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Everything posted by Ithikial_AU

  1. Weird. Pretty sure that's one of my older vids from my Youtube CM channel but I don't pay for advertising....
  2. Can do! If my hazy memory holds up. I go back and update this after each new BF module/game release that adds new formations/theaters/time periods.
  3. I have kept it out previously as it could 'divide' the data up too much and was unsure if players replayed Scenarios or Campaigns on a regular basis to make it worth while. Can add easily enough in the near future. If you know excel well enough you can add a new column on the left had side of the data sheet and tell the Pivot Charts to include the new 'Column A.' Just make sure the scenario name is in the filter box. Make sense?
  4. I've noticed these issues crop up more and more with recent CM releases as it appears some scenarios and campaigns push you down one path to a successful goal rather than giving you a myriad of options on the battlefield. This is achieved either through the structure of the map (granted at times this needs to be controlled), the unit's provided (like the OP's post) or via severe time constraints. I haven't got around to the CMRT campaigns yet so can't speak to them directly but am referring to general trends. With the improved capabilities of the engine, AI triggers and larger maps being designed I think it's becoming possible to break away from these types of ideas around scenario design but specifically campaign design. Now I know the old CMx1 'Operations' idea is dead, cremated, ashes buried 6 feet under, but one of the most enjoyable CM experiences I've ever had was the Carentan Operation in CMBO. Even after all these years it still sticks in my head as an awesome experience as I got to relive the struggle of the 101st Airborne's approach towards their objective in the first week of the Normandy Operation. I had a lot of ground to cover, had an idea about my forces and a timetable to follow, but other than that I had to do it my way and be judged on my final success at the end of the allotted time period. During the operation I had to make decisions like - "Do I push on to the next village with my depleted forces or wait... but that means I'd have to go in at night!" You don't get that with the current campaign system. Don't get me wrong the current campaign system has it's benefits especially for following a specific unit through a series of linked battles, but at times makes it feel like I'm being led along on a leash rather than controlling my own tactical and operational situation. Just 2 cents plus tax.
  5. Sorry been out of town and work's picked up. However, I did make a video tutorial to demonstrate how it all works and what you have to do as a player. (Honestly no more than a minute or two following the completion of each battle). I also show what is possible if you stick with it. Any queries let me know.
  6. Unbelievable! Looking forward to this. Any plans for a CMBN update once 3.0 upgrade is out?
  7. Marco, happy to help again if needed but out of town this weekend. Can look at stuff next week. I'm still contactable via the same email as testing the MG module release if you still have those on record.
  8. Sounds to me more of a 'Do Not Fire Unless Fired Upon' selector in the command menu, which personally I'd love. Would make recon a lot easier. You can place small cover arcs but that also causes some problems in my experience (WeGo). Good example would be along the lines of discovered enemies falling just outside your cover arc and are an obvious threat - your troops sit there and brew a tea while the enemy eventually spots you and gets the first shots off, with your guys clinging to their cover arc orders as they cower in the dirt fully pinned.
  9. Agree with Womble 100%, biggest thing I can recommend after doing CM videos for over a year now. Get a second hard drive and ensure you have plenty of RAM and a good GPU. The raw recording will always be enormous, it's once you edit it and put it altogether into a normal video file for upload the size becomes more manageable.
  10. Welcome back Aris! In the meantime has anyone constructed a list of which of Aris' vehicle mods from other games will work fine in CMRT? Would need a paint job grog to indicate if that would be viable or if East Front had different colour schemes.
  11. Oh I agree, just didn't expect it. Problem is in WeGo tanks could pop up out of no where and you've got to wait the rest of the minute to tell your troops to hold fire. Could be too late then.
  12. Like Baneman's idea! After a few scenarios I'm definitely going to have to work on Tank rider infantry tactics. Couple of oddities I've noticed. - Tanks running over anti-personnel mines. Riders get pinned and jump off... into the mine field. Now I'm not in the military I'll admit, but when you look down and see mines exploding under the 60 ton beast you're rising on, probably not the smartest thing to jump off and experience it first hand. (Inf weren't under fire themselves). - As a defender, didn't realise my own infantry would open fire at the tank riders and ignore the fact they're exposing themselves to an 85mm gun on tracks at the same time. Cover arc's are a must, but thought the defending infantry would be more concerned about the tank before opening fire automatically. Possibly a different reaction could be implemented? Green troops likely to do something stupid like this, regular and above more likely to hold fire? Can be annoying in WeGo. Still awesome fun so far.
  13. Well that was close... Red Hordes... great scenario. Kudos to the designer.
  14. No idea but I guess the sheer scale would provide some attraction. What I'm more hopeful for is there's enough demand for earlier time periods if and when BF starts working it's way back towards 1939. I think this late war fascination by most is weird but I can understand it - Big Cats, Big Guns etc. But the battles you can already fight in the earlier months covered by Fortress Italy offer there own unique challenges. Lack of 'zooks and fausts immediately springs to mind. I for one would love to go back further, to a time where a 37mm gun is a rare and fearsome beast.
  15. Yeah I went back and tried to play this a while ago and hit a brick wall. Just not fun post 2.0 upgrade and MG tweaks. Would love to play through the campaign and heard good things but there's a difference between a challenge and bang your head against a brick wall difficulty level. Agree with above posts, which I didn't realise before, but fanatic rating for the MG teams is a bit... rough. For those interested, I recently took this map and rejigged the units. Scaling up the engagement using the historical units coming ashore for a bit of fun. Grab some popcorn... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGX_...membzBeLfcjPeQ
  16. Brilliant as always. Why both yours and Marco's work isn't simply part of the main product I still don't know. Any ideas on how to display the new 'red' casualty marker over the weapon icon yet?
  17. My guess turned out to be wrong. Second Guess? April Fools, why not.
  18. No the map is from Crushingleek's 'Blue and the Grey' Campaign. I just did some tweeks such as adding the sandbar, deleting the abundant minefields and tweaking the forces to make it bigger. Not really a fair scenario, just for fun.
  19. Shameless plug. While we all sit here waiting for CMRT, grab some popcorn.
  20. Digging up an old thread but the the battle and Video AAR Series is now complete after months of file sharing and video recording. Average PBEM turn file was roughly 40 mb.
  21. That makes two of us. I won't marry a girl unless she knows hexes have six sides and at least five differences between the Pz III and PzIV. I may have narrowed my parameters a little too much...
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