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Glubokii Boy

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Everything posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. Imho these AI changes are actually pretty significant...especially the AI areafire .. With V.4 the AI may actually rely on some decent indirect supporting fire...ON TIME...AND ON TARGET ! An other benefit with the areafire command is that the AI direct fire supporting weapons are likely to play a bigger part...be that machineguns or assultguns...or what ever... With skillful mission design these new commands will make quite a difference The withdraw and face commands for example will allow for better AI use of armour and other vehichles...
  2. You were correct with your assesment here... If the guy in the picture were to lower the elevation of his mortar and aim it more to the left i doubt it would be all that great... Direction of fire maters in CM to IIRC...I bet you will be able to fire the mortar from its current possition just fine if you aim it away from the buildingwall...no point in that though i guess ...
  3. If BFC finally have gottten the bugs that came with V.4 as well as some other tac AI bugs sorted...such as the wrong door entry bug...i kind of wish that they would take a break from messing with the tac AI... It seems to be very complicated AND TIMECONSUMING ! Why not spend some time on the simpler things...such as UI changes to the editor ... BFC please give us more AI groups, timed objectives, reinforcement by trigger and why not also an updated/new AI artillery programing interface...as well as some other UI changes that has been requested in recent years... The reward for time invested ought to be far greater compared to any futher tweaking of the tac AI...
  4. Most likely...it is far, far more difficult for a number of reasons to design a player defensive mission. Many would say...close to impossible ! with the tools currently avaliable in the editor. One thing is for sure...playtesting and tweaking will be massive..and it really requires very good understanding of the ins and outs of the editor to even have a chans of pulling it off...
  5. True...but if any one will be able to do it it ought to be BFC...They have the required amount of playtesters atleast. It will be a nice challange for them ... Being able to play a defensive campaign for a change would be intresting...
  6. A defensive campaign will do nicely ... With brancing options...to hold current terrain for one more battle or fall back ...? To defend in place or try to launch a local counter attack...some night raiding or recon missions perhaps...
  7. Are you perhaps not overcomplicating things ? Finding a good duration and intensity will be good enough...no? This looks like a good time to do some hotseat QB testing... Pick the types of maps(terrain) you would like to test...plink down some defenders on it...and blow it to pieces ... Testing different settings in the artillery interface....and then watching the results. That ought to give you the best answers..
  8. RtV...the latest module for CMFI is currently the only title that has scenarios and campaigns that...from the start... is designed with the latest improvements to the editor in mind.
  9. A brunch it is... But no BEER will be included...its to early in the day for that...
  10. CMFI will probably feel more different compared to CMFB...when comparing with CMBN... If you can afford the bundle...go for it i say ...many ssems to hold CMFI as their favorit theatre... You will get a brunch of new nations to play and by now it covers the entire conflict in that area... And by the time your 'tour' in Italy is finished the CMFB module might be finished and avaliable as a bundle with the basegame...
  11. The designernotes on the briefing screen could be used to guide the player as to what changes would make the scenario easy, average, hard or very hard... According to the designer that is .
  12. Yes...this could be a good option. In a singleplayer game i can see no problem with this at all...but maybe in a H2H game. If one of the players are somewhat less honest i guess he might use the units first for some time...and then exit them before the end of the battle ... I hope and belive that very few would even considder doing this...but i guess that it could be possible... In a singleplayergame the only person you would fool would be youself...and that would be quite...retarded If need be i guess that the map could be designed to prevent this but it really shouldn't be neccesary. I think that both this and the units spotted options mentioned by MOS:96B2P could work fine... I also belive that having the option to tweak the force...either from the get-go or later into the scenario are both valid options...or perhaps even use them both ...might depend on the scenario. Example of a scenario... The kampfgruppe that your battalion is asigned to is very hard pressed...the russians are attacking all over the front with supperior forces...the kampgruppe has some additional supporting units...but they are equally well needed at other sections of the front line...do you need part of them to hold your sektor ? (Yes = VP penalty)...or do you belive that you will be able to even spare part of your battalion for use by your neighboring units ? (Yes = extra VP)...
  13. One thing that i am considdering to include , in some of my future scenarios atleast, is some degree of 'custom difficulty setting'... In addition to the default player-force that the scenario has been designed to be played with i'm thinking of adding some additional units (located on a small exitzone) at the rear of the player setup area. If the player would like to include some of those units he simply moves them of the exitzone before hitting go (during setup). This will make the scenario somewhat easier then the default setup. Simularely...if he would like more of a challange he could move some of the default units onto the exitzone to make them dissapear ones he hits go. As of now i have not considdered any VP impacts of these tweaks of the original force...it will simply be a voluntary tweak to suit different playstyles/difficultylevels. But i guess that it could be possible to indeed include some point- benefits/penalties if given a try...
  14. I've just finished reading David Glantz, Zhukovs greatest defeat - operation mars. The russians that had the missfortune to participate in that operation would probably have been more then happy with CM casualyy levels...☠
  15. unfortunatelly NO...It is a sad limitation with the new command...It would be most useful. I actually wounder if the on-map mortar areafire trick was intentional or just a lucky by-product of the existing areafire command...
  16. Ooohh, gosh ! Typing on my Phone... I ment to write "mein"...atleast. But that doesn't help...does it ? My, my...my old german teacher would cry ! ...
  17. A-H " High explosive boobs !!! The allies are developing nuclear bombs...and you come to me with...high explosive boobs !!?" Speer "Jawool, men Fuhrer !"
  18. Ace going ! ... To call it pretty is not...all that easy. But then again if it was a piece of art made by 'the right guy' instead of a weapon...you could probably sell it for 5 million dollars and the people who knows about these things would admire it...forever !
  19. i pretty much played all the CMRT stuff in the first year after the module released...I don't quite remember this scenario...but i might very well have to take it for a spin a second time some day soon ... but then again...CMFR is not that far away...so maybe not ... My number ONE kill shot of all times were in CMRT...i don't remember the name of this scenario either but i was playing the germans and one of my pz 4s came across a number of russian SU76 assult guns. The panzer opened fire and hit the first one and the shot went strait through and hit a second one...and i'm almost sure that it indeed managed to penetrate that one to and continue and take out even a third assultgun...with the same shot !! I'm not 100 % sure about the third...but almost. Taking out 2 tanks with one shoot is not that extreme...but three is a bit more impressive and i remember jumping in my chair and screaming of joy.... So i do actually belive it was three...Thats some bad ass shooting !!!
  20. Ok...a light AT-gun vs two late war tanks is a nice trade though...It's hard to keep those guns alive... Getting kills with them is quite satisfactory ...Not quite as much as with hand hald AT-weapons but...almost...and in third place comes the tank destroyers...as satisfactory tank killers . Glad things got sorted eventually...
  21. Ooohh, damn....my misstake ! Thanks...
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