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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. ^^^^^ What he said. After the whole craziness of the bridge way point mess (the root cause of which was AMD not implementing the OpenGL spec) and hearing Phil's fun with shaders I resolved that my next card would be an Nvidai. Not that I am expecting a panacea but the game I play is OpenGL based so it makes sense to base my purchase decision on that.
  2. No, I do not believe that is how it works. The activation count is stored on the BFC server(s). The scrubber just forces an activation to be required - which will phone home and reduce the count. My experience with the BFC help desk has been that if you chew up your count because of some problem they will help you out. So, just don't worry about it. Install and activate as needed and if an activation fails contact support and tell them what is going on. Like I said I only had a problem once but they were really great and did what they needed to do to get me up and running again.
  3. They used to disappear from the panel when they became casualties. Now the only disappear when they receive buddy aid. It makes it easier to tell who was hit and what weapon the squad lost. This is one of those interesting features: lots of people asked for it and once it was in CMRT about the same number said the did not like it.
  4. That was my first reaction too. Oh interesting point. I had personally just written that feature off and not going to happen - now I have hope again - dang it:D
  5. Submitting a help desk ticket is absolutely the right thing to do. They have always helped me out. Stick with it and they will help you resolve the problem.
  6. I would use the phrase "game immersion changer" my self. I am surprised how much I really like having them - I for one did not really thing I would care about it much but there ya go I do...
  7. Nice, the anti virus software that prevents you from making use of your computer. Oh, not useful commentary - sorry Here is what I do to deal with this on the machine that has anti virus software: I setup a special directory for BattleFront games (since it is the only game I play) and tell the anti virus software to ignore anything in that directory. That way I can install anything from BFC and it all just works.
  8. Yes, I really like that feature in CMRT. It makes adjusting AT guns really straight forward. I was even able to setup guns on the back side of a small line of trees, wait for them to setup and then roll them forward into their firing positions once they were ready. Much safer than spending n minutes setting up on the front side of the treeline.
  9. Yeah, I have no real inside knowledge but I suspect that ran right into "upgrades don't add units just game play features" policy. I have a game going right now in CMFI where a building is being pounded by a SP 105 gun - there are little frames burning on the second story right now. Just like in CMRT where you get those small fires on the ground after a big explosion. I think that is a clue.
  10. My bold - to agree! That would be great. Yep, totally true. I was just hoping it would be there for the other nationalities not because I plan to have my British and American troops ride into battle but for larger maps some impromptu taxing would be nice. Nice not necessary but I like nice
  11. Cool, I look forward to seeing how this plays out. I agree with your philosophy of offering full scenario editing capabilities and not hobbling things. Or worse Adobe's subscription model where if you stop pay the program does not even run. Thank you, thank you for not going the subscription route.
  12. Same here, I was disappointed when I heard about the no tank riders decision.
  13. Are you serious? Do you not understand that the normal way things go in the gaming industry is that CMBN would be released and patched for a while and then that would be that, nothing more, ever, for that game. Done. Any other company out there would be offering us CMRT all shiny and new and leave CMBN and CMFI alone, never to get any improvements. You make it sound like there is no work to be done to release new features in CMBN and CMFI but nothing could be further from the truth. I for one applaud BFC's efforts and appreciate their work.
  14. Glad to hear things are working for you guys. I found a similar thing - after installing the initial launch had the MG stuff greyed out. I shut down and restarted and all was well.
  15. The big one we know will not work is Vin's Animated text mods - so don't forget to remove them until a new version comes out. PS when I say know I mean they never have and he has said himself that they most likely will not. By that I mean I am so sure they will not work I don't even test them I just remove them PPS I am really looking forward to getting a compatible version though as it is my all time favourite mod.
  16. I downloaded the CMFI update at 1928 Eastern and the file name does *not* have the 'B' at the end.
  17. One of the games I have going was successfully upgraded - just pay attention to the correct procedure: Open the email file in the original version - watch the replay Press the big red button Save the game during the orders phase Open the saved game in the new version - give your orders Press the big red button And more importantly coordinate with your opponent!!!!! Also note you can successfully have both versions of the game installed. Take the game you have that is working and copy the directory - give it a sensible name. Install the upgrade and point it to one of the copies you now have. Now you can run either version. The only draw back for CMFI and CMRT with this method is that the new version will see all your older versions games in the saved games list - so watch out for accidentally opening the turn in the wrong version.
  18. Demands might be too strong - encourages for sure. I guess if you have little kids it is closer to demands. It is definitely the case that holidays are largely taken during the summer here. I notice it in my commute; traffic times are better during the summer and then come September I really notice traffic slow down.
  19. Sounds like you found a defect here - it would be good if we can isolate the issue and report it. Am I following this correctly it work on Windows but no on Mac. Although @Juju says it worked for @Ultradave so that seems odd too. I do not have a Mac so I cannot test this. Also I have never tried tags out so I am even more in the dark than you guys but I would like to help get is into the defect system so it can be looked at. @Buzz can you send me the file that worked and the one that did not work? I can dl the @Juju's package. Send me a PM and I'll send you my email so you have a place to send files.
  20. @Erwin's example above fits right in. Don't get me wrong if I have a source of 9mm at the beginning of the game I distributed it around as best as I can but I also stock up on MG rounds too. I find by the end of the game my German MG42 equipped squads that I started out with 2500 rounds are often drifting down to 500, 300, 100 rounds sometimes. My play style is go slow and fire a lot at as long a range as possible. By the time I get there I want the enemy to be gone one way or another. Of course my guys got caught just yesterday in close against a Thompson wealding enemy - what a mess. The first team got to close and lost a man but managed to take out some of his mates and scare him off. But sadly for me he ran right into another team of mine trying to flank that position. I watched in horror as he wiped them out - all within 20m. So, much much to close.
  21. Amazing. My son played on a hockey team once with the son of a member of JTF2. His Dad and I chatted often during practices - always unclassified stuff He used to tell stories of joint training exercises with various US special forces teams and one of the things they used to do for fun was have "who can hit targets with pistols from the longest distance". Basically they would run elimination rounds at progressively longer and longer distances until only one of the managed to hit the target. Crazy ranges.
  22. Hilarious - good last advice though. On my marginal machine I still used lots of graphics mods. It did not seem to effect much. My best advice for marginal machines is "don't be afraid of turning down the graphics settings". Sure the game will not look as good but it sure beats being frustrated with a sluggish game or a locked up system. Very true. The other mod I would recommend is Vin's animated text mod. I find that to be the single best mod out there. While I miss other mods - especially Juju's excellent work - Vin's animated text not being installed is like listening to feedback every time I look at what my troops are doing.
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