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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. @JM Stuff I have changed the bin 4 mdr file to look for r-35-huwa and not r-35-hull. I then went and modded r-35-huwa to have heart symbol and different camo. I will do A DIFFERENT camo for bin 5 and bin 6 using r-35-huwb and r-35-huwc
  2. You get one setting of the R numbers per scenario in your campaign so it applies OVERALL to your core force in between scenario battles. That is how I see it. EDIT: I think there is one roll of the dice for 1/505 and then the Refit occurs. Another single roll and the next R occurs. etc etc Manual says: The next section in the Battle Entry is the percentage chance an individual unit has of being completely replaced if lost, repaired if damaged (vehicle only), topped off with full ammo, and brought back to a fully rested state. If the Campaign contains no Core Units for a particular side, there is no need to fill in that side’s variables Does every squad and every vehicle get its own die roll? Maybe they do. Open to hearing what other's think or have seen.
  3. I can offer to walk you through it. If you learn a little modding, your head will explode with the possibilities... Go download freeware GiMP and paint.NET
  4. No, the sound effect was connected to allied reinforcement arrival. That bridge scenario was like you as axis only had so much time to get down there to the bridge and "remove the charges and throw them in the river" (simulated by just getting down there). So, if you did and then the sound effect went off, it meant they went off safely down in the river or some such fictional ending. THE END
  5. @JM Stuff Hey JM, this document explains what I told you about renaming for the new flavor object's texture bmp file. See page 4-7 for more details.
  6. I have had fun with changing the touch objective completed/reinforcement arrival sound effect "chat squawk.wav" modtagged to be "other things"... In a Kasserine Pass scenario it was changed to a short sound clip of the French national anthem because your reinforcements were French. Lets see, in an Italian attack on free French at Bir Hakeim, it was changed to something Italian sounding as they got their touch objectives. Ina Barbarossa scenario involving a bridge demolition, it was changed to an explosion sound I got from a video of The West Virginia Department of Transportation blowing up an old bridge. The arrival of a certain time triggered the sound clip as reinforcement with honor system scoring being that you had to have taken the bridge before the sound effect. Not quite the best way but all I gots to work with. Come on POWERBALL!
  7. self-explanatory Thanks to @JM Stuff for his work on the mod.
  8. I appreciate your knowledge. I really do. But a big OH WELL, BFC has no time for a formation editor for me so I can only do what I can do. ugggh. Maybe I look at Straggler group, but I think CMFI has no such formation. My brain is clogged with CM stuff and I can never recall without firing up the games and going in. EDIT: I don't see a solution in CMFI as I played with dates and set it to poor quality. We need an "uber poor" quality! ~~~~~~~~~ If I cannot fix it, then for the purists out there, I guess...just don't download it, don't play it.
  9. The Char B1 bis? Honestly, I don't really remember/know many intense details about France 1940. I thought I read where a French tank attack was only stopped when the 88 Flak guns got involved. I better blow the dust off some of my old books...
  10. I try to be a multitasker. I am excited to try and mod this French R35. I am a crappy modder so I picked one of the easier R35 camo schemes that the French Army had! This is so good that CMFI actually has the freaking R35 (Italians). I can have my very first [france1940] scenario really be accurate down in the game code physics. The Italian crew will be modded to look French. Make Sophia Loren strip down and wear a blonde wig to be Brigitte Bardot? First try...
  11. uniform mds file swapping: We are looking at the current CMFI French troops, free French troops with a mix of French and US equipment. [france1940] mod will have most of the French Army soldiers in their greatcoats. It looks very similar to the ones they currently wear. To make sure we know which mds file these greatcoats come from, we do a little quick test trick as described below... The British shorts are very easy to see. So only as a test, I took the British shorts mds and changed its name to american greatcoat mds and put in my z folder. Then I started CMFI and purchased French troops and made them to be in greatcoats in the normal editor setting. Then I viewed the French troops. I could see they had very odd greatcoats trying to be British shorts. This now confirms what mds the French greatcoats use. It is the american greatcoat mds. Just a temporary test method to identify the mds file. Delete that renamed mds out of z afterwards of course. The [france1940] mod French Army officers or HQ unit soldiers will NOT be in greatcoats I AM THINKING. We want to try and have them look a little different. The regular soldiers will have Adrian helmets/greatcoats/puttees but the officers should have Kepi/field uniform/boots. I hope.
  12. thanks for the kind words Gary. I accept on behalf of everybody who has helped me with these mod projects. The taste of the soup has been made by many cooks adding stuff. I have the same book Say hello to Eminem for me...
  13. Excellent. My stuff is available from the link in my forum signature. My goody box has a butt ton of stuff. It is semi-organized by title and then the various directions I have gone. IT COULD BE BETTER ORGANIZED. But PM me if you hit any snags.
  14. I just wanted to reach out to CMFI players that I am working on this mod. Anybody who wants to be involved can PM me. We can always use modders to help or folks who want to write scenarios for France 1940. I am keeping progress posts over in the general discussion mod tips subforum.
  15. We're from the government and we are here to help! Mods intended to be seen while playing CMFI must go in your CMFI "Z folder"... My CMFI Z folder has this address: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Battlefront\Combat Mission Fortress Italy\Data\Z" You can find mods at various places. You download them. Maybe unzip them if applicable. You then put that mod folder into your Z folder. It CAN BECOME quite massive and cluttered. You can have a mods storage folder OUTSIDE of Z as you feel certain mods are not needed. You can rename the folders or add a readme of your own comments in the mod folder to remind you if you liked them. THEN you restart the CMFI so it loads the mods. You SHOULD only see the mods for scenarios if the scenario author used the corresponding modtag. Some mods are so awesome that you want to always see them and they don't have a modtag. These are generic mods for grass, tracers, trees, stuff like that. Most of my mods are modtagged and will only be seen in my scenarios. Good luck soldier! THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND WORDS!
  16. I will meet you at the park out in front of your apartment building. I am wearing a trench coat and dark glasses. Be careful. I think they are on to us... I will PM you!
  17. REPORTING IN SIR! I am working on a CMFI France 1940 Mod. I set the CMFI scenario editor date to the earliest it can go. 9 July 1943. I set quality to poor and purchase as a test 3 of the German Army Panzer Grenadier battalion 43A [motorized]. No panzerfausts. Lovely. Only G41's. Lovely. But somehow I still get 1 damn HMG42 sometimes. But overall it looks awesome for my purposes. If they could get that damn HMG42 out of there please.
  18. Looking back at Steve's posts, I see he remarked that other software developers make 5 times more than what he makes or has made. If I ever win Powerball Steve... Kohlenklau: Hi Steve, did you get the check? Steve: Yes Mr. Kohlenklau, I got it. Thank you sir. Charles is here...he says we'll have Early War ready very soon. Come on up to view the beta and we'll go out for lobster.
  19. I tried many years back and it didn't amount to zip diddly and we folded the tent.
  20. Yes, they'll do it but they will start with spring of 1918 and work backwards, they promise! The first basegame would have Germans and US Army. No winter terrain. The next module would have British and the next module would take it to 11/11/18.
  21. For the krau...I mean the axis, I will set the date in CMFI to July 9, 1943 and quality to poor. I buy a German Army panzer grenadier battalion. It looks like it gets me no panzerfausts and maybe 1 MG42 sneaks through in a battalion. But we CAN mod that to look like an MG34 in the UI and in 3D.
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