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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Looking good. I still prefer the cancel with the full ghost buster symbol. Perhaps try it with the order arrow the same size as one if the arrows in the withdraw icon.
  2. During the setup of the quick battle if you set the Russian army as the attacker and the Ukrainian army as the defender on the options screen then when you click OK the game next asks which you side you want to play pick the attacker and you will be playing as the Russians. I am not sure what you mean there. If you have a corrupt file your only option is to reload the turn before and redo any orders you did and try again. In this case the corrupt file is your opponents turn I would recommend your opponent delete the file and then delete the file from your shared location and then delete the file from your Outgoing Email folder. Then load up the previous turn (the one in your Incoming Email folder) and reissue orders and press the Big Red Button again to produce the new next turn.
  3. Well, any potential shoulder chip aside (cause after all you have been out in the cold for a long time) there was a time when old contact information was still visible on the support page. Steve knows this and has fixed it. Those of us that try to help out on the forums are not employees but players just like you so our ability to fix things is limited to stuff under player control. I imagine that Steve was trying to point out the why your request for help fell through the cracks cause you and others might be wondering. I hope you now have a good customer support experience but remember whom ever you deal with this is their first interaction with you and they absolutely did not intentionally ignore you. Just saying. True customer service story that is totally unrelated (but there is a moral there for all of us) (note I am not trying to say you are being rude or that BFC didn't make a mistake just saying that at this point holding on to anger is not particularly helpful if a resolution is what you want): At my local pizza place it was busy - like crazy, orders out of order and late and confusion in the waiting area about who has paid and who was waiting. It was bad, but we all just waited and let each other get forward and you know rolled with it. Until. One guy moved to the front and demanded to know what was going on and why he had been waiting half an hour with no pizza. A few others had the same question but hey it is what it is. The clerk asked him for his name - he gave it and then badgered her the whole time she was trying to look up his information first on the computer and then on the paper receipts. She asked if perhaps the order had been under another name. He got mad. After some heated words - from him he gave his phone number but never let her look for more than 5s before demanding his money back. Which is his right I suppose but he was rude about it from start to finish. When she handed him his money and apologized again for the problem he told her to F off and stormed out. The whole room said "Hey!" at the same time. One guy followed him out into the parking lot an chewed him out for being rude. We kept an eye on things just in case that go out of hand. No sooner had the jack ass left the pizza came up - under his wife's name. So that whole time he was steamed that he was not getting faster service than anyone else and he never game the poor girl the chance to figure out what she could do to help him because he gave her the wrong information. Like I said not the same situation - just saying the resolution would have been better all around if everyone stayed calm and was patient.
  4. Or they understood everything thing about how they built it and it all made sense in their head. So, that means it must be clear to everyone else, right. That's how it works isn't it? If it is clear to me because I built it that makes it intuitive. Yeah, that's it, yeah.
  5. OK no worries. I was also not intending to be aggressive. Just a little shove
  6. Well I didn't mean for it to sound like a witch hunt. And you seriously think his post asking for more work, more changes, dismissing the work that has been done all for less cost to him didn't deserve a little push back? OK - I see - but I do. So, there not being enough sounds vs how old they might be are two different things. You and others want newer sounds - great advocate for that - will not object but I also don't care a whit about sounds. I have other priorities. That is my point it sounds to me like he is saying things suck because he did not get the changes he wanted. You will not hear me say things suck because I did not get what I wanted. I'm a big boy (not being very serious here just in case anyone takes that as an insult). On the other sound issue - wanting more variety - Steve has discussed this a few times about how much of a resource hog sound is and adding more means performance issues on machines that cannot handle it. I have no desire to get in to a personal grudge match so a ) no personal attacks or slights meant in any of this and b ) I'm moving on and will not comment further on this thread just so no one gets any more pissed at me than they already are.
  7. No there really are a handful of posts back to 2008. So not likely who's it back for more.
  8. I checked his join date and it was 2008 but you know it does seem familiar...
  9. So, you want more for less. Hee, hee I don't see that happening Spoken like someone that is a ) not really paying attention or b ) who thinks the only features of value are the ones they care about.
  10. I would settle for just being able to play campaigns H2H via PBEM. That would make me happy.
  11. Lol indeed. My kids learned from that, as yours probably did to. We can hope in this case but I'm not holding my breath - cause I might die.
  12. One of the aspects of a troll that makes then a troll is baiting people into responding. Socrates would be disappointed. He used questions to teach people you are using them to annoy and provoke people. I like how you tried to invoke sympaty as well very narsasistic and troll like. Oh and you are factually incorrect since CMFB has feature work, new vehicles. scenario, campaigns and quick battle maps. So, by definition more than a batte pack and more than a vehicle pack. plus more than the two cimbined as well. So, you are acting like a troll, you are incorrect and good ridence.
  13. Nice. I totally love the cancel icon! The hour glass works well for pause. Clocks say time hour glasses say waiting. Not the red one though. That clear highlight for the selected command and toggles items is nice too. I don't really have a problem with the depressed look for the current command panel tab. But you could try flat but using the lighter colour of the selected command
  14. My guess would be right after it is ready.
  15. Oh man it sucks to be you. I wish I had something more helpful to say. The problem you are describing now is quite different from a certificate issue though.
  16. So, another way to go for those with a problem is to override your browser and continue anyway. I know it sounds scary and all that but you know Steve and BFC and they have explained what is the issue is (broken yesterday and fixed to day but some people cannot see it). So, we all know things are OK and there is no spoofing going on. Do you have the option to "Continue to this website (not recommended)"? http://superuser.com/questions/307062/ie9-permanently-accept-untrusted-certificate Just pick it we all know it is actually safe. Note do not follow any instructions you might find for disabling certificate checking for the whole browser - that would be bad. Following the link in the dialog box above is OK since it only ignore the problem for that one site for this visit. One other thing you could try is check our computer's BIOS clock. When I was looking for a site with how to bypass a certificate error I saw mention of problems like this being fixed by making sure the computer's clock was set correctly.
  17. OK time for my statistical analysis for CMFB release. In the past I have found this method to be both pretty good and totally off the mark. I have put none of my inside knowledge into this prediction it is based solely on the average and standard deviation of previous releases. So, this prediction also does not take into account Steve's comment that this preorder phase will be shorter than average. The last prediction I made was way off. I predicted that Black Sea would release between 2014-12-16 and 2015-01-04 and the actual release date was 2015-01-30 (http://community.battlefront.com/topic/116395-am-i-missing-it/#comment-1552764) So without further ado my prediction for the CMFB release is between April 25th and May 28th. Lets hope Steve and CO make me look bad again but this time by beating that. CM Release Dates.xlsx
  18. Nice that was a fun google image search. But one image did catch my eye - since was the opposite of what you were trying to say:
  19. Cool, looking forward to it. Yeah the fact that pause is a toggle between go and stop means the stop sign and hand probably does not work. But I guess I never think of stop signs as cancelling anything. They just make you stop for a while before proceeding - which is why I did not like it for cancel. As with all icons personal perception is the driver and UI designers need to find icons that invoke the desired perception in a majority of people. The other thing that some early versions of the stock graphics were not good at is telling the difference between something toggled on and off. The newer versions of the UI are better at this but with the original CMBN it was difficult to tell if hide was toggled on or not. That problem was one of the reasons I switched to Juju's UI mod - I didn't do it because his was prettier I did it because I could tell if a unit was hiding or not at a glance. When you put up another preview can you include examples of viewing toggles (like you have already for enabled vs disabled commands). Some examples, deploy, hide, open. Thanks.
  20. Nice. I like your attempt to make the Pause, Cancel, Withdraw buttons more clear. However that is also where I have applause and a concern. I like the arrows pointing down for withdraw, perfect. However the hand with the stop sign does not convey cancel to me. To me it says stop - which would be better for pause. For cancel how about a single arrow pointing upwards similar to the withdraw arrows and then super impose the ghost buster circle with a line through it on top. That would signify that existing orders will be cancelled.
  21. No there is not, which does suck I agree. I play mostly by PBEM so the odd time this happens I will quit the turn and reload it. It is a bit of a heavy handed approach but sometimes I feel it necessary other times I just don't worry about it and go with the mission not quite as I wanted. "Before my turn was over", Paused? I thought you said you were playing turn based. If you are playing turn based once you are in the orders phase there is no pause it is a different phase. Perhaps you meant that while in the command phase you noticed a better target, and not that you placed an order and then un-paused the game and later after watching more of the game you noticed another target. Shoddy? Really that seems a bit much. I agree that having a way to cancel a mission that you set moments ago during the command phase of a turn would be a good thing its absence is not something I would say rose to the level of shoddy.
  22. They are very on top of size of vehicles etc. There is a vanishingly small chance that anything is wrong there and so far there as been no actual evidence that the size is off. Seems like you took someone's earlier throw away comment as fact. Don't. Either that or I am reading your post incorrectly.
  23. Cool @Amizaur thanks for that background. Very interesting posts you have been making. Thanks for that.
  24. Or better yet some detailed comments on what needed to be changed. Those "skilled" writers did not learn to do a good job using flashbacks in their stories by being skilled at other forms of story telling and then suddenly they are good to go to use flashbacks too.
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