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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. LOL yeah that ship has sailed. I may be a fan but, as you say, I cannot remember boyhood. Yeah insults are the last refuge of the out-argued. When the insults start flying then you know you have won - as long as you don't join in.
  2. Oh I really, really like doing this. It only sucks when you loose your UAVs - cause then you have to put your FOs in harms way.
  3. No not automatically you have to do it. During setup you can mount and dismount teams from vehicles and have them pick up one or two RPGs each etc. You do have to be careful and not load up a squad with too much stuff thought otherwise you can have a bunch of soldiers that can only go for a Sunday walk.
  4. This one kills me . Certainly not limited to only here but I find it such an odd attitude and damned annoying. The worst part is since you guys at BFC *are* constantly making improvements and adding cool stuff this crowd seems to think that when new stuff is released that they were responsible - "see if we had not been so over the top and constantly pushing for our insane views we would have not even gotten this little thing". At least that is how it feels. This is where that feeling of "perhaps I should just give up" comes from. LOL indeed. Some days I feel like trying though
  5. LOL yeah it can feel masochistic at times. @gnarly don't rush that is just asking to loose two tanks don't get suckered into other people wanting to see your stuff get wrecked for their entertainment Here is something I do in situations like this - shoot and scoot. So, make sure someone has eyes on the target so you know what it is doing - you already seem to have that. Then have the tanks that are having trouble seeing area fire for 15s at the enemy pause for 15s and back off behind cover. Rinse and repeat. I find that this does two things - it seems to focus the crew on where the enemy is and it puts some rounds on target. Backing off is important thought because it also draws attention to your position. Add in other threats into the mix is a good idea too - in your case you already have artillery firing on him. Do you have any ATGMs that could be put into a position with LOS on the target?
  6. LOL I am sure no Pole has heard that excuse for being confused for a Canadian before. I wonder if any Poles have ever been confused for Canadians
  7. A draw but the Poles seriously took a bloody nose... I was thinking those screen shots were familiar but I did not remember playing as the Canadians.
  8. LOL Yeah that's it that's why I am getting creamed in that battle - cause I miss spelled a vehicle name. That explains everything it is not the fault of anything I am doing in game at all
  9. LOL don't worry they love you to @Baneman and they also like the AARs you did. PS I am sure they love you too @c3k
  10. Nope. I realize you think you are right and the setup times are too long. Sorry I do not have first hand experience but other people, who have, put some thought into this. BFC disagrees with you based on that experience. I think it is a valid argument for someone with experience to attempt to claim the setup times are incorrect but to jump further to saying that the times are some gamey force balance choice by BFC is simply not correct. At least as far as I can tell. So rally the troops and show examples - convince BFC that they need to tweak it. Just saying "its wrong cause I said so" over and over has run its course - IMHO.
  11. Nope. The game is working as intended for the vast majority of the time and adding more time slices to spotting will not change any of those regular out comes. It is not correct to say that the game using more resources to spend on Los and spotting checks will change much. It is intended that any given unit is not guaranteed to spot another unit in LOS. So if the spotting cycle were reduced the chances to spot in any given cycle would have to be reduced to keep the results in the game the same. An increase in resources dedicated to spotting checks could allow the game some room to tweak some corner cases but that is about it.
  12. LOL I would totally disagree with that, I see lots of people here trying to help other players understand the game and why it is the way it is, testing new and old features, tirelessly investigating issues and corner cases. And just in case I am accused of hubris like you were just of hyperbole I am most certainly *not* talking about myself.
  13. Account Settings (from the drop down next to your mini avatar top right of the page) click on the Display Name tab.
  14. Just to be clear that Canada does protect free speech - we just have a few limitations - namely you cannot promote hatred. Not really meant to be an attack but I did want to defend @umlaut. I can see how it might come of that way, my apologies. Good to hear. Same here. LOL yeah we always get like this on the verge of a new release.
  15. So, I agree with your point. I have not seen anything like that over there in my short membership. I very much hope not to but I'll make my judgement myself should the need arise.
  16. Ah no. You have a misunderstanding of what free speech is - everyone is certainly allowed to create their own website and put forth what ever twaddle you like - that's free speech. But to put forth whatever you like on someonelse's web site is not something you are entitled to do as free speech. They might be happy to have those opinions on their web site, that is up to them and it would be up to the rest of us to decide if that was a comunity we want to be part of. Sounds like @umlaut behaved like a grown up and decided to spend his time some where else. That is a long way from trying to telling anyone else what their opinions should be. I think perhaps it is you that might need a tougher skin.
  17. You absolutely have a point that civilian air traffic was at risk and blame for not being careful needs to be assigned. I personally think the airlines themselves should shoulder some. Having said that we really should be making sure the real blame rests where it belongs - with the Russian government. They are the ones that created this conflict, fueled to the level it has been at, provided the SAM system and probably the crew that murdered all those people on MH17. The Duch investigation seems to have done a decent job of naming those likely responsible. Time for those that are actually responsible to be held to account.But I imagine that will be unlikely given that if they were we would probably find that even more and higher ups should be held to account as well.
  18. Yes, I agree with that. I believe that is exactly what BFC do. Others who have done it don't seem to have a problem with the setup times. I was mocking you guys so I deserved some of that back.
  19. Just report the post as a possible sock puppet. I agree that a user name like that is very suspicious. Every post has a report link for stuff like that. In the meantime sock puppet or not they sure warrant being put on your ignore list...
  20. Well you just joined here so you might not have seen the links to the analysis that shows conclusively that the Russian regular army did fight in Ukraine and that there still are various personal there now even though there is no longer any active battalions - for now. Have a search around and you can find it.
  21. What @BletchleyGeek says is quite correct. My personal SOP is to set an armour cover arc at around 120m The difference in accuracy between taking shots at 120 is much better than 150. Mind you if the target is 155 and there is no more cover then let them take the shot. LOL two Panthers would be even better. BTW I am playing a private PBEM for testing with Bud right now and I broke my own rule and bought one Strum Tiger. It got off one shot and missed so high the round did not even land on the map and then it received a gun hit - no more working Strum Tiger. Sigh. BTW I recommend against a non circular cover arc - like the one you have on your Panther. If something juicy popped out of cover on the left or the right you would be unhappy. Make it a circular cover armour arc that covers the whole damn map. That way no shooting at infantry and no enemy popping up just outside your arc making your Panther crew look like fools
  22. And you can dodge automatic gun fire while hitting the enemy with each and every shot you take and run full speed with an MG in each hand plus stich up any wound you might get and keep on fighting after 2 minutes of rest. No wait no to minutes that is way to long - you only need 30s of rest. Clearly the game has it wrong I'll get right on logging a bug. *** that is sarcasm BTW *** Just in case that is not obvious
  23. I think he means this one: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/119928-scenarios-using-the-vehicle-pack/
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