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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Good, I think that is what we would want - I have to admit I never tried that, bad tester bad. Right if your men are not hiding, some of your men will be peaking. The face command can be used to determine which corner to peak around. I am not sure if you can get one unit to peak around both corners of a building or not. If you have a multi team squad you could defiantly split the squad and set the face command for two teams to have them peak around two corners but I don't know if a large multi team squad would peak around both corners or not automatically.
  2. Actually that might be a feature. I have a similar thing going on now in a game. I have called three separate three round precision arty calls on a T90 - multiple hits. Thing still shows as operational. Mind you it has not moved in 10+ minutes. Finally I remember that you only know the disposition of the enemy based on what your units know. I my self called BUG when a Sherman pumped 7 rounds at close range into a PzIV and is still showed as fine. This was in a heavy forest so visibility was crap. It turns out my second shot killed it and the Sherman crew had no idea so kept pumping round after round into the enemy tank. Since it happened to not catch fire as far as the Sherman crew knew it was fine. With the T90 being spotted from 3.8km away in your case and in mine the T90 was spotted from a drone our units think they tanks are fine. My $ is on not fine. I have stopped wasting my artillery on it. Not only is this a feature - it's a pretty damn good one.
  3. The Stug behaviour was altered before v4 but it might have come to CMRT with the v4 upgrade. I don't remember how it is supposed to work but TC's now button up faster than they used to so hopefully if he doesn't start winning the fire fight he will duck again. At least some of the time.
  4. Thanks. I'll add it to my todo list - warning though it is a long list :D. If you want to experiment you can create a two person hot seat game. Then you can control both forces and setup similar positioning.
  5. I'm not sure what @DMS's exact technique is in this situation but I would (do) use a target briefly to area target just behind the known enemy location. I'll settle for just in front but try for just behind. That way I get rounds on if my BMP spots the enemy or not.
  6. @MOS:96B2P's explanation about the shots through the barns when part of the tank is visible is likely correct. The TacAI of the shooting tank should be aiming for the centre of visible target - the butt end of the OpFor tank exposed from behind the barn. The shot can go wide. In one direction that would be a miss in the other it will go through the barn. So the hit on the tank could be an imperfection in the handling of the barn blocking the shot or it could really have just gone through the barn - which are very very light buildings in the game. This on the other hand does not look good... So there are two probable problems with the above. The Infantry that can see the Panther, from your description really should not be able to. And the Panther acquiring and firing on the tank through those buildings also seems very wrong. You said you didn't have a save but you do know the map involved. Can you tell us the map name, please. If you do reproduce this make some saves. Don't worry @Erwin is not giving you a hard time he is giving a dig to people like me who try to explain how the game works and explain what is happening. He is not the only one that gets upset and bent out of shape when people come along and say "well that game behaviour might not be quite right but its close enough don't worry your pretty little head over it" To be fair when you feel slighted by the game and people tell you that it really is not that bad and might be an OK result, showing a little passive aggressive tendencies now and then is one way to go. . And yes I am aware that this sounds just like the pot talking to the kettle.
  7. Yeah the upload allowance is really small. Many people use a 3rd party host to upload their pics. For example Photobucket but there are others too.
  8. Adding to the above. The bottom line is that SP guns are included in the game so that scenario designers can use them to create situations where they were used for direct fire. The tools are also there to use them for indirect fire too - by adding then to the artillery panel. Scenario designers decide which they are used for in their scenario.
  9. Sorry about the empty quote above, can't delete it in my phone. Check out the tips here. I think one will apply. http://community.battlefront.com/announcement/27-special-upgrade-4-tech-tips/ If that does not help: Don't suffer alone! Contact support and open a ticket. License issues needs professional help.
  10. Wow. My bad. You know now that I think about it, I sure I have done that before. Sorry gang got that wrong.
  11. I don't think that is it. Mind you it's worth trying. The game stores it's settings under the my documents folder. At least for the games after CMBN. CMBN is fully installed under the my documents folder. At least for the default install directory.
  12. That there is good advice. Nothing wrong with a tactical withdrawal. If @c3k says it's ok you know it must be.
  13. Correct. There is no way to direct the turret facing without a cover arc. More than that the tank will turn it's hull to the middle of the cover arc too. So the only time the turret will be directed off centre is when the tank is moving or immobilized.
  14. Congrats on your first close assault! They are difficult to pull off because your opponent will ba activity trying to take those opportunities away, at least once they start loosing tanks.
  15. Actually the tank crew will engage multiple targets on thier own. The issue is you cannot direct them to.
  16. Loving that division patch Is that the tiger division?
  17. Probably - but a review never hurts. My comments on your questions are below. Let's start with what I would recommend you do in your stated situation. In a word - nothing. The Tac AI already does a pretty good job of prioritizing targets. They will prioritize the tank above the infantry, until the infantry get close then they might switch. Which in this situation is already exactly what you want. The only exception might be if the enemy infantry and the enemy tank are 90+ degrees apart. Then you might get frustrated if your tank turns towards the infantry and therefore is out of position to deal with the thank. In that situation it might be good to use a cover arc. Even then I would hesitate - might be better to withdraw. Ideally you want your infantry near your tank to keep the enemy infantry away from your tank while your tank deals with the enemy tank. Then you might very well use a cover armour arc. Regardless I would recommend circular cover arcs as much as possible and for tanks usually that means make sure they cover the entire map. You do not want an enemy tank to appear in LOS outside your cover arc. In general it is best to view cover arcs as a way to prevent units from firing. Do not think of them as a way to get units to fire. So, what you witnessed was an infantry close assault on a tank. This is a bit abstracted but it covers the use of grenades, grenade bundles against tracks and engine compartments. Also the Russian infantry do possess RPG-43 anti tank grenades (but the UI does not specifically show them). In sort infantry can immobilize or destroy a tank - if they can get close enough. Yep, lesson learned. You gave the tank orders and they followed them No, if you have a tank in ambush you may actually want it to not be firing MGs at all - which could give away its position. That is what the armour cover arc is for. In general BFC wants to avoid adding more micro managing to the game so a per weapon cover arc feature is extremely unlikely to happen. The cover arc means only shoot stuff inside this arc. So the bow MG will likely not be used much. If you create a 180degree arc then the bow gun might be able to find targets in there.
  18. Excellent - just checking. I'll wait for that and then add them to the master list
  19. I'm not sure how that works but many people who post a lot of pictures host those pictures on another site such as photobucket. Takes care of that problem.
  20. Sounds cool. When you say it is only available here for now does that mean it will eventually be in the scenario depot?
  21. In all titles breach charges can only be used for walls and buildings while demo charges can be used for that plus wire, bocage and tanks. However at this time there are no units in the WW2 titles that are equipped with breach charges (at least that I know of).
  22. There are a few choices to get screen shots. If you have an NVidia card some people have got Shadow Play to work. I use FRAPS - http://www.fraps.com/ the free version saves .bmp files so convert them to .jpg files before trying to share them.
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