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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. My brother was wearing the green and black 1st Cav patch in the Central Highlands in June of '66 when he first got there.
  2. Holy sh*t, you actually did it! I thought you may have quietly given up, or gone insane, or sumfink by now, lol. Errr, I hate to mention it, but there is a new game out, CMFI. What'cha doing for the next 14 months?
  3. Erwin, I agree with you. I know it is fairly easy to delete what you don't want, I do it all the time. But sometimes I want an extra squad to be under the command of a particular platoon, or an extra platoon under the command of a company. It would be nice to be able to at least select squads and platoons from the Speciaist Teams menu.
  4. Btw, although nobody commented, I thought this was a good one. Welcome back to the States...or are you still in PRC?
  5. Pad, you missed the irony of Vanir's response. It was in reference to Jaksteri's exact same epithet to another poster in another thread--on the CMBN forum. It wasn't a Fanboi response. Well, maybe it was both!
  6. Me too. I was leery that it was all I would need for security, but it has been keeping out problems and no other issues with downloads or running programs.
  7. Yeah, Steve, Radar came by and had you sign them. You remember now, right?
  8. Orgit, the mod tools are in the game files. No game = no tools.
  9. Hey Broadsword, drop them in our DB folder, and I'll try them out. I had a similar problem with the black tree syndrome when I imported CMSF trees into CMBN. I fixed it, but can't quite remember how. I putz with both files and see if I can get anywhere with them.
  10. Hey, mine hangs left, too! We must be brothers! Nope, I didn't try it in CMBN, but the file names are the same, so it shouldn't be a problem.
  11. Hey Para, how's it hanging? I tried it last night but I removed the tracer files because they eliminate tracers, and I prefer to keep them. Anyway, the smoke files look pretty good to me. They are darker and dirtier looking. They look more like gunpowder smoke, I guess. These were all 60 and 81 mm explosions, though, so I don't know how good they look for larger ones.
  12. Jdamani, does " ser." mean " scenario"? If so, I think I know the answer. I have Windows 7 as well; when you are in the folder where you downloaded the scenario to, look along the top of the window where it has the options, like " new folder"...click on "compatibility files" and the .btt files will show up. It's a Windows thing that I don't quite understand.
  13. I can't wait to get the map, Ian. Great job! One suggestion, though, would be to turn the building in pic #3 on its axis 90 degrees. In the real pic, it looks like the end of the building is facing the camera, whereas in yours it appears to be the side facing the camera.
  14. It's already done. I'm just finishing the other Sicily-Italy divisions. But I want to tweak them a bit. While i'm at it, my thanks to Mord for his critique of them.
  15. But on the good side, the thread now has 4 Stars!
  16. I love Kurt Vonnegut and "Slaughterhouse Five", but Dresden was a communications and transport hub within about a 100 miles of the Russians, and a "valid" target as those things go. War is hell, total war is total hell.
  17. Thanks, but as he would be the first to acknowledge, he was just a dogface stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time. And that bastard Howlin' Mad Smith would have (well, did) ridiculed him and his mates for being just unmotivated, incompetent 27th Div slack offs. But the truth has long since come out on that score. And by the way, there was a similar scene in The Pacific where they have to take out a bunker on Peleliu, and Sledge's mortar team leader (my favorite character in the series--can't remember the name) goes to get a Sherman while the rest attack it with grenades and rifles. Great choreography in the way that scene plays out; it's my favorite sequence of all the epidsodes. Finally...to do him justice, my Dad's name was Francis "Sandy" Saunders. (obviously, my forum name is an alias)
  18. Art imitates more than you can imagine, LLF. (I should preface this by saying Dad did talk alot about wartime...his buddies, his training, shipping out, stopover at Pearl Harbor, etc., just not much about combat. And interestingly, he said more about that when we were young...he got more quiet as he got older.) Anyway, one of my Dad's first cousins was in the Signal Corps on Saipan, and there was a fellow in the 4th Marine Division from his home town who was there as well. Later, a Red Cross nurse also from his hometown was stationed there--post battle. So, I am not certain any more which of these people I heard the following story from, but I know it was from two of them, and I heard it more than once over the years...always out of earshot of Dad (this action took place on Saipan): Dad and his assistant gunner were on the flank of his squad moving more or less in line sweeping an area, mopping up. Dad and his AG got a little ahead of the line, when an unseen log+dirt pillbox opened up on the squad and hit a couple of guys. Dad and the AG were to the flank and behind the PB. His squad leader hollered to him to take it out. I'm not sure who's idea it was, but there was an abandoned truck nearby (one of the people telling me the story said it was a bulldozer, but this wasn't close to the airstrip, so who knows). Dad and the AG either drained the gas tank into a container, or found a 5 gallon gas can on the vehicle...anyway, they worked their way to the rear of the bunker, and for whatever reason (being the gunner I don't know why he wasn't providing the covering fire instead of the other way around) Dad carried the can to the top of it, poured the contents down the roof vent, and dropped a grenade in. One occupant ran out the back, which the AG nailed. End of pillbox. Amnd he was wounded slightly later on at Saipan. This one is funny because as a kid---he told me this when I was about 7--I managed to get things all garbled up. He had brought a Japanese bayonet home along with some other items and we kids used to play with them (the bayonet had to stay sheathed...but still, can you imagine that today?). Anyhoo, he or Ma mentioned once that he was lightly wounded in the side jumping into a hole for cover. My brain naturally put the two together and I was under the understanding that he got bayonetted in the side during the large (largest in the war, actually) banzai charge near the end of the hostilities on the island, in which he was unlucky enough to participate. When I mentioned this to him some years later in my teens or early 20's, he started laughing...he got injured jumping into hole avoiding retaliation for some prank he played on a buddy after the island was secure. He impaled himself on a piece of farming equipment!
  19. Yes, in total world war. My Dad and about a third of the men in my rather small town were slated for the Invasion of Japan, after slogging through the Pacific for 2-3 years of relentless blood-letting. They were pretty damned relieved when the bombs were dropped, and after-the-fact so am I. Japanese leadership, Hirohito included, was gearing for what amounted to near-total annihilation of it's own population in its preparations for resisting the Allied invasion, including all sorts of kamikaze weapons...planes, ships and mass civilian suicide corps. You can have the moral high ground, noob, but you have to thank Truman in part for being able to do so in relative comfort. Mord, don't bogart that bong, my friend, pass it over to me.
  20. Yes, understood, that's why I didn't bother with checking the UI. I assumed it was merely an animation problem because it was not changing to the bipod configuration, until I read this thread.
  21. I noticed when playing a scenario recently that my HMG 42's were always in the deployed state, animation-wise. They never appeared packed-up. But I never did check to see what the UI said about their actual state, since I just kept giving them the "Deploy" and "Undeploy" commands at the usual times. (The command wasn't greed out at any point.)
  22. Excellent, BS56! Unless sburke or someone else is lined to help you test it, I hereby volunteer.
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