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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. OK that is cool. I like the sound of your changes and I like that you dove in an tweaked things. Excellent. I only wish I had time to try it out myself - but with two new games starting and two scenarios I am already play testing but is just not possible right now. I look forward to hearing how this goes and perhaps even getting to try it out in a month or two:)
  2. Are those used any more? So many vehicles have thermal and night vision equipment now. Heck even infantry have night vision sights.
  3. But it is not a workaround. If the scenario designer has a whole village as the objective then you know you have a lot of work to do - you must clear the whole village completely and probably more so no one can sneak back into the village. If the scenario designer sets up three or four key buildings in the village as objectives then you know you have less work to do and you do not need to secure the whole area just some key points. You can then ignore stragglers in the village cause the designer told you they will not count. The CM2 way makes things clear - you own it or you don't. This give designers flexibility in deciding how much control you need to have over an area. The CM1 way was fuzzy - you never new what you controlled or what points you would get. This offered less flexibility to scenario designers. That's how I feel anyway.
  4. I just do not see a problem with doing that. ^^^ Yep +1 from me.
  5. Interesting, @Ultradave and @slysniper, that our experiences were very different. My long range dueling T34s - all five of them were KO'ed without destroying a single enemy tank. I am pretty sure I hit one but that's about it. Once I was on the occupy objective and up on the rail line near the touch objective to the left I just picked my opponent's tanks off as they moved. I did loose one more tank and some infantry but that is all.
  6. What you learned is that the German tanks are more than a match against the Soviet tanks at range. The German tanks spot better hit more often at long range. They also have a higher rate of fire which makes hitting more often even more powerful. So, if the Soviet player tries to go toe to toe with the Germans way across the map they will likely come up short. However if the Soviets use the terrain to shelter - even partially - their tanks and move out quickly to get into better positions with some cover and closer engagement range the advantage is reduced and then the Soviets tankers can get some head way. ***** Spoiler Alert **** What I did was dedicate a small number of tanks to move off slightly to the left to get long range eyes on the German route to the objectives. There is a little bit of cover there (hull down on the embankment or is it a rail line I forget). And a few on the high ground they started on. The rest of the force hauled ass towards the objective. I pretty much sacrificed those tanks that covered the movement but they got some rounds off and even hit something I think. It was enough of a distraction (even though they were all brewed up) that the main force was able to reach the occupy objective and get good cover and hull down locations along the rail line and in the trees. Then when the German force, tired of shooting my distraction forces, tried to move on the objective they found they were facing lots of guns at much closer ranges. I lost a few more tanks but I had enough in the right places that I won out.
  7. But it will at some point. CMRT has added the ability for the AI to be programmed to trigger based on what the player does. Presumably that will be part of the 3.0 update for CMBN and the 2.0 update for CMFI. Of course that has to be programmed into the scenario so it will not magically change existing scenarios.
  8. Ouch. Nasty - I lost a lot of my tanks there early with just Panthers behind that rise. I finally KO'ed that Royal Tiger - after 26 hits (estimate based on hit decals and counting the last few turns). Well the last three were holes so any one of them could have been the death blow. I had five T34 85s come up to hull down positions within seconds of each other to the side of that beast and lost three tanks before my guys "won" the duel.
  9. +1 - or allow acquire from "next" to vehicles instead of only "in" vehicles. Yeah, I have had similar issues from time to time. Definitely a game limitation - would be nice if it was dealt with some how, some day.
  10. Hee hee yeah my first assault on those buildings ended badly - really badly for me. I felt like knocking them down too. I am pretty sure you are clear to do so since the briefing says it is an occupy objective not a preserve objective. Agreed - I think this would be pretty hard as the Germans in head to head play though but loads of fun.
  11. One shot one kill eh? Easier said than done though. Right now I have been unable to even get a side hit. Now that it appears to be immobilized that should change. Mind you I have to fight my way through Faust and Shrek equipped infantry to get into position. That thing could have caused all kinds of havoc by then. It will be an interesting end game.
  12. As @Erwin suggests the version number is the most important factor. No PBEM will be playable if the two games are not patched to the same version number. After you have the same version number then, in order to play, you can only select scenarios or QB content that is available to both. So, in your example, you would be able to play any of the base game content.
  13. The game is a joy to play without working around Apple
  14. wow sounds really big - I like it. It will be a while before I can tackle this one - need a few current games to end and then find an opponent willing to go big too. Is there any armour involved? No spoilers just looking for a "none" or a "little" kind of answer.
  15. I too am playing this H2H as the Russians. I have all my objectives and am rolling up the final resistance. The issue is that Royal Tiger. I have given it one hell of a pounding and cannot take it out - grrrr. My opponent had two tigers and the Royal tiger plus at least one JPzIV on his right flank. I was having trouble dealing with then from long range so what I did was just blast HE at them from multiple directions and multiple tanks to the point that they could see nothing. I kept up this insane level of fire for many minutes while other forces worked at picking apart the defense. I must have immobilized everyone up there because no one ever came out. Once my guys ran out of HE the 76s were close enough to smoke the hill. The trouble is every time there is a gap in the smoke that dang Royal Tiger KOs one of my tanks. It is the only thing left alive up there and I am now taking advantage of the last of the smoke to get as many T34s up close and personal as possible. It will be a wild finish. I'll try to remember to get a shot of the front of that Royal Tiger when the smoke clears.
  16. Woah, impressive. I mean the no casualties part. Nicely done.
  17. Humm the 2.11 manual is a little light on that (pp18): Basically the points for each side are equal for a Meeting engagement in the other battle types the attacker gets more points with Probe being the smallest advantage and Assault the largest point advantage to the attacker.
  18. So true. Indeed! Guys, we all know the specific issues. We have all read about them. Some of them are things that BFC can work on and improve (and the have: like the spotting ability of tanks or the spotting cycles increased when units are in close proximity) and others are design limitations that cannot be addressed with the current computing power (like the centre of the action square area targeting issue). Think about what we do have, as @Zebulon Pleasure Beast II, says we have a really amazing environment with FoW and relative spotting. And as @Broadsword56 says "embrace the suck", what a brilliant turn of phrase. I fear that even if all these "issues" were "fixed" there would still be complaints. After a while they all sound like "my guys didn't see X and they died" sour grapes. Yeah we get it there is a chance they should have seen X but are you really sure it is 100%? How many of you have crossed the street or driven though an intersection and had an "Oh ****" moment. How did you miss that buss right there? Well I'll tell you how: people don't see everything - they just don't. And if you think soldiers are any different then how come there are friendly fire incidents or ambushes? Bottom line if everything does not happen to perfection just chalk it up to war is hell and keep on keeping on - you will be happier. You are not going to get perfect performance from your guys - so stop expecting it.
  19. Yes, at one point in the skill level ladder the artillery goes from fast to more realistic timing. I forget exactly which level that happens at but it is spelled out in the manual.
  20. Yeah but I was trying to catch that Tiger platoon under it. Great story about the kubelwagon. I feel better now - a little
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