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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. That sounds interesting. I will have to try that. I have been pausing units when the start tiring or get tired.
  2. Yikes there are paint grogs too. Amazing. The variety of interests and pursuits we humans can get up to are truly astonishing. At least we are not boring
  3. Wow that is a tough question. I am not sure there is a definitive answer. I am not sure if bigger is the right way to put it. MG is centred around a specific engagement which I happen to find interesting. And it adds a new location - Holland. The CW module sure adds a lot of new vehicles etc. I really am not sure if having the MG module by itself would give you the same variety of units. I think I would miss the Canadians - but that could be just me:D I would say that is true. I do not recall if the time frame was extended for the CW module or not - might want to check that. It is a pretty big addition though. I guess I would say in the end you want both of them. If you are planning on getting one at a time I would say get CW and play the heck out of it and then get MG and keep playing.
  4. Indeed. And when you get that tank victory don't forget to stop for a moment to celebrate. Half the time I think our biggest problem is we fuss for hours about each time something bad happens to our men and just move on after something good happens. Then when we add up the bad moments and the good moments we don't get an accurate count. For example here is when something went really well for me: Not so well for my opponent. This is a really good demonstration of how important infantry is even though they do not play much of a direct role in the video it would not have been possible without them. My Royal Tiger Platoon was waiting on the back side of a hill for their infantry support to arrive before doing a little recon and then going over the top. They happily sat there for many minutes. Once the infantry arrived and unloaded the forest and field to their right lit up like a Christmas tree with enemy armour sound contacts. Wow, my opponent did not bring any infantry so he did not hear my tanks coming. Total annihilation of his flanking force followed. Of course having Royal Tigers helped But even the uber tanks had no clue where the enemy was until the infantry showed them the way.
  5. Actually I think I *do* have it right. I remember reading this (and manged to find it again thanks to Google): The thread it comes form is long and not as pleasant as this. There is also this thread which also discusses the grey targeting line: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=106668 Excellent advice. Especially regarding using infantry to find the enemy. They are awesome at hearing the enemy tanks. They will hear tank movement long before any tank crew. This means you get a feel for where to go look. Now this part I disagree with. I do sometimes use a cover armour arc to direct turrets but extremely rarely. What I prefer to do is make the last leg of movement ensure that the tank is pointing in the direction I want. So that as they move to their firing position they are already pointing the way they should. The trouble with using cover arcs for this situation is that if a surprise shows up off to one side you will be sad because your tank will ignore it. Back to agreeing with @womble again
  6. I spent lunch reviewing the various docs people sent me, translated and linked to. Very interesting. I find it interesting how different the armies tackled the same problem. And at the same time there are similarities as well. The German system has a very rich layering capability where you can combine multiple symbols together to add meaning. Well, all the systems can do that at least to some extent. The German system just seems to take it to the next level. The most interesting thing about the Soviet system is now operationally focused it is. Their system is not just showing the organization and then you put them on the map with arrows to show how things move, it has the stance built right into the system. With their system you can show the movements of large units right on the arrows because the basic infantry symbol is a line, when it is moving it has an arrow. If the infantry in moving in column then the line is long and you can decorate it with the supporting elements and symbols for the size. They have variations for infantry moving on offense, moving on offense - line abreast and moving on offense in a column (described previously), defense (no arrow). Very cool.
  7. It is possible to fire with a grey line. The grey line is telling you that the main gun does not have LOF to the target. So, while I don't mind firing at infantry when my tank has a grey line, it is a bad idea to engage an enemy tank when you only have a grey line. Being hull down *is* good for you - you have that right. In this case not have a solid blue line to the target meant that your tank would just be shot at - and eventually hit. IMHO correct. If your tank only has a grey LOF to the enemy tank, it is time to maneuver because, as you saw, sometimes the enemy can shoot you. I agree with @womble this is an edge case and you don't want to be on the edge. Your hull down position was pretty good but the enemy tank's cover was even better. If I had a blue target line I would have stayed to duke it out but with a grey line: time for some careful movement to break contact. Unless there is an obvious move that would allow for a blue target line. From your video and picture it does not look like that would be possible so I would have elected to break contact.
  8. LOL I am sure he would be directed to only drive the T34 on the cart path
  9. Is there any chance they were hit form a raised vantage point? If someone is shooting into the passenger compartment from behind it would explain things.
  10. And if they are from the same unit (i.e. They have the same immediate HQ) then they will have access to the amo just being in the same AS.
  11. Oh that is a good one. Currently I compensate for the fight between the driver and the gunner by trying to have the tank finish its movement orders facing the way I want the gun to be facing too. In the OP's case that just was not practical so it is good to have a way to get what we want. In general though it would be a nice Tac AI improvement to stop the gunner vs driver fighting that goes on. There is plenty of time to reorient the tank after the gunner has fired and the loader is doing his job. The other time this fight leads to bad outcomes is when the gunner decides to fire just as the driver stops the tank - boom big hole in the ground in front of the tank. All the gunner needs to do is wait just a bit before pulling the trigger. Please let the Tank commander call the shots and keep the driver from messing up the gunner's aim and keep the gunner from firing when the driver is trying to stop.
  12. Not sure about binocular use but I always though that for the purposes of getting hit by incoming fire you *could* rely on the graphic stance to indicate who is in harms way and who is not. Certainly standing vs prone seems to be that way. I don't know about you if I am using binoculars I have trouble seeing anything 8 - 10 m away. I'm looking much further away At which point I would expect my buddy to grab me an pull me down and say "what the hell are you doing the enemy is right there"
  13. Wow, thanks everyone. I knew there would be knowledge out there. @billy_sp I am glad to see you are actually working on your mod. It is my favorite mod out there I find it really adds to the atmosphere of the game. Given that you have lots going on how would you feel about collaborating? We could split the Soviet work and share via drop box. If you think that would be helpful send me a PM and we can connect via email.
  14. Excellent John that does look like it is the right info. I think the PDF posted in the other thread by @Terkin and the translation by @Regiment0 will suffice though.
  15. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I totally missed that. Thanks to @Terkin as well for the post - that is just the kind of thing that I was looking for. Oh just brilliant thank you.
  16. Oh sweet. You mean I don't have to update the exiting ones and create Soviet versions. That would be awesome. Lets hope real life gives you a window of opportunity.
  17. Now that looks really promising. It is not clear to me if this is freely available for if I'll need to purchase it. Thanks for putting me on the trail. When you get home if you could confirm it has what I am looking for I would be grateful. Thank you.
  18. Excellent, closest yet. Chrome did a pretty good job translating. It is armour centric but a good place to start. Thanks. This is more modern that WW2. I have no idea how much changed in those years. After all the US WW2 symbols are basically still in use today with tweaks for NATO so why not the WW2 Soviet symbols too.
  19. I actually tired that once and released Kaki version for the Commonwealth. The trouble with the different colours for nationality is that, at least in CMBN, the HQ and sniper units did not have nationality specific icons so you had to override all the icons and mixed forces looked odd. Tags might help prevent the need to move mods around but will not help with the HQ icons being shared between all allied nations. Bummer. I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
  20. I have seen the old truck or half track gets stuck loading when a member of a team wonders off. I have not seen that for a while but I just ran into a new stuck transport problem. All the members of the passenger teams are in the HT but the doors are still open and the HT will not follow its move orders. I know because I spent a long time checking to be sure. Then I unloaded all those guys - which worked and the doors closed. Then I loaded everyone back up - now I am back where I was two minutes ago doors open HT stuck. I am playing Frosty Welcome via PBEM and using version 2.12. I have saved turn files if anyone from BFC wants them.
  21. Yeah, I'm not sure what it really represents - other than you are out of luck as the game stands. I have been confused by that before too.
  22. None that I can see. I am pretty sure I have done that before. Is there any other damage? If your tank's weapons controls are destroyed then none of its armaments will work even if they each show green.
  23. For a while now I have been using a floating icon mode by @billy_sp which uses native tactical symbols for each army. By that I mean German units have the German tactical symbols and the Allied units have the US tactical symbols. Sadly though that mod was created before the new icons were added in 2.0. Fixing that has been on my todo list for quite a while. Now with the release CMRT creating a set icons for the Russians will push this up on my priority - may be The thing is I have not been able to find examples of the icons the Russians actually used during WW2. Does anyone know of a source? As an example of what I am looking for here are a couple of pages that show symbols for the Germans and the US. German http://orbat.com/site/ww2/drleo/011_germany/symbols/_symbols_43.html US http://www.history.army.mil/books/wwii/11-4/symbols.htm
  24. Indeed. Nice tutorial link @Mascisle good to file away. @FroBodine once you have the game and learned the mechanics of the game part getting better at beating up on opponents or the AI is even more challenging - but in a good way - as in its fun to get better at playing. Once you have played a bit and are comfortable with the game controls, camera etc. Check out these. Series of tactic discussion using CM from the Arm Chair General: http://www.armchairgeneral.com/combat-mission-battle-for-normandy-tactics-a-video-series And one of the regular posters here has an excellent tactics blog which includes CM exercises and playable scenarios. Very cool: http://battledrill.blogspot.ca/
  25. I was just pointing out that it is not really a big problem - didn't mean any thing other than that. I have no idea how much effort it would take. I am certain that it is non zero: therefore it is not worth the effort
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