And sorry for being not nice to you.
  2. I revisited The Scottish Corridor after bug fixing was done on Tigers - previously in 3rd scenario where you have to defend against incoming German troops, only few of my shots disabled their main gun and they were done for. Now I've been pounding the first tiger from all sides with one British 6 punder AT gun and two piat teams from the side and rear. Although I managed to score two full penetrations and 4 partial penetrations plus lots of other metal denting that fuc**r is still moving around and shooting my good boys. AND there is still one more such beast to be taken care of. I'll be wiped out before my firefly arrives... Oh the drama. Tigers really feel like Tigers now. Cudos to the dev team!
  3. That would be a nightmare to code right. But yeah, would be a sweet thing to ahve to avoid micromanaging.
  4. Sweet, downloading the update now. Yeah, when things cool down you should make a new version 2 sound mod, put the old down and the new one up.
  5. Lots can be done using proper waypoint designations and real tactical movement used at the time. See Combat Mission Tactical Problems by Bil Hardenberger. So when you go through a narrow gap with a whole bunch of soldiers they remain in a straight line which is very vulnerable to enemy fire from the front. What you need to do is to make one waypoint just after the gap is passed and then your little men will go in proper advancing formation again.
  6. Thank you AstroCat - this will be a default Music mod combo for most of us I dare say.
  7. Got it to. Now if someone already read it then please share your insights - book good or crap, etc.
  8. Checking it now. Cool stuff here. What I don't personally like is that you included background fog where there seems to be a wind howling - when there is fog wind is not likely to blow. Can you maybe swap this with something else more immersive? Edit: Seems like we have similar sound taste - I did personal mixing of the available mods and most of the files you used are the same like mine. Heh. If you would be a woman we would have a perfect match here! Edit 2: In hits folder you copied from that mod you used also the annoying same sound that is present in some files like for example in files "bullet hit concrete 3", "bullet hit building 5" and "bullet hit metal b 7" to name a few. I personally edited all the files with this annoying sound out. What is it supposed to represent in the first place?
  9. I'm happy I discovered it only a few years ago 'cos I would otherwise not finish my studies.
  10. Yeah I have one. Someone farted real bad in the room we were at and we were all seriously suppressed. No injuries but big moral crackdown ensued. Sorry for this but i just had to do it, ha ha.
  11. Finally Bill has found a worthy opponent! I was sure it will be all over in 15 turns in bill's favour.
  12. That's because their primary role was to stand on the crop-less field as a scare-crow.
  13. This means you'll have to wait for either MG module or the patch sometime later down the road. Made the same mistake some time ago. Bil, these scenarios should be implemented in the base game by developers. They are sorely missing for all us non military champs.
  14. Aha, thank you guys. 2.10 is not out yet then. Thought I have it, silly me.
  15. OK, I downloaded INF-001 Infantry Squad Attack and ARM-001 Tank Section Attack, put them both files in the Game files/Scenarios folder but they do not show up in the game. Renaming the files didn't help. What am I missing here?
  16. 'Cos John was so eager to post this valuable info that he kind'a forgot distinct threads exist here.
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