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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. So, you purchased the engine 4 update for CMFI. If that is correct go to that purchase order and download the full install for your platform and install that. Then you will be up to date in one install and all you will need to do is activate the engine 4 update and CMR2V that you also bought. The activations you already have for the base game and GL will still be there.
  2. I have not experienced this. I have done this on two high quality notebook computers. One I still have and one no longer with us In both cases I never had the game use the integrated card after I told it to use the better GPU.
  3. LOL I didn't notice they were different guests. Yeah, it is new and not very conducive to having a conversation. Ah well.
  4. Care to elaborate? LOL it's OK. It's an old debate. He's said his piece and I've said mine. Steve will make the final call. Or perhaps he already has since CM2 games don't have that feature
  5. None of the CM2 games have that feature. There was plenty of discussion about it after CMBN was released. The CM2 games have a mixed setting for QB which lets you pick whatever mix of force you like. In the modern games infantry have several AT options that can make it painful for an opponent to try to go all tank in a QB. The best cure for people who like to try to win with an unbalanced force is to kick their hinie with your balanced force :-) The problem with the combined arms (aka force spending limits) was the problem of wasted points - I am short just a few points to get another tank, what do I do with those wasted points. The mixed force solves that problem - I can just get that additional tank an spend a tad less on something else - no wasted points. IMHO the mixed setting is superior since it lets people actually select the forces they want and learn the value of a good combined force choice and not be forced into a box that someone else thinks makes a good combined arms force mix.
  6. Interesting the BFC website's home page shows this on FF: None of the other pages show that warning. @BFCElvis feels like either something on the home page is confusing FF (if Chrome has things right) or there is an image not hosted by https somewhere on that page that has been missed.
  7. A computer that has "solid state construction" and "a 6000 word memory". I love it. At the time that was cutting edge stuff. But by 1989 my HP calculator had better specs. Mind you the M1s from 1989 probably did too.
  8. Raise and lower the camera - perhaps? I was not aware you could use it for zooming. Z and X keys are for zooming.
  9. Welcome! I remember when I discovered CM. I was standing in a friend's office when he said to another friend "did you hear about the new Combat Mission Beyond Normandy that is coming out". I asked about the game and was left gobsmacked that I had never heard and they had never told me about the CM1 games . The three of us immediately bought or re-bought the CM1 games and played until CMBN came out. I wish I had known about them earlier - I would have been playing years more. I make a point of finding out what games those two are playing now
  10. Is that really a bug? Honest question. I viewed the choice of graphics card as up to the user and am unaware of programs having a say. Are you saying that games are able to directly choose the better graphics card to run on if two are present?
  11. Sorry @newplayerit's on my list but I haven't got to it yet...
  12. I agree with (on both counts) @z1812 spending more will not result in a measurable CM improvement so unless you need it for other applications a small step down would be fine for CM.
  13. I got to drive some first CF Iltis vehicles back in the 80s. Fun vehicle! The previous jeep (was actually a jeep) had all kinds of restrictions because it had a habit of rolling over (partly not a good vehicle and party gung how 20 somethings bombing around). The Iltis was fun to drive. It was small but agile we got to do some great off roading thanks to a farmer outside of Kingston. I went looking for a picture and found that you can still buy one surplus: https://www.autotrader.ca/newsfeatures/20171004/find-of-the-week-1985-bombardier-iltis/ OK that was 2017 so "still" might be optimistic
  14. Very cool. I am glad to hear that. As a teenager in the 80s there was a time when I was not so sure that our leaders nor the Soviet ones understood that. As I got older I came to realize they probably did - a big relief. I am glad to hear more confirmation that it was the case. Yeah, I am constantly amazed (but not really : - ) how much press "leaked" plans like this get. I don't mean old Soviet plans I mean in general. I am quite sure the Canadian Forces have plans that many people would freak out over and they aren't exactly a super power force. Every time I read stories about contingencies plans I say everyone chill out. Armies are supposed to plan for all kinds of scenarios. What matters is what our political leaders think and do.
  15. No. Steam is not involved at all as far as I can tell. The military contracts came via a partnership with Slytherine . That relationship working well lead to another partnership with Slytherine to bring CM games to Steam. Nope not a factor. Steve likes to surprise us some times. A perfectly valid opinion. Except - neither is released so we don't know that CMCW will come out before CMFR. And before you say something like "but no work should have been done on CW until FR was released" or some such that just does not reflect reality. Development of these games requires various projects to be on the go at different phases. That is a reality. LOL adding more stuff is how you get delays in a game. The whole we are late so we better add X is exactly how you end up with a project that gets delayed and delayed and delayed.
  16. It can be a mistake. Either in the available single vehicles or the manual. Also note that the list of available single vehicles depends on the date setting for the scenario so sometimes the vehicle that seems to be missing is there but not when you first though or it was removed form the theatre and is not longer there at a later time.
  17. LOL I suspect he was trying a little reverse psychology. @BFCElvis saw right through that trick
  18. Correct. This example the game already automatically supports. If a squad is out of contact with their immediate HQ will still be in C2 if their company HQ is close by. So, no need for special rules to be invoked. They will be able to area fire at the direction of the HQ they are attached to. Only the game will transfer contact icons and in the scenario of the "attached by us" HMG team you don't have to wait for those contact icons to get to the HMG unit you can direct the fire by the attached HQ. This is an interesting point. Under Iron the game can tell you if the attached HMG team is aware of the HQ unit - during play back. The other main objective of these rules is to not force people to keep track of stuff. You should be able to apply them just based on the state of the game while you are issuing orders. From that point of view I would say do not use the iron info to determine if the HMG team should be considered in C2 but use the rule's technique. Indeed. Good point. Obviously this system takes some trust between the players to work. Also, obviously even two well intentioned and trusting players may disagree. My personal feeling is that you can have a conversation with your opponent. Run through the issues in this thread and any hyptotheticals you like and come to some agreement on your interpretation. I would then see if you can have a port mortum after the battle and discuss anything that you had trouble deciding on. After a few rounds of that you and your opponent will likely come to more of an agreement or hate each other and never play again None of these rules cause a huge burden on you. I have played many games and used these rules my self and never even brought them up to my opponent because I find that they increase realism without a large burden or major disadvantage.
  19. Ack I was hoping to make your problem happen with a test build but there are other issues so I never get that far. Later if I can reproduce it with a test build I'll log it. In the meantime you know what to do already
  20. That sounds like a memory leak. I'll have a go at repeating it...
  21. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the February scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMRT: Last sunrise over Antonov CMSF2: USMC Just Around the Bend The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  22. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the February scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMRT: Last sunrise over Antonov CMSF2: USMC Just Around the Bend The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  23. Considering I had literally never heard of that feature I was wondering about this... So, I searched and found some discussion after CMBB was released about how people missed the shockwave animation from CMBO. LOL that was a long time ago man.
  24. The game looks for the Game Files folder in the OS's designated documents directory for the current user. If you use the OS to move that to another drive then the game will happily look for it there. I have a small SSD with my OS and various programs installed but it is really small so when I setup my machine I moved my documents folder using the Windows controls to my much larger platter drive. My CM games (other than CMBN) get their files from my D drive because that's where my documents folder is pointing to. Here is an MS article on how do it but if you search you can find many other descriptions and discussions: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/configuration-of-the-my-documents-folder-dfd9a90d-8f80-18d6-e7cc-f1566fc3b10b
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