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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Glubokii Boy

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Everything posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. I guess that one additional reson for not having that many huge maps in CM is TIME... The time it takes to manouver (dismounted) pixeltruppen over vast areas...both on the part of the player as well as the AI... Deployed for combat it can take quite some time to advance from A to B... Current map sizes might have evolved as the golden medium when it comes to providing the CM players with the 'action' that they are looking for ...
  2. A lone german hiding in the rubble... Bad situation !
  3. This is a valid point. The anser (atleast for me) is.... IMMERSION ! Call it silly if you will ...but i find that timeperiod...and theatre far more intresting... And thereby more FUN to play and also create scenarios covering. A village attack scenario is a village attack scenario no matter if it is set in France 1944 or in Russia 1941...but still...i would enjoy playing it in russia, 41...far more . Simply because i find the period more intresting. As far as scenariodesigning goes....with Russia 44 - 45 for example i don't really have any ' given' ideas for a scenario to try and design....with 41 - 43 i would have a never ending stream of ideas to try....both historical and fictional.
  4. Yeah...i saw it after having sent my previous post. All good
  5. I don't remember the exact flow of things right now...but cheating in the way you describe is not possible...the same rules apply to both players...ones you click go...your turn is DONE ! There is no way to reload and try again for any of the players... If you think about it...it is probably the most obvious cheat possible...and one that BFC had to prevent...othervise no one would be playing H2H games...
  6. Have you actually done this ? I'm 90 % sure that this is completally impossible... As i recall...one player gives his orders...sends the file...the other player is not able to watch anything until he does HIS orders and clicks go...he watches the replay and send the filé back to the first player to allow him to wiew the replay... Any reloading is NOT ! possible...
  7. How would he do that ? It's been i while since i played H2H...but iirc thats not possible...
  8. Modding things would probably end in chaos... But if outside teams could be allowed to develop additional modules, basegames, and TOEs that got plugget into the CM engine...that could actually work. It works very well with DCS-world...sub developers provides more and more flyable aircrafts and maps etc... As long as the produkt met Battlefront standards and TOEs and weapondata etc fits correctly into the CM world and are not some wierd overpowered superunits... Why not ? I know it's not going to happen...but i belive it could work.
  9. Oouch ! It's a shame that he ended up running into the street INFRONT of the tank... The blast seems to be to the side of the tank...
  10. Thanks for trying to comfort me I'm sure that the fire and rubble module as well as the next two modules will be great games... But 41 - 43 (spring) eastern front has been my favorite period/theatre for as long as I can remember...by far ! And that's not going to happen any time soon... But... Although the battle for Berlin has not really been on the top of my list as far as reading or playing goes... the upcomming CM release has sparked my intrest in this period far more... I'm really looking forward to the game
  11. Yepp... If someone had asked me 5 years ago what CM game i would be playing in 2020... I would have answered... "Ooohh. I don't know...Barbarossa, Typhoon or Case Blue" If someone were to ask me today what CM game i will be playing in 2025...i wish i could give the same answer... But i don't think i can do that... It makes me
  12. Will it be to optimistic to hope that these 3 things (CMRT, CMFB and CMBS) will have been released within a year ?
  13. Some of the more common requests as far as I know... - game performance improvments - graphics improvements - additional editor features - additional gameplay features - finish CMBS- and CMFB module the skip to CM3 - WW2 early war, 1939-40 - WW2 north africa - WW2 pacific - WW2 eastern front - 1945, 46 west vs russia - WW1 - Korea 1950- - Vietnam - Fulda gap - Arab - Israeli wars - modern day Syria , Irak, Afghanistan - modern day USA/NATO vs China - modern day USA/NATO vs North korea - China vs India war - more battlepacks for existing titles
  14. Probus If you wanted to i guesd that you could start your own poll-thread. You might need to start a new thread though. The way to do it... First post...a short description of the poll. Then you lista the avaliable options you can think of as individual posts one after the other... This way we "the other forumites' can upvote the option/post we like... Resultat in sort of a poll
  15. 1. June 41 - april 42 2. Maj 42 - maj 43 3. June 43 - maj 44 All eastern front
  16. One problem i can think of would be displaying this on multi story buildings (with multiple windows)...you might be able to see one window in an action square...but not the other 2 for example.
  17. Yepp... This topic has been up for discussion several times before and the answer has always been in line with what MikeyD mentioned... Because of how the game engine works with LOS/LOF
  18. The only stealth bonus i recall reading about is units that has not moved or fired at all since turn one...units getting into place mid-game and improving stealth...this is new for me to..
  19. This is sad to see... Any issiues with pathfinding and doors better be resolved before release.... Expericing situations like this will be very frustrating ! There should be no doubt wether a door is usable or not... Berlin being a center-piece of this module...it would be a miss if urban fighting does not work proparly...
  20. This is not something i usually do but i wounder if it would be useful (vs the AI) to place some smoke at the intendent overwatch location just prior to making the final move into position... Allowing the team to be stationary and set-up as the smoke clears (hopefully )
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