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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. PT, is this reworked already, or are you still working on it? I don't recall seeing a Version 2, but then I haven't played any of the original CMBN campaigns.
  2. Hey Vin, Mad Mike's Scenario Organizer Mod will extract campaign scenarios so you can play them as stand-alones. If you want Hard Knocks scenario, give me a shout and I can email it.
  3. So, you're saying that just happened without any modding or anything? If so, that's a major (and happy!) change in 2.12!
  4. Hey Phil, I don't recall uploading it. I thought maybe I sent it to Tashtego???oh, wait, he may have used the old one on CMMODS that that I built off of. Ellisam's I believe?? Oh, and pie...I lied. It was more like alcohol.....
  5. Yes, after seeing Kohlenklau's pic, I think I'll just use the ones I did from CMBN. Most (or maybe all, have to check) of the terrain tiles are done anyway. Thanks Tash.
  6. Damn, found my secret! I was going to borrow from my CMFI/GL folders, but you beat me to the punch! Yes, my old mod was pre-CMFI. So basically, we steal everything we can from FI/GL and BFC won't be any wiser...then we can pitch them on a Bulge Module ala CM:Afghanistan, save them the time and trouble, we get the cash. I can't foresee any problems with that plan, can you? OK, on second thought maybe we back off on the pitch to BFC, at least until we check the downloads at 1 week, 1 month, and 1 year, and then use that massive outpouring of support for our product as leverage against Steve. He's one hard sell! But in the mean time, I think we can make short order of all the modding I was dreading (the time-suck part). Now, leave me alone...I have pie to finish!
  7. Smart man, and welcome to the insanity that is CM! Let me know if you ever want a try a pbem. mj
  8. Los, I'm just going for the light snow look...like in the pic. @3j2m7, thank you on everyone's behalf. (Paraphrasing The Godfather) "Someday, and that day may never come, we will ask you for a favor.":)
  9. Los, I'm just going for the light snow look...like in the pic.
  10. Ted, you already figured it out---just don't use set up zones at all when you want an overlap. I like the idea of this type of scenario, as long as we are warned in the briefing, like womble mentioned. It will practically be a must-have type of scenario when we get to Stalingrad!
  11. I'll get back to you on Monday, Phil. We have family holidays get-together this weekend. I should be able to finish all my mods next week; certainly the uniforms and a few more flavor objects and terrain. Yes, I think MG will be a must since some of the texture names were changed in that module, and those are the ones what I intend to use.
  12. ZBee's is great. You'll love it, kk. I used it for CMSF, but didn't realize it works with CMBN. I figured it would need updating, but I guess if it works like JSGME, which I've used before, it really wouldn't need to be.
  13. Pretty much yes to everything both of you asked. I modded more than the 3 terrain pieces you mentioned, kk, and I agree that the number should be limited. But it will depend on how many terrain textures Los and you have already used in your scenarios, because depending, it can look pretty odd if certain types aren't modded but are used a lot. We don't need to do every roof, wall or flavor object either, and it's not a good idea, unless you want to show a lot of snow. I prefer the light snow look though, otherwise everything is just a white blob. I never liked using the Full Monty in FI/GL. Just so you know, I already have done most of them. Los, I already have trees without leaves. I think it's 3 and 5, but will have to check. I can easily change them if need be. I can't get at this though until next week.
  14. My original winter mod work badly needs updating. Roofs need snow; roads and terrain need reworking (green things in particular need de-saturation. A lot of work ahead. Also, the draw distance for some reason is not good when these textures are re-worked. Notice the terrain near the top of both pics. This was the case before MG, but I thought the changes to the draw distances in 2.0 would be better with this mod (it is with the unmodded terrain). Not so I guess
  15. Merry Christmas fellas! Phil, after this weekend, let me know what all you'll need. I'll go through all the GL uniform mods and rename them. I'll double check all the CMBN terrain tiles and flavor objects I modded and see what's missing. I am also going to try a fast and dirty snow job on a vehicle and see how it looks, and maybe we can have more vehicles done quicker.
  16. Everyone forgets about the 509th Para Battalion (actually a regiment on the TO&E, but it never got its 2nd Battalion)..the first US Paras to go into action in the war, fought N. Africa--Italy--France. Only 50 left standing after the Bulge.
  17. ^^^ This! The Ost Front begs for this. Can't wait!
  18. Or, alternatively, send to: mjkerner Box 666 Wisconsin, USA
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