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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Actually it is not really. A version with no DRM is available form Adobe but it is there for the use of legal owners since Adobe decommissioned the DRM servers. Anyone else is not legally supposed be using it. Here is the official Adobe announcement: https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/cs2-product-downloads.htmland the relevant quote Just so ya know. I totally forgot about PhotoShop Elements - also a good lower cost but very capable option
  2. Oh I am sure it is baked in. And as you say only Charles knows but I strongly suspect that changing the code to allow each team to spread its members over two AS would be considerable less work, and have less wide ranging effects, than changing the AS size to 4X4 or 2X2. Note I am not trying to say it's easy I just think it would be a more likely path forward. Assuming BFC decides it really is necessary. Like you have said I am also not sold on this as a pressing need. Now mind you moving to smaller AS size is attractive to me to help solve other issues with LOS and LOF especially in urban environments. One day some tweaks in this area would be nice. Perhaps an alternative would be to follow the lead of finite element analysis where the mesh size is made finer where needed around areas with more detail (in our case forest edge and urban streets) and more coarse where it is not (such as fields and other open spaces). But really we are just spit balling cause none of use really know what might work or how much effort it would really be.
  3. I have never counted so far my vehicles have only run out of smoke a few times but like I said I'm not counting. Might be an interesting experiment to see how many launches each vehicles carries.
  4. Welcome aboard. Avoiding those "free" versions of PS is a good idea. There are other moders that might be able to give you better recommendations - I have only ever worked with modding icons. I use Paint.Net for basic stuff but I used Artweaver for icon work ().%C2'> A more capable app that might be worth considering is Paint Shop Pro. It is a very capable piece of software. I used it years ago for photo editing before I spent the big bucks on Photo Shop.
  5. Oops I did not mean to necro this old thread I was trying to add information to another one. Nothing to see here move along...
  6. I should have added a couple of links. My similar question last year with possibly relevant comments: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/109269-looking-for-video-card-advise/. A discussion about optimizing graphics driver settings: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118549-performance-optimization/#entry1589327
  7. As far as I can tell there are two issues with that. One, not everyone has a fancy new machine and BFC want the game to run on lesser hardware. Two, this is not a trivial change at all. The size of those AS is the core of how the scenario AI works, how the Tac AI works, how the terrain is rendered and on and on. If they decide this is a good idea it will be a big deal and lots of work.
  8. Yeah, I don't think I have seen a Sherman survive a single Panther hit let alone two. Good and lucky is a killer combination
  9. Naw, he was under a criminal investigation involving art stolen by the Natzis. When the investigators raided his properly looking for the art the found a few on things and called the appropriate authorities. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jul/03/nazi-panther-tank-and-flak-cannon-seized-in-raid-on-collector-in-germany
  10. Indeed but Ken and Vin have created something worth discussing so riff off of that.
  11. Do you mean rejoin teams back into squads? Details, details. But seriously right now when you move a squad you see the way point attaches to a specific AS and you see the other one or two AS get highlighted to show where the members of the squad will roughly end up. I would propose nothing changes except that each team might place guys in two AS instead of one. So to rejoin you do as you do now give the teams an order to the same way point and they join back as a squad once everyone gets there. In my idea the squad might actually spread out over four or five AS instead of two or three.
  12. From a game long long ago but it still sticks with me. Two US soldiers are all that is left on the bocage line their squad mates lie around them - as causalities from the German assault. The Germans are now running hard towards them. Help is on the way but in a straight race the US squad coming to help will not make it before the Germans get there. I watched at the edge of my seat as one of the remaining soldiers dropped his weapon and through up his hands. The one remaining active US soldier kept his wits about him and kept firing. He managed to cause a casualty and the enemy faltered some of them even turned around to run back. His heroic action was enough to slow the Germans down so that help arrived and the Germans were pushed back.
  13. Interesting I never thought of doing that but pointing you side armour towards the enemy sounds dangerous to me. I'm not sure if I could bring my self to do that
  14. One thing that you can do right now is use shorter move segments. The coga line thing gets worse the longer the distance the squad has to move. So if you give a squad a move order that is 500m they will spend a large portion of that distance single filing. If you instead give many moves that are 16-24m long each they will do it a lot less.
  15. One other possibility is to stay with 8m X 8m but change it so that a team can be in any two adjacent AS - that would double the possible placements for soldiers without us having to direct each solider. That would mean a three team squad would be able to occupy more then three AS. Still a bunch of dev work but will not increase the CPU requirements by the same factor as moving to 2m X 2m squares.
  16. One map uploaded scenario to come. I already have feedback and questions: where do you want that posted? Here is clearly not the place.
  17. I'm sorry are you delusional? Seriously, there is plenty of criticism on these forums, lots of good discussion. The only thing that gets scorn is rudeness. Stop being rude and you won't get scorn. Man do regret "viewing that anyway".
  18. Brilliant, we win - hilarious. You managed to create an argument as pointless and childish as his and win doing it nicely done. Now if he would only admit he has been bested and more along.
  19. For item 4 you can also give a face command in a new direction and then the pop smoke command and the vehicle will face the new way and then pop smoke.
  20. Great stuff BTR thanks. Sounds like I am still keeping them too close. I will work on that.
  21. Great thanks, sounds like an uninstall bug. I'll look at it. WTII does check for an appropriate version of Java and then try to install it, if it is not there yet.
  22. Bandwidth limits? Did you run the uninstall program? If you did then there must be a bug in it. What version of windows are you running? If you did not then the issue is the launch short cut in the start up program group that no longer connects to anything.
  23. OK I realized I have a large turn for CMBN to play and I can easily copy the whole setup from my SSD drive to my HD drive and test this out. I have 5.4Gb of mods so less than Umlaut but still a good number. I tested this by loading the turn three times for each copy of the game. The turn file itself is huge 134Mb - yes I typed that correctly this is a big map with an unbelievable amount of units on it. The SSD drive averaged 3:22 to load the turn and all the mods that went with it. The HD drive averaged 3:42 to load the same turn and the same mods. In each test all the files were on the same drive - the.exe, the mods and the turn file. I am not really surprised at the result most of the load time is CPU work and not IO.
  24. I find it mind boggling that this seems to escape people. Or I guess the other interpretation is they like conflict and seek to cause it for their enjoyment. That is pretty much the definition of trolling. The crazy thing is it is so clear that some people are so far out in left field that they think their opinions are some how better than others and or refuse the listen to facts instead insisting on holding ludicrous positions while at the same time totally missing the criticism and requests for improvements that others have made staking out the silly claim that they are the one and true critic and others are just yes men. It really is simple. Read and understand before you open your mouths - that way you will see that many of the requests you have made are also being made by others - often the same ones you want to battle with. When you do decide to make a suggestion make it respectfully instead of like a jerk. Then you might get a discussion going instead of push back. Make sure you keep in mind that you might actually be wrong about something - that way you can actually participate in the discussion instead of clinging to not quite right ideas. Oh who am I kidding these guys are not going to be able to get past step one. Actually @agusto is right we should probably stop now. I'll stop reading this thread. Even though the perpetrators are on my ignore list I still find enough wrong just reading the parts of their posts that others quote
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