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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Hister

  1. I suppose his neighbors didn't dare to make any complain against his dog ****ting on wrong lawns for the sheer fear of their roofs being blown off the house...
  2. Yeah, a blast liek that (minus the dust) would be too easy to spot. Such guns back then must had somewhat less fire blast.
  3. Exactly. Firing blast is way too small if we compare this clip with what we have in-game.
  4. Wait, you guys are still playtesting? Release then is not so near eh. But the good nrws is the optimisation one! Wohoooo.
  5. Ha, tell me about it! It was only when stuff started to ask me if I added any new hardware did I realize it was the USB virtual surround headphones that I plugged in. It's supposedly a rare circumstance so don't fret just yet! In case it does stop working nice personnel will help you out solve the issue in no time.
  6. You need to contact technical staff - after such hardware updates it's common you run into this problem. I bought myself new USB headphones which netted me exactly the same problem. Solved it quickly by nice helpful stuff. Who would of thought headphones are capable of making the game not work any more.
  7. I get the same problem. By the youtube videos posted from the game it seems to be a wide spread issue.
  8. Still have to finish your first scenario umlaut! Thank you so much for making another one despite low feedback. Will definitely try it out! But first I need to get my MSI GTX 770...
  9. Excellent! Besides a map maker extraordinaire you seem to posses movie making skills to! Your FPS's are not that high are they? Seems so to me.
  10. Again, check if you don't have any doubled texture files - maybe you expanded main game files or left any mod?
  11. Yes, vanilla beta UI is attrocious in RT.
  12. And I hope they get around to bunker toughness to. They are a tough nut to crack (pun intended).
  13. Well, there are big differences in SSD's between different brands and models. While hard discs are still cheaper the gap between the two technologies is getting smaller by the day. When I upgraded to SSD on which CM is installed I only got quicker boot time of scenarios/campaigns and this was also confirmed by the devs to be so. Some time ago when I purchased SSD Samsung 840 Pro it was considered the best of the best. it's still ranking high and has a nice price to it. I do hope so - thank you for encouragement! __________________
  14. Stand firm Elvis! You need to take down some more Soviets.
  15. No reasons to become jumpy lads. We are all just trying to understand how things work. If there is a conflicting overlapping it doesn't mean we have to create another messy Ukraine situation.
  16. Buzz, I'have work related seminars these days in our capital which steal my free time away plus I'm off skiing in the Alps whole next week with school kids (yap, I'm a teacher) - I'm afraid I won't be able to get myself that GPU and post in this thread until I come back. Thank you again guys for being so helpful! I doubt my CPU is a culprit behind low FPS but I digress. Will get myself that new GPU and let you know how it goes in due time. If FPS won't improve then yeah, I guess I'll have to concede a defeat. Won't be upgrading CPU 'cos I would like to be on Intel eventually and would then have to buy myself also a new mobo. All other games run fine so I won't do any such drastic measures since it hasn't been that long since I purchased those components (minus GPU which I left in from the old build) - was aiming for a budget build thus I went with AMD CPU. Hope it goes OK and if not I'll still be getting higher FPS from other games due to new GPU. Not all will be lost.
  17. First I have to thank you all for taking your time to chime in! Thank you! Now onto specifics... Whoa, that's a valuable piece of info! Could mean I have a non GPU related bottleneck. BUT, all the components are rather newish except from the old HD which is still in until I swap it with a bigger SSD (I ahte the noise it makes vs no noise with SSD). Thank you for info c3k! Whoa, you for sure don't spare any computer with CM! Valuable insight. I suppose the game would be running smooth if I would have 768 native resolution. I opt to get myself a 1080 one in near future which seems to be the standard resolution for gaming now thus I get an adittional incentive for the GPU upgrade. I mentioned GTX 590 'cos it's performance is similar to newer GTX 770 - not that I would want to buy it. According to this venerable list in performance class GTX 770 belongs price-wise no Radeon product should be bought (value for money). Do oyu have any other non price related reasons for your Radeon preference? Whoa, you sport the most expensive and fastest GPU available at the moment - you must be a real enthusiast eh!? This info worries me a lot. Having best hardware one can have and getting only 25 FPS's in return when closed in the action plus the stutters is, hmmm, I better don't say anything. What the heck!? How can other users say they get a smooth gameplay? Anything below 25 frames my ayes perceive as not smooth at all. Below 20 FPS is a game ruin-er for me. I remember one user who had Titan GPU and reported abysmal FPS's so looks like top-**** GPU's and CM might not get together well. I don't care if it's GPU drivers fault (like suggested from the devs) or CM not being optimized well for those high range GPU's (which devs would say is not the case but I remain suspicious here). Don't even know if it's like that to all the users who sport bad ass GPU's so I can't really make such generalizing statements, can I? I was an active contributor in the Nvidia performance thread but thank you nevertheless for pointing it out - might be helpful to someone who didn't know it exists. Those tests were made prior to the latest patches and MG module so are a bit outdated and thus not reliable. On top of this number of units and the size and detail of the map is small-ish in comparison to huge maps delivered with CW and MG. Regardless I re-run the test 10 times now with different settings and got similar results like when I had lover native resolution screen so latest patches probably improved performance for me. Bigger and more detailed MG maps probably made me an impression game got slower with latest patches but I was obviously wrong aka applied wrong reasoning. Thank you Buzz! While I for sure can't directly apply your provided info due to two diferent platforms in question it's still an interesting insight! Hope you sort your issues soon - since I never owned any Mac hardware I really can't be of much help on that front. Well, it could be CPU then. BUT it's still ranking quite high (relatively) in the gaming CPU hierarchy list. Thus I don't really think it could be the culprit. Note on that site how going over i5 3550P for gaming reasons is an overkill especially when prices get into the equation. Interesting and very useful money saving observation for people deciding what components to buy for their new rig. I guess there is only one way to find out for sure, isn't it. I will definitely let you guys know when I get it. Just checked and looks like my MSI GeForce GTX 770 GAMING OC edition is not available any more with the retailer I wanted to buy it from (can get it for crazy low price). Darn. I wanted MSI especially 'cos it's reported to be one of the most quietest of them all. Double darn. Oh well. It depends from game to game but I would like to know this answer to regarding CM in particular. Since any of the components can be a bottleneck for the other I don't think a definite answer can be given but an approx. one would be possible, right? Guess only some of the devs know for sure. Well, as an owner of 550 Ti if I currently turn on shadows and shaders I get sub 20 FPS on medium sized maps... Baffled about the discrepancy here but one more hint my current GPU might not be behind abysmal game performance... Question remaining would be on what native resolution do you/did you play/ed it with 550 Ti? Guess I now know what I should expect. Still, for someone minor stuttering actually means non playable. That's the bitc* of all this - subjectivity/personal tastes in play. Well, this is not good in my book, not good at all. Hope 3.0 upgrade will bring notable improvements on this front! Would 25 FPS on huge maps with battalion sized units, close to the ground where lots of action is, for best currently available hardware, be considered normal? Would any less frames by less powerful rigs be considered normal? If yes then my expectations for the game are simply too high and I need to scale down so that I don't get disappointed. I keep my background processes to bare minimum. Yes, going i7 is overkill when it comes to gaming alone. See this article. Yeah, it would be cool if we could have an offical rough game customer guide as of what hardware combos would be best for their game (what to aim for if on budget, what is the optimal build dollar wise, etc.). For this month (yeah suggestions change on monthly basis which by all accounts sucks) I would suggest you the following components for general gaming (dunno which would be best for CM thus I started this thread): If you go with Intel CPU then get yourself Intel Core i5-3350P. Buying stronger CPU's will net you diminishing returns as per this up to date performance per dollar scale. Similarly, Geforce GTX 770, which I have my sight on, currently offers the most for the bucks. Not 100 % sure about RAM but 8 gigs is considered a norm while going over that is considered an overkill for gaming alone. You need to be careful about latency speed (lower is better) but if you go with Intel CPU higher frequencies net you better results. In my case since I own AMD CPU I had to pick RAM with lowest latency possible while frequency wasn't as important. it's this little nasty detail that can screw us amateur rig builders if you don't inform yourself enough prior to purchasing pieces. SSD nets you quicker loading times in games and not higher FPS count. Of course OS starts much quicker then on HD and copying files/installing games is much faster to. Don't know what one needs to be aware of when it comes to motherboards besides the obvious compatibility with other components and their built quality. PSU should be of at least tier 3 quality and provide enough power to all other components. Special sites exist on the net which help you calculate how powerful PSU you would need for any given combo of components. While GTX 770 supposedly needs 600 minimum Watts my 550W FXF Core PSU would be perfectly capable of sustaining it in my rig if I decide to buy it. Yeah, would be interested to learn if you manage to squeeze additional FPS out of your machine using this program. Let us know! Thank you for this valuable input. You might have provided the aswer we are looking for. The only question remaining now in this regard is what CPU and GPU performance tiers according to these two lists below would by your opinion do the trick? http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gaming-graphics-card-review,3107-7.html http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gaming-cpu-review-overclock,3106-5.html Check my recommendations for you above when it comes to hardware for general gaming. As for your notion that you expect to spend up to 4.000 $ for your new rig that is way over the dodo since you can have a super rig for already 800 $!!! Go with 8 gigs of RAM, 12 is overkill. 4GB GPU's are plausible buy if you intend to play your games on super-sized above 1080p screen. Otherwise it's definitely a no go. I congratulate YOU for managing to going through this wall of text unscratched or sane!
  18. c3k, thank you for taking the time to help me out. Well, I did post in the proper thread but looks like nobody is reading those threads 'cos I haven't got an answer in a long time. So I decided to post this here 'cos I have a bigger chance of someone answering like you just proved. Martin from the devs (tech help) didn't know the answer so he pointed me to the forum saying I should ask here. I already know my video card is a choke point (game plays smooth but when I pan the camera to where lots of buildings are and where lots of action is going on I get much lower FPS's) - there is no sense figuring this out 'cos it's already figured but since you asked here we go: HARDWARE OS: Windows 7 64bit CPU: AMD FX-6300 BOX 3,5 GHz Mainboard: Asus AM3+ M5A97 (970 ATX) RAM: DDR3 1600 8GB CL8 Corsair 2x4GB Vengeance Graphics card: Geforce 550 Ti (MSI) Graphics memory: 1Gb Hard Disc (SSD): Samsung 840 Pro 128GB (CMBN installed on it) Native resolution: 1680x1050 All at vanilla settings, nothing over-clocked. So does really noone have GTX 770 or GTX 590 or GTX 680? They all belong to roughly the same level performance. What GPU do you sport c3k? Are you satisfied with the performance you get out of it for this game? I would just like to finally purchase the damn thing so I can resume my gaming.
  19. Thank you Steve for being so active on the forum recently!
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