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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. LOL this reminds me of a recurring conversation I had with a friend when I was 16. I would have completed a new miniature "the body is green and the tires are black, I put on some basic decals - I am good to go and ready to play" and he would respond with "no I am not ready yet, the mud on the fenders is not quite right, and I want to make the MGs look a little better".
  2. +1 to that As a collective no we are terribly inconsistent
  3. So true well said. Having said that I still want more every now and then I am reminded of my other hobby - photography. Recent digital SLRs have pushed high ISO to amazing places. But some how I still read people complaining that they want their camera to have less noise in low light situations. So, I break out some of the last pictures I took with film - my son's hockey team taken with ISO 1600 colour film. That is pretty much the fastest going and it look like crap compared to slower film. Now I can use my digital SLR at ISO 1600 without any concern and I can go way faster than that and get pictures that are better. And my camera is 6 year old technology the new ones can do even better than that. We never had it so good in Photography or War gaming. Yep. LOL thank goodness for that.
  4. Well there is a reason as discussed here http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=112956 especially after post #36. Actually if a tank's shell does hit a tree the tank now does adjust slightly and try again. That was a change made along the way to make this situation better. Well better for the PzIVs once they start shooting
  5. Try a Probe QB instead of an attack. My friends and I have done this and are enjoying the balance much better.
  6. Actually if the HT is not "open" he might just stay that way. Select the HT and on the Special command tab (I think) there is an Open toggle.
  7. The question is can he complete the buddy aid before another round comes in. It is a race - bandager vs loader.
  8. You can give passengers in a truck a dismount order and then they will get out before the vehicle starts moving. Will the same apply to tank riders?
  9. To me that looks like the game has it right. You are running the semi transparent tree mod. That gives you a very false sense of what the foliage is doing. I suspect if you took that mod out and looked at what the PzIVs can see you would see very little of the Sherman. As @womble said the trees will be covering a lot of the turret. Two tree trunks in front and a hedge obscuring the tracks. Your Sherman might only have 10% of itself visible. I would further guess that if you PzIVs started shooting those trees would stop or mess with the trajectory of a lot of their rounds. Hee hee, reminds me of a story my Father used to tell about umpiring war games back in the 60s and 70s (I forget if he was an umpire or part of the fighting contingent). Basically a US tank force (I do not remember how big) tried to push along a road in rough terrain and they objected to the umpire's call of how many tanks they lost by basically saying "but we out number them more than five to one". But the umpire pointed out that even though the Brits were out numbered over all the US could only get one tank at at time into a firing position due to the terrain they choose to move trough. Each time they did it was the Brits that out gunned that tank five to one. And the umpire ruled the road blocked to boot. It does not matter how may tanks or soldiers you have hanging around. It only matters how many you can get with sights on the target.
  10. Yeah, I think we have read the knowledge and understanding that you have available to give. Thanks for your explanations and entertaining our hair brained schemes (that, it turns out, you have already thought about ). It seems that there is not much to be done and that is too bad because it is the one place where I feel a disconnect with the game. I would not quite go as far a most games but the thing is if I play a game that has any kind of built up area then it occurs turn after turn. For example right now I am playing Men with Suspicious Hats and running into this problem of not being able to area target the face of buildings that my men can fully see (not partial but fully). They cannot see anything but the face of the building so the AS is not visible. But the enemy in the front of the building can see and fight my men in the street and then duck. Fighting in the streets becomes very difficult because I have to send men out into the street without proper suppressive fire against known enemy locations (by that I mean we saw guys in the windows 5s ago). Let alone add some speculative fire to other building fronts. So, while I understand that there is nothing practical that can be done at the moment, please understand that this issue is not marginal or rare. I hope one day you can make modifications that will make progress.
  11. To add to what @womble said: <alt>H turns on the hit text so you can see when any vehicle is hit and what effect it had sometimes I get down really low with the vehicle I am warching and sit the camera right above the turret with the tank selected With the above you can watch your loader load the gun (see the green crew text in the lower left corner), the gunner aim and fire then see the hit on the enemy vehicle. Also check out Vin's animated text - it is easier to follow the icons ran to read the text.
  12. But that is still 16 times bigger LOS tables plus many more combinations of tests. Just the kind of heaving computing load BFC are trying to avoid.
  13. Yep, exactly. More accurately have your mortar safely behind your lines give it a move order near where you wanted to hit, issue the target order then change the move order to right next to where the mortar already is. Instant mortaring of any where on the map. No delays, no spotting rounds. Yikes! Even I did not notice the connection between using my technique and what you could do with mortars. I payed around in testing and it was actually pretty scary what you could do. Someone actually PM'ed me and pointed out the problem and I just stopped mentioning the technique after that. Made me sad:( but leaving it in would have just been crazy.
  14. <your actual explanation snipped> Yes, for sure. Reordered: Which is the problem. When the enemy team ducks down I cannot give target orders to supporting units and keep their heads down. I have to wait until they popup again so my units are exposed and I cannot lay down the suppressive fire that I really should be able to do. You have expressed the issues with computational power etc that mean your options are limited to improve things. I get that. We are just shooting ideas around in the hopes that it inspires a way to solve the problem. I know, wishful thinking, since we don't have the detailed knowledge of how the system works. This has bothered me since I ran into it in my first major scenario and I have personally had a problem with this issue in pretty much ever game that involves more then farm or two that I have played. I continue to hope that some kind of change can be made that will make this less of an issue. Thanks for spending some time thinking about this and sharing with us some of the issues.
  15. That is not what he means. He is suggesting that buildings always have a "unit-type thing" that can be targeted. So when faced with an unobstructed view of a building you could target multiple points on each floor on the face of the building instead of targeting the centre of the building (which I guess you could so as well). That way when you see an obstructed view of a building you can still target one of the "unit-type thing" on each floor.
  16. Indeed - I actually think that you reset your 4 each time you buy a new module actually. And then you get an additional one if you claim it each year. I doubt there is a technical reason the cannot play against each other but I am pretty sure it is against the spirit of things. Which is this ^^^
  17. Bummer about loosing access to your bazooka amo. The tube guy can fire and load him self so no worries there. But the amo bearer that is a casulaty in the field will be a problem - it does not sound safe for buddy aid. If you do get the chance, just make sure you aid him with the tube guys or someone from his platoon.
  18. Bummer, thanks for the detailed explanation. Adding all that to the look up table would clearly not be work able. I am left with the same question though : if a unit in a building can see my men and then ducks down I can no longer target the front of the building they were just seen in. But it spotting only works between AS es that have LOS then how did those unit see and fire at each other in the first place?
  19. Yes, thanks - I am pretty sure I have read that kind of information before. Given that this (the inability to hit buildings that you cannot see the centre of) is an issue that I run into often, especially in an urban environment, I would like to see if there is something that can be tweaked. Interesting idea if it is workable it would certainly help. I had an alternate suggestion. Add 8 additional spots in each AS (so each would have 9 with the current one in the centre). Those extra 8 would be nothing more then target choices. They would *not* used for any of your current LOS or spotting calculations. So no additional load as the game just runs. But when the orders are being calculated for targeting using the area target tool then those other locations would be eligible to be the "other end" of the target line. Clearly a non trivial task but being able to aim at the corner of a building would be extremely helpful and probably put an end to this kind of frustrating problem during urban combat.
  20. This happens to me at least a couple of times a week. I often move my mouse away to the edge while I am working - it is a habit. Then when I switch to the game I can get surprised like that too. At least I know why it is happening though - the first time I was pretty confused since I never use that feature of the game as a navigation aid.
  21. Simple is good - thanks for clarification. Fair enough - just wondering what we were seeing. Sounds like more fun to be had during map building.
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