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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. But he just recorded a simple video feed - one possible camera viewpoint, zoom, angle, unit selection of an infinite number of possible choices. That could be. I think what @womble is talking about is what would be needed for a full free camera movement across a 3D landscape play back experience. Frankly unless clearly specified otherwise that is the only conclusion to reach as soon as someone says "WEGO has playback". If you are talking about just recording what flickered across the computer screen as play back well that is something different and you might as well handle that with an existing 3rd party app.
  2. CMT ? I know I'm going to feel dumb when you tell me. Or is it Country Music Television?
  3. Hummm, this is probably best on the tech sub forum but if you don't get any ideas from here make sure you log help desk ticket- they *will* help you sort it out: http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/ One possibility is anti virus software could be preventing things from loading up properly. Check to see if it quarantined anything.
  4. Oh yeah good point @Sergei that was pretty cool. I had never played such a small scenario via PBEM and it was a nice change of pace.
  5. It never occurred to me - I just reach for the volume nob on my speakers. But if I did not have that it would be difficult flipping back and forth between the OS and the game to get the volume adjusted. Perhaps they will some day - in the mean time speakers with a volume nob work really well
  6. That would be the first place I would suggest changes to. Yep, same. When CMBN came out I played for a while and then tried to make scenario and discovered that making a game map from a topo map or areal photo was insanely hard and slow. This was the days before the map overlay. I played the game instead. Once the map overlay feature was added I actually built some maps. It was pretty enjoyable actually. So, I am not convinced that improvements to the scenario editor would not result in more people making scenarios. Working with the AI editor is difficult I think of it as editing a novel when you can look at only three sentences at a time. When you work on a group's AI plan you can only see one order at a time not the whole thing on the map. And you have multiple groups each with multiple orders. Improvements there would be very helpful. I would like to be able to see a group's entire set of orders at once and have the painted area on the map highlighted as I change my order selection. Heck having more then one group's orders on the map at once would be very helpful too. And painting trigger objectives while in the AI editor - yeah nice too. More flexible copying, group modifying of times (all the rest of the orders need to happen x min sooner than I originally had them set to) delete, insert of individual orders. Then there is finding a way to use the game to generate some graphics for the tactical map... Like I said I am not convinced that there is no one out there who would like to create scenarios but isn't because the UI makes things difficult for them in some way.
  7. I was just using them yesterday and watching them fire is a thing of beauty - with two missiles in quick succession against and M1 even APS it not a ticket to a free ride. I hope you can figure out how to get them to fire. They do take a long time to aim so they really need some cover to ensure they spot first - those M1s are quick on the draw. I try to set them up like I do AT guns - with key hole LOS to an area were the enemy is likely to move past.
  8. I'm just pointing out that some of this stuff is tracked per solider because you can combine an OK team and a Nervous team and get some thing for the whole squad and then you can split them apart and still have an OK team and a nervous team. Just like you can have some members of a team surrendering while other keep fighting. Pinning is the same if you split a pinned quad they will not necessarily all be pinned (obviously sometimes they are all pinned it depends on the situation). I think we are seeing a status in the UI that reflects some kind of summary or worse case but that underneath all this stuff is tracked per solider.
  9. Yes, this is an area with opportunities for improvement for sure. There is no specific support for multiple players per side but there is a manual process you can do using play by email (PBEM) - no one uses email anymore though, use a file sharing site like Drop box to move the turn files around. Here is an example of what you can do. This works for quick battles or scenarios. Fire up the scenario in PBEM mode. Make sure each side agrees on how the control of the forces will be setup and start out as usual - first turns in a scenario are often just pick the password so we'll just skip to the setup phase. The first player on that side should setup and give orders to their portion of the force and the save the game (no pushing the big red button BRB) and pass the saved game (the .bts file found in <your documents folder>\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Black Sea\Game Files\Saved Games) to their partner who opens the saved game and sets up their portion of the force and give their initial orders. When they are done the push the BRB and generate the .ema file which the send to their opponents. The first opponent opens the .ema file and setups up their portion of the force and saves the game (no pushing the BRB) and passes the .bts file to their partner who does their setup and initial orders and pushes the BRB. The resulting .ema file is then send back to the first team and on from there. So if Jane and Amy are playing against Bill and Fred once the game gets going things will look like this: A new turn (.ema file) arrives for Jane and Amy: both players watch the new .ema turn to see what happened and begin to think about what they will do. Jane presses the BRB after watching the turn. She gives her portion of the force her orders and saves the game and gives the file (.bts) to Amy. Amy closes the game after watching the turn and waits for the .bts file to arrive from Jane (she pesters Jane incessantly over chat to hurry up) Once Amy has the .bts file she opens it and give orders to her portion of the force and presses the BRB which generates a .ema file which is sent to Bill and Fred A new turn (.ema files) arrives for Bill and Fred.... Continue from step 1 but with Bill and Fred instead of Jane and Amy (except Fred is much to nice to pester Bill) So, a manual process with some room for screw ups but pretty doable - as long as your friend Amy does not drive you nuts.
  10. More sub forums does not always mean better. Then you have people posting in the "wrong" forum and you have people not reading all the sub forums and missing relevant stuff etc.
  11. Wow that was a while ago (yes the basics of Drop Box are the same). Do not bother with that Sync Toy thing now. Use Whose Turn Is It?: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/110328-announcing-whose-turn-is-it-a-pbem-turn-management-program/ Or the more popular CMHelper: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jvh9sx2zla2k0eq/S6LZaVAw_7 http://gregories.net/CMHelper/User%20Manual/CMHelper.html
  12. Thank you. Your result is impressive. The best I have seen and some of the testers did pretty well but no one managed to loose only on soldier. Wow! The friendly bonus is just a way to make sure if you cease fire early as the US you don't win. I forget if it is programmed for a draw or a loss if you cease fire early. Not big issue 'cuase who would want to do that? That is what it is for. Go a head, good catch actually. Try it from the Russian side and see if you can do as well.
  13. Thank you. The window for editing of posts is limited which works to keep the record straight but not for fixing up links etc.
  14. I put mine up here: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118057-nato-tactical-symbol-icon-replacements/
  15. Mine are ready - read about it here: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118057-nato-tactical-symbol-icon-replacements/
  16. They are ready. Since there is no repository yet I have attached the .zip files here - they are only 400K or so each. Here is the key: I have a mod for the US including Ukraine (both red and blue sides) and a separate mode for the Russians. My eventual plan is to create a Russian tactical symbol set because my preference is to play with the symbols used by the given army. I do not know how long it will take me to get there but it will be a while. US and Ukrainian icons CatTacticalIconsCMBSUSNato.zip Russian icons CatTacticalIconsCMBSRussianNato.zip
  17. You might be able to do it the old fashioned way on your smart phone: type the code in your self: [spoiler] stuff you want hidden [/spoiler]
  18. Oh I hate that fire just as you halt thing. My first friendly fire casualties were because of that - what a WTF moment. I agree with @womble move fast to get to the good place and then set your pause and withdrawal orders. I do use hunt sometimes to move tanks up: if I am moving them to a place I want them to stay like the edge of a forest or a good hull down position covering some spot. In those cases I will use hunt so that if they do see something on their way they will stop - after all they can see the enemy and that was the idea.
  19. I think the fact that we have such a full featured editor available speaks volumes that BFC think there is a benefit to them to have as many people as possible create scenarios. That benefit extends to all of us. Having said that (please also note I do not speak for BFC in any way so my reasoning may not match theirs at all), making a map conversion tool is not as easy as flipping a bit/byte. Yes, I know you guys have had success, fine but as you noted lots of stuff does not convert a legit tool would have to deal with that in a safe manner. There would likely have to be some user influence about converting or stripping flavour objects or certain buildings etc. Plus, there would be some kind of support needed. Things could get interesting. For example earlier someone mentioned that high bocage worked in CMBS. What if that was just luck and a future clean up takes that away and now your maps crash the game. Yuck. If they create an official tool they have to deal with that and deal with the crash later. Heck if you guys hack it and create a scenario that later crashes - guess what they might have to spend time dealing with that too (because people who are not in the loop will log a support ticket that scenario xyz crashes their game, please fix). I hope those waves are not too negative for ya
  20. I do not believe that it is. I am sure the suppression indicator shows the "worst" experience of the squad. I have on more than one occasion had a squad "pinned" that I split and then I have one team "pinned" and the other team(s) are not. They are usually close by and have some suppression but not as bad as the pinned guys.
  21. Nice dolls - those are going to get wrecked pretty fast. As usual looking really good.
  22. Finally first contact in the latest restart of my game. Yeah predictable 2 jeeps + loads of 20mm = two destroyed jeeps multiple casualties and one spotted Lynx. Now where did I put those Shermans in the convoy?
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