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Glubokii Boy

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Everything posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. NO, it does not ! If you are into CMBS you are longing for a module or two for that game... If you prefer Normandy i'm pretty sure that quite a few guys would like to see some new content (battlepacks) for that game that take advantage of the latest game engine. Etc... And its not just playable content that has been lagging behind lately. Further gameengine updates would be highely approsiated by many i'm sure... Currently BFC is not even close to live up to the goals they themself set for themself a few years back...that involved far more then a new module ever other year...
  2. I think that we can all agree that the vast majority of CM players considders combat mission to be THE BEST game of its type. No dissatisfaction there... But I belive that a decent number of the community feels that the current level of progress is less then ideal... Dissatisfied or not...their intrest in this game series have no doubt decreased somewhat during the last few years... The activity on these forums ought to be a decent indikator of this...take away the postning of the 10 - 15 most active members...and what will you have ? A forum that is very close to dead ! Sure...the most dedicated players will stick with the series...no matter what...but will this numnber be high enouh for BFC to keep going ?
  3. What i would like to see in this next bone...is not a simple repeat of last years bone with possibly a handfull of new pictures... But rather... A description of BFCs plan how to increase the productivity of the company going forward....the way it has been for the last couple of years is far from impressive. What would also be nice would be an official confirmation on the fact that CM3 has actually been worked on for quite some time...or not... A few weeks ago it was hinted at that this is actually the case..before being removed. A status report of the CM3 develpment would be nice...If CM3 is actually in development.
  4. They only need to change the year of last years bone...since none of those things have been released yet. ...
  5. My uncle, age 74, is complaining about the fact that he is loosing 30 seconds on his standard lap times...."I don't understand why !!"....I try to tell him that it might be because he's 74 ! ...
  6. The lighter the mortar the further forward it could be used i guess... Medium and heavy mortars belong further back.
  7. Was any thought given to perhaps adding spies (simular to CMSF) or some other type of unconvential units to the german side... I've been reading that temporarely unarmed volksturm soldiers mixing with the civilians caused the russians some problems...
  8. Looking at the pictures...one would think that atleast those 12.8 cm guns would be very vounrable to things like 120mm mortars...
  9. The book does not specify if the flaktower actually used aimed fire against individual targets at those ranges...or if was more like volleys of fire being directed at a specific area...i'm guessing the later. Otherwise it would indeed be impressive markmanship ...
  10. I'm reading the same book ... Not only did they pack a nasty punch but they had a 'decent' reach also...atleast one of them engaged the ruskies at 13000 meters out it seems.
  11. I know i've mentioned this before...but I kind lf wish that you would do simular things with the individual scenarios... Make two versions of the same scenario. Each tailored to give the AI a slight advantage regardless of wich side the player chose to play. Having the same scenario being playble from both sides is a nice idea but it does not really work all that well. Lets say that a particular scenario has been designed to be played primarely from the german side as an attacker...to give the player a decent challange the defending AI needs to be really strong. This is no big problem obviously when playing the german side but what happens when the player chose to play the other side ? Now the AI will need to attack a overly strong defence commanded by the player... This usually enda up as nothing more then a shooting galleri on the part of the player. The AI can't possibly be expected to handle a fight vs a human player when it already from the start is handikappad by a weaker force. I don't expert you guys to change all the finished F&R scenarios....but please considder doing 2 versions of the individual scenarios going forward. Having a single scenario having AI plans for both sides is honestly mostly just a waste of time and energi on the part of the designer.
  12. The problem I belive is that most people want to play on good maps...not simple ones... Playing on a well designed/detailed map is more enjoyable compared to playing on a hastely designed one... The problem is not neccesarely the difficulty in creating good, detailed ones but rather the time commitment neccesary for creating such a map...even if it is fairly small. Such simple things as designing a realistic looking/varied forrest and not just plink down a number of the same trees on a number of tiles....takes time. Editing buildings, damage, elevation etc...takes time. It is not difficult...but it takes time. Adding flavoured objects...takes time ! Additional mapfeatures that would speed up/ simplify mapdesign would be most welcome .
  13. I most certainly agree...this is another part of map making that he exels in imo... It may well be the most difficult part in designing a good map...and he does it in a most impressive way.... Providing both possibilities and difficulties for both attacker and defender alike... The importance of these elevation changes is one of the most impressive aspects of combat mission imo...other games might look better but few handle elevation better when it comes to LOS/LOF...
  14. One thing that actually seems to be missing so far...a decent sized church ... Perhaps complete with a cemetary, park (garden), alleyway...If you can find a good spot for it...If not...the church will simply be asumed to be to the left or right of this map....
  15. I think that the best piece of advice i can give right now with you about to start working on the suburbs would be to check out any of Georg MCs maps...the KING of mapmaking ! .. I don't know if he has made any city maps...but the way he design his villages and farms are absolutelly brilliant... Have a look at some of these maps both in the editor and while in gameplay mode... The way he uses fences, hedges, trees and flavoured objects results in some very realistic looking villages imo.... I'm thinking that something simular might be suitable when designing your suburb.
  16. Comming along nicely ... When i design a larger map like this I tend to mix up expanding the map further with 'some time off' to concentrate on a smaller section of the already finnished map to add the finer details to that part of the map...things like adding flavoured objects, tweaking doors and windows, slight elevationchanges and if desired...adding damage to that section...then after spending some time fine tweaking sections of the map...I go back to expand on it...painting the bigger picture. I have found that this allows me to get more work done without exhausting myself. It can be a bit tiresome at times to only paint the bigg pictures for days on end...and then the same with the detail work. Mixing these two tasks up is less fatiguing imo. Keep in mind though that you have better decided on the overall size of the map before adding flavoured objects...and eventually units to the map...as these might get moved out of place if you change the size of the map...iirc its when you expand the map to the west and north that units and flavoured objects...'moves' with the mapsize changes...I belive it is to the west and north but it might be to the south and east...I don't fully remember right now. Again...Just a small suggestion...you obviously do as you please..
  17. I'm guessing that a few scenariodesigners have been and still are in...waiting-mode. BFC have been struggeling to fix some of the AI 'bugs'...several have been delt with but yet more AI improvements will be released with the F&R module for CMRT. Hopefully scenariodesigning will pick up somewhat shortelly.
  18. If its anything like his Death of the leaping horseman then its a must buy imo... Leaping horseman cover the deeds of the 24th panzerdivition during its Stalingrad adventure. The divition had the good fortune of being pulled from the line infront of moscow in 41 when it still was a cavalry divition. No such luck during 42 though. This book is of the highest quality with nice pictures and some of the best maps i have ever seen. As I understand it...Island of fire is more concentrated on the fighting in the factory district to the north...not so much on the earlier fighting in the city... Not that that is a bad thing though ! It is for sure on my...to buy list . Yes. And i'm sure that the book as a whole will be an excellent companion to F&R..
  19. Ship you a copy of CMAK ... Sorry ! I also would like such a game (CM2...or 3)
  20. Yepp...anyone looking to read up on FR has gotten quite a few nice suggestions... But other fronts and topics...perhaps not as much ... The ardennes is a nice addition...
  21. I recieved my copy of Bloody Streets today I have obviosly not read it yet...simply had a quick look at it... The book comes with high quality paper, A4-size (standard printersize). A decent number of pictures...not exesive though. Close to 500 pages... As for the map-book...most maps are fairly high altitude areal photos. Some other maps are included also but the vast majority of them cover a fairly large area... Will it be useful for scenario design ? Maybe...to some degree i guess. The pictures will give you a good picture of the larger area but perhaps not so much when it comes to being able to plot down the individual buildings and other terrain features with the highest level of accuracy. I will dive into the book comes weekend .
  22. Have you tried this good old game...? Some teamplay to be found here with you as a squadleader. It's quite old but I really enjoyd it back in the days https://youtu.be/Xdp4ZnIr7JA
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