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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Ithikial_AU

  1. FGM has a dedicated modern warfare forum section and our ladders are ready to accept Modern Era game results. (Including CMSF and CMA). I just think everybody is still WW2 focused until CMBS is released.
  2. Thanks for posting the manual. Had a read through of the backstory and up front disclaimer about the game vs real world events. Fingers crossed you guys don't pulled up regarding the content of the game by some alarmist media out for a story at all costs. As for the backstory, didn't expect the two diverging pathways/outcomes based on a Russian or NATO victory. It will be interesting to see how you guys develop this fictional conflict for future modules etc. Speaking about modules, with the talk about Marines landing around Odessa... safe to assume that's on the cards as a future focus area?
  3. Wait until footage of gameplay gets pinged as some obscure rap artist you've never heard of. Either Combat Mission has a killer beat or the rap artist really needs to go back to music school if his tunes sound like an MG42.
  4. Why do I get the feeling there's some BFC staff face palming right now if they're reading this. (Assuming it's not sarcasm ) I really hope they start going back into the mid->early war years once 1945 is done and dusted. Flipping it around to when the Germans had the overall stategic advantage to launch large offensives and the like would spice up the CM WW2 series with very different challengers for the players.
  5. A bit belated but thanks to Chris for doing these vids. The 'promo' showcase videos of upcoming material is much appreciated. Given the timezones I'll never get the chance to watch it live, but it's good to sit back and watch it at a later date.
  6. We do more than just that. FGM have a dedicated scenario design section now and there are a number of scenarios and campaigns that get pumped out with AI plans. Not all granted, but that's the same here on the BF Repository. We can't force our members to create AI plans if they don't want to - but granted some people still see the task as simply too difficult.
  7. From someone who's been recording CM footage for a while, yeah it's not going to be easy like say a Total War game where you just boot up a previous battle in replay mode. As the above posters have stated you're going to have to get used to some video editing software at the same time.
  8. Throws up another idea of allowing scenario designers to set an 'CAS' value to missions. Higher the CAS value the greater the chance of interceptions or distractions for aircraft doing successful bomb runs. Reflected in game by increases fly overs of aircraft over the battlefield? So far not so much an issue for WW2 eta due to Allied air superiority in the time period covered, but for modern titles like Black Sea where both sides would theoretically have a full air war operating at the same time?
  9. Always been a supporter of CMx2 getting some kind of Op Layer incorporated but also agree with Erwin that KISS (Keep it simple stupid) needs be a guiding factor. Using the Close Combat style op layer would be brilliant in my book. Always thought they did that better than the tactical combat. No idea on the programing side but within the existing tactical battles I think the following two features would need to be added within CM to make an Op Layer an authentic option: - Terrain map transfer between battles. (Like what was introduced in CMBB in CMx1 days). - Player has the ability to reorganise their forces between engagements. ie. Merge those depleted 'two man squads' together before entering the next fight.
  10. For the scenarios I've made and making I've always kept a record of the officers and other key personnel taking part for later incorporation into the editor. I think it's a nice little addition at the tail end of scenario design and adds a bit more to setting the feel. For the Operation Windsor (Carpiquet) campaign I'm making I've managed to source pretty much all of the officers from Company Command up that took part on both sides. Bit of an effort but worth it. You'll find the names scattered across the research sources you use. Organising them and saving the material is the tough bit.
  11. No probs hope you enjoy. Historically the HQ team spent two hours hiding in the pig trough in the yard (marsh tile on the map behind the low wall) as the fight occurred before slipping out in the evening and heading south east. In the game you can make it and hide in that tile if you're quick but in every test I did the US HQ team would ambush the German infantry eventually and go out in a blaze of glory. The points the German player gets is small and won't dictate final results on it's own. The allied player has an equally easy and low point scoring objective to counter balance it. I think I say it in my designer comments, if you want to give yourself more of a challenge and go historical, don't use the blast command for the entire fight.
  12. I'm the scenario author. There was some tinkering done post 3.0 upgrade release IIRC. Hazy memory. I'm guessing something I've clicked in the editor has meant you need the 3.0 upgrade to get it to work? It's only got US and German Heer forces so there's nothing 'funny' unit wise that would force you to other modules and packs.
  13. A while back I created a whole bunch of 'Mod Packs' for some members of the FGM who didn't want to dload a million individual files. Most of the mods mentioned above were included. See the video in the OP to see what your game will look like if you grab them all. Just note it's a little dated now and was done prior to the 3.0 upgrade and the Market Garden module so there could be some errors or missing artwork now. Still for most vehicles etc, it's saves a lot of time. Edit: And I should point out, the mods aren't mine! All kudos and praise to the mod makers! http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/mods-aris-and-other-popular-mods-combined-into-easy-to-download-packs.17477/ As for scenarios... shameless plug... search for 'Three Patrol Action' in the repository.
  14. At the moment pretty much for a printed manual I can refer to anytime anywhere.
  15. Tell you the truth never thought of that. Assuming the answer is no.
  16. 10th September, 1944 just south of the Dutch-Belgian Border. The Irish Guards launch a hasty assault on a canal bridge to make Market Garden possible. A semi-historical recreation of the Irish Guards assault and holding action to secure the final obstacle at the end of the rapid Allied advance across western Europe. After a few months of painstaking research (German OOB in early September... ugh) willing to pass this over for the community to play. Special thanks to Ulf Norman for assisting with testing and the German OOB. British vs AI, H2H only. Stronger player should play Germans. File submitted to repository and FGM scenario downloads page. Some preview screenies to tide you over.
  17. Given that sentiment is there any word on how CMSF porting will one day be handled? I realise it's a long way down the road for BF. Could there theoretically be one big modern era title with lots of modules? Given the modern era players will be more than likely be focusing on creating fictional conflicts (hopefully!) rather than recreating historical encounters as we tend to do in WW2 -having less restraints and a greater degree of versatility in force composition and geography would be great. I mean couldn't this fictional Black Sea conflict spread into other regions for the sake of gameplay? Russians in the Middle East? I understand that BF needs to pay bills and eat, but for my mind it wouldn't bother me if the price of a module was a little higher if the modern era releases were together in one family. It would give us a hell of a wargaming sandbox to play with in the long term. Sorry off topic... yeah British forces would be a great addition.
  18. Berto has managed to find a little error in the key formula. Updated version can be found here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/51696551/Combat%20Mission%20Victory%20Calculator%20v1.2.xlsx
  19. More a CMFI one. Early Commonwealth Shermans?
  20. Alex. See Shmi's March campaign recently released. Whole campaign surrounding Pegasus Bridge and it's relief. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/index.php/downloads/category/7-scenarios
  21. No terrain packs (industrial set, port facilities set etc) to test out the new artillery toys on? Love the idea of Forces Packs.
  22. I'll flog that CM1 Operations dead horse with you Fenris. Creating a CMx2 scenario is a longer process start to finish compared to CMx1, no doubt. However the level of detail you can fine tune is also greatly enhanced compared to the 'bad ol' days.' I think part of the AI Planning process that makes people scared to touch it is the interface. If it was somehow possible to do the following two things I think it would break down a number of those barriers: 1) The ability to program an AI plan inside the 3D preview mode with the same keybindings and controls as if you were organising a regular WeGo turn before hitting 'Go.' Sort of like programing an extensive set of WeGo turns at once. 2) The ability to test scenarios from a specific minute onwards within the editor, sit back and watch two opposing AI plans go at each other in real time. Will give you a quick idea if certain planned actions or triggers are firing at the right times. Yeah no idea if this would work of if it is even within the realms of possibility.
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