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Glubokii Boy

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Everything posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. Yeah...it sounds like it will be a very nice resorce for scenariodesign. The positive comments about the book makes me very exited about it... I will comment on it once i get my hands on it....it is somewhat pricy but well worth it it seems
  2. Sounds good ! Looks intresting indeed...will most likely find its way onto my wishlist that goes of to Santa ... Thanks !
  3. Ordered ... 38 rewiews on Amazon...avereging 4.9 out of 5 ! According to those rewiews the book also comes with and added 60 page map book of high quality... Might come in handy in areas that the FR-mastermaps do not cover.
  4. Thankyou....yepp i belive i will get it. I will have a look at those rewiews...
  5. hello... Have you guys read any good books lately (about WW2)...That you recomend as christmas holidays bedtime reading ? Personally i'm considdering bying this one...the 2020 version...As a nice companion to CMRT https://www.bokus.com/bok/9781912866137/bloody-streets/ Has any one bought this one ? If so...do you recomend it ?
  6. 1944, 45....A fully realistic russian break throuh assult on a german battalion possition....with priority artillery support. What would such a barrage look like in CM ? ☠... How many batteries would be required...pounding away at the same time... My, my....quite a few i guessing.
  7. Your devious bastard ! I really like the new possibilies with the mortar-areafire function...something that the AI has been missing for a long time... I sometime use simular flavour added to the player side...AI artillery Shelling its own troops at the start of the scenario... To simulate the final minutes of friendly prepartory barrage comming in...ordered by higher-ups... Brings some nice flavour ...the only downside is that the shells can be seen comming from the wrong direction....If one are willing to look past that...it adds a nice touch
  8. Aaahhhi...god dammit !! I thought the yellow guys were the AI ... That was not the case though...."i can see clearly now".
  9. in this particular situation i was a bit more concerned about the wellfare of the AI troops... if you yourself (the player) had artillery avaliable... I only looked at the pictures using my phone and using that it seems like the AI have bunced up rather nicely in the top left corner of the map... Prime target for some death from above ... Imo if the AI is left full freedom to deploy its troops...it might not be the best....some limitations/help are desirable imo...
  10. I kind of like your prevoious idea though... With a little more controll of where the setup zones are located as well as what AI units goes into what AI groups... Something like that works well enough for some 'quick fun'
  11. For the AIs sake...I hope you have no artillery ...
  12. I think many Cm:ers do simular things, including me, and enjoy their results...In private... But then the old release monster shows its uggly face and those scenarios gets tucked away somewhere on the harddrive...Never to be seen again... It is one thing to design a scenario for only your own pleasure but quite something different to design something for others to enjoy...eventhough nobody needs to pay for community scenarios/campaigns... I think it is quite natural that designers want to do their best...when others are to experience their work...and therefore perhaps aiming to high...
  13. Yepp...this is fully correct imo... Part of the problem is that the new designers puts to much preasure on them self...to provide stuff that atleast vaguely resemblence the quality of the stock scenarios and stuff made by the community veterans.. I don't think it is so much the community that demands top quality stuff from the newbies...but rather they themself. The result is the same though...few simpler scenarious are being made...as we are well aware... The preasure to deliver higher quality stuff is no doubt there...but from who...? and how to find a way around it...?
  14. Yepp...the simple fact is that if the AI is given the same force and tasked with the same objective as a human player... The AI will be struggeling ! It needs some 'help' to be competative...
  15. To be honest I kind of wish that BFC did NOT design their scenarios to be playable from both sides...buth rather... Design two separete versions of the same scenario. One playable as red- and one playable as blue side. This would make it easier to achieve a suitable difficultylevel...for both scenarios as compared to having to considder the limitations of the AI when designing a one-fit-all scenario... Sure...you would need to test two scenario versions rather then one but I actually belive that it would not neccesarely mean more work...as it would be both easier to design as well as easier to test if you do not need to considder those AI shortcommings... And it would result in BETTER scenarios if the designer could skip those limitations
  16. Thanks for doing this thread...will be intresting ... One small point though...and SORRY ! for nitpicking... But i wounder if the wording here is the best ? (Might be me though with my limited english that is missunderstanding this statement..) But...the end condition of NON-CORE forces can have a decisive impact on follow on scenarios...If the designer wish for that to be the case...can they not ? Dependant on how the unit objectives and force parameters are set-up for the individual scenarios.
  17. With the right ammunition...did not late version pz III stand up fairly well to a T34/76 atleast...? against the 85mm maybe not so much
  18. That is indeed disapointing ... No editor improvements at all to be expected then...In the next few years i guess...
  19. Ok...thanks for the answer. When looking stuff like this i can't help but to wish for map-templates... How nice wouldn't that be to be able to have something like 5 - 8 different cemetaries finished as templates...ready to simply click in place ... Or perhaps an entire church...with walls, cemetaries etc... Along with a wide variaty of other template types...oohhh wow ! How that would speed up map-design... Maybe not the fully historical ones but most certainly fictional ones..
  20. Nice ! As this kind of looks like a more permanent/church-like cemetary (with walls and all).. Would it work to place the new path-tiles between the crosses...And use these to guide the placement of the crosses...kind of like this. X = cross p = path XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ppppppppppppppppppppp XXXXXX p XXXXXXXXX ppppppppppppppppppppp XXXXXX p XXXXXXXXX ppppppppppppppppppppp XXXXXX p XXXXXXXXX p p Or would that look wierd ? Some tall grass or gravel type of terrain under scattered parts of the wall would look nice also i belive...after all...there is a war goiung on... the maintanence will probably not be perfect ...
  21. Do not the tossing of grenades simulate close assult of the tanks...? being in the open would therefore be preferable i guess... Other then close assult...where single handgrenades at all effective against a '44, '45 tank ?
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