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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I for one am watching with great interest. I am sure I am not alone. My concern is the amount of record keeping. I'll try it out at some point to see if it really is a problem for me but that will likely be after thr Bulge game comes out.
  2. Not to mension the reaction to the first batch of previews triggered a rather negative discussion. I'm not sure how much of a factor that might be but I know I'm not motivated to discuss the buldge title here.
  3. Yeah, that one is a bit of a mystery. Thankfully it only happens rarely. At least I only see it rarely.
  4. One thing we can do is take our own screen shots and load them into http://www.color-blindness.com/coblis-color-blindness-simulator/ .
  5. Purple on purple fire is never good Seems like customizable colours would be a Good Thing for any future UI revamp
  6. Oh man there just is not enough time... I have two ideas in various stages of research (yeah not even a map yet) for scenarios that would use the vehicle pack. I'm just playing and testing too much. Sorry hopefully I'll get there some day.
  7. PBEM campaigns is not a supported way to play My number one feature request - see my sig
  8. AV vendors no longer emphasize detecting known viruses but rather preventing any suspicious activity where suspicious is defined and anything new . It used to be that AV software scanned for known viruses and that was it. Two things happened - the malware writers started changing their programs a lot (so they would not match the AV program's signatures) and they started getting trickier about getting onto the victims computers (as in not just piggy backing on pirated software or similar). The AV software guys responded by not only looking for known bad signatures but flagging anything that heuristically behaved anything like the tricky malware guys. The trouble is anything out of the ordinary flags their heuristics - my guess is the DRM is the big culprit here. I am no fan of DRM - but I understand it is necessary. Increasingly I am even less of a fan of lazy AV software that is basically flagging everything as bad that it does not know about in advance. It is a sad state of affairs that we would not use or play software from a legitimate business because some AV software company would rather deny you that than risk letting something 'off' get through (or more likely because they don't want to spend the time to make sure legitimate software can be used - like I said lazy). As for a solution - here is what I do now. I am using a PC. I have a separate directory where I install all my Battlefront games called you guessed it "Battlefront". I spent the time figuring out how to tell my AV program not to mess with anything in that directory or its sub folders. Now whenever a new game or a patch or an upgrade comes along it all goes into that directory and I no longer have mysterious problems with stuff not working for my games - and I do not have to remember every GD time I change something to poke around with the AV software. So tell your friends that if they invest some time, once, navigating their AV software and create a directory where it will stay away from you can have a good experience with Battlefront games - and probably other games too.
  9. Careful about acquiring all the missiles, that will slow you AA team down big time. I usually tuck the Hummer away under cover and take two or three missiles at a time. You will know when they fire because there is a distinct sound and a long smoke trail. Not firing from the Hummer has more to do with wanting a stable platform than flat bed truck or not.
  10. And I am confident that they will. I would not consider holding off starting a game unless BFC announced at patch was on its way. Even then I probably wouldn't because why delay having fun? It is really easy to have two versions of a game installed (and only slightly challenging to make sure you play your turns with the right version) plus I can count the number of problem I have had upgrading PBEM games on the fingers of one hand and still have four left to count other things So I recommend just playing and having fun. If a patch does happen to come along while you have a game going you have to really good options to continue having fun.
  11. I have put sacks, boxes and farm equipment inside barns. We need to request couches and book shelves though
  12. Ah, I don't follow. How can you be sure that Sherman is not KO'ed from that clip? I see plenty of enemy vehicles icons stay normal for quite a long time and continuing to move after a hit is not an indication - I have seen that many times too. Did I miss something else? Note: I have not read anything in Bil's thread yet so I have no idea what the condition of that Sherman is and I will make no further comment after I do read his thread so as to not inadvertently give anything away.
  13. No and yes. In the newer titles the two parallel installs will see the same saved files so you need to keep track of which game you are playing with which version but with CMBN even that is not an issue. Good luck
  14. This looks pretty cool. While I do understand why people want ammo type and ranges etc on their weapon silhouettes I really do not like it much - too much stuff and the are gets cluttered too fast. I hope you choose to make those optional.
  15. Yeah, and I was bad and got distracted and then forgot about it. Sorry. Ken are you OK with continuing on with this - you are most likely going to be reliable.
  16. And the other times if the camera had not rotated it would have been better
  17. Lack of fire, abstracted rooms and unable to destroy all objects, serious that makes the game less playable? You should right your own review then. I would expect some criticism that your review focused to much on things that were not very important for play ability . I still don't get why people say that the game looks bad - confused - the screenshot threads are full of great looking shots.
  18. Oh cool, I'll read that right away. I was wondering where the reviews were. Really it is a global thing for reviewers to take their time though, that usually result in higher quality reviews.
  19. That other manual will probably help a lot with the learning curve. Mind you so can this place so keep asking questions - we all learn stuff that way. Indeed, the way the terrain combines to create so much variety is pretty cool. Have fun with that one - save a few FO's lives.
  20. That sounds like something @sburke or @slysniper could have written here. Maybe they just used more words.
  21. I do not think that is the intended outcome. Given that I have seen lots of burning BMP3s (oh who are we kidding they don't burn they explode) done in by M1s and I have *never* see that could you please reproduce it and save the turn so that others can see it and report it. Please.
  22. CMBN ships with two manuals. One for the engine and one for the title. Just FYI in case you might have missed it.
  23. I like artillery Yeah the keys are to make sure you know where the other guy is, make sure you FO / HQ has good visibility, find the FO / HQ that can offer you the shortest call time and find a way to hold the other guys there while you are waiting for the good stuff. The first part is relatively easy - scouting. You can find the enemy even when you don't want to. The second part can be tricky - keeping your FO safe and close enough to see well. Several things help: give the FO a short circular cover arc so they don't go trying to shoot any thing they see, keep them behind an infantry screen (the enemy will want to shoot the guys shooting at them) and remember the FO does *not* need to have LOS to the area while you are waiting for the battery to get prepared. I often move the FO up to make the call and then pull back to sold cover for a while and then move back for the spotting rounds. That third part is the trickiest. You need a way to keep the enemy in the artillery kill zone. Sometimes it is not too bad because they are defending and so you can keep them there by not pushing to hard but attackers need to be slowed down with MGs and rifle squads. Or you can try to time their advance and call the artillery a little ahead of where they currently are. Target Reference Points (TRPs) also help when you are on the defence since you can set them up where you are pretty sure the attackers will be coming and they make the time between calling and rounds falling much shorter.
  24. You forgot option 3) they only caused friendly fire casualties.
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