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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Thanks for pointing that out. It makes for a nice looking forest. Is this a change to how trees are handled? What I mean is if, in the editor, I put down some Tree A into some tiles will I see a variety of sizes of Tree A in the 3D rendering or do scenario creators have more tree sizes to choose from in the editor?
  2. That sounds like a fun idea. Wow that might be a bit on the rich side but cool idea. Do you mean theblitz.org? Because if so, it is still going and there is a CM2x ladder now.
  3. Not to mention some crazy person will keep pressing the key to see what happens when they get to 100 minutes and then see what happens when you get to 1000 minutes.
  4. It has been while since we had any CMFI screen shots. I am always on the look out for good through the window view. Yesterday I saw this: During Men with Suspicious Hats my Troops began clearing a building complex and while they were doing that the enemy tried to with draw across a street near by. My guys saw what was happening and took aim.
  5. Interesting. Can you share why you think there will be a proportional change? Also on the subject of prediction: has the number of pre-orders been a good predictor for over all sales? What I mean is if you look at the pre-orders for CMBN and for CMFI and the sales in say the first n months is there a good correlation?
  6. I don't know of one. Bill has one that uses US symbols for everyone. I prefer one that uses US symbols for the allies and German symbols for the Axis but it is very out of date. I keep meaning to look at tweaking it but spend my time playing instead :cool:
  7. Oh man, I disagree here. How does encyclopedic information that you have to wade through help with ease or efficiency? It might be interesting, or even valuable the odd time but efficient or easy - I think not. For the record I personally am looking forward to hit decals and would gladly go another release without the encyclopedia that I never read.
  8. But this business is a resource balancing exercise. You have a certain number of programers and a certain number of artists, testers etc. You have a list of features the will take many many years. Someone (Steve) has to choose which things to work on. So when @JonS asks what feature you would have liked to have seen dropped that is *exactly* the kind of choice would have been made.
  9. Or try here http://www.theblitz.org/message_boards/forumdisplay.php?fid=221
  10. Yes, brilliant. Nice composite image showing all the movement orders.
  11. Indeed it is one of the goals of theblitz.org 's Scenario of the Month program to create some feedback. I think we can / should do better at encouraging that from happening over at theblitz.org. The tricky bit is that games end at different times so not everyone is ready to comment at the same instant. I'll think / ask about what we can do to make that part better. One suggestion that is being looked at is creating a dedicated sub forum for the Scenario of the Month to help make it easier to find and respond to comments. But now we are wondering off topic and talking about another site so I'll stop now...
  12. Good. I think a discussion about how to encourage comments is a good thing. I think we should acknowledge, though, that even if things are easy and the community offers encouragement the number of people who comment will still be small. It is kind of how we work (and by we I mean human beings). As we can already see from the comments of some scenario designers the threshold of feedback required to be motivated to create more varies from zero to higher than scenario designers are getting now. I suspect that even if we and BFC manage to make things better there will still be those that don't get enough feed back. Just saying I think that changes to the game and to the repository by BFC are probably the only thing that will truly have an impact. I repeat my suggestion linked above here for the record (this is a much better thread for this discussion IMHO). In the other thread Steve from BFC asked for ideas and I responded thusly.
  13. Interesting feed back. Don't be afraid @schwerpunktgrenadier if you label the thread what it is - and AAR then people will know the thread spoils the scenario and act accordingly. I have, on many occasions, skipped reading a thread that was on a scenario I was either playing or planning to play. I'll read them later. Just go for it - doing AARs on the forum can be quite fun too. Humm that is not good. This makes me think that feedback on a forum thread is a better way to go - because there is a bit of separation and you can declare that the thread contains spoilers.
  14. And an insane flurry of complaints on this forum about said cost.
  15. Sign up for the February Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMBN: MG Boldness Be My Brother CMFI: The Battle for Borgo Cascino final Forum post for sign up
  16. Sign up for the February Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMBN: MG Boldness Be My Brother CMFI: The Battle for Borgo Cascino final Forum post for sign up
  17. Add The Blitz to the list. I have several regular opponents whom I met on The Blitz.
  18. That would be good - I agree. I see the difficulty for sure - lots of fiddly bits to put into the game. OK how about this then. We know the key is to offer an opportunity to give feed back easily and at the right time (as in at the end of the game). How about having the game have a button that launches an URI which connects to the scenario's location in the repository. Or to a URI that auto appends to a forum post. That way the game change would be much simpler - get a URI from the scenario and let the OS find an app to open (aka browser) to take the user to a place that already exists. Of course that does mean changes to the repository. But you could skip all that too by allowing the scenario designer to specify the URI and then they could start a forum post just before releasing the scenario and include that URI in the shipping scenario and boom for the price of a new property in a scenario file an a button to launch the browser on the end game screen you have a way to collect well timed feed back. To make things even easier also put a command in the in game menu screen to connect to the scenario URI (same mechanism) that way it is easy while playing the game to comment on something right when it happens.
  19. Use @MadMike's Scenario organizer tool: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5098/details
  20. LOL I am pretty sure he is not part Swede Not meant to be a slight on you - my son would make an even better engineer than I ever did but he wants to play chemist instead. From what I have seen of his friends the next generation is going to be pretty damn smart - at least part of it anyway.
  21. Yeah always a tough question. You guys are in a better position to answer than I am. For what it is worth I have been using a 64bit machine for several years now but it only has 4Gb - I bought it just as the 32bit machines were starting to disappear. For me it is at the end of its life and I put together a plan to replace it several months ago - house hold comptroller vetoed the plan at the time but even she knows it needs replacing. I consider myself to be one who holds on to tech longer than my friends and then I don't buy the top, top end when I replace it. But I run with very tech greedy friends so my comparisons are a bit skewed
  22. Posted? Where? I don't see it in the threads nor do I see any new entries in the official screen shots page. We want to see that - please, pretty please. Where is my sugar?
  23. Yes, great suggestion but I could not use the IKEA idea because I actually like putting their stuff together. Not that I get a chance to - my son had been doing it with only limited assistance since he was in grade 4.
  24. I never thought about that. I guess I mostly play with people I trust - at least QBs anyway. I have run into some odd ducks (not in a good way) along the way that I would *not* trust.
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