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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. The fact that the Eastern Front is not the most-gamed front is actually quite a surprise to me. Ever since I started "officially" board and miniature gaming 40+ years ago (and on computers more recently), I was always under the impression the the EF was hands down the most popular. To me, it's all good gaming, especially in the CMx2 format! When I'm playing it, I am still in awe that I am actually manuevering teams/squads/platoons/companies/battalions in a faithful-to-history simulation that in WEGO creates such an enjoyable war movie experience, even when, as usual, I'm getting my ass handed to me in a hat!
  2. Funny, all my P-truppen have clown or mime faces. I thought it was just my machine. BFC, fix or sumfink, or you will scare all the children!
  3. Hey Para, how's it going? I was wondering when someone was going to report that on this board. After DL'ing late last night, I was only able to fire up one FJ scenario to get a lookee. NICE! But I have had no time to play around with it.
  4. Mommy, Mommy, I'm scared! Unca Steve is almost giving us a guaranteed release date?!?! That can't be the real Unca Steve. Mommy, who is that man and what did he do with Unca Steve?
  5. From Steve today, regarding Gustave Line: Quick update. The latest and greatest that the testers have appears to be going well. We still have some last minute things to do based on this information, so it's not going to be today or tomorrow. As long as we don't find a "show stopper" problem I don't think it will be more than 2 days before you see it. It also looks like we might be able to have the Bundle ready on Day 1. Obviously that is desirable for everybody, so we are shooting for it. Thanks! Steve
  6. Yes, but there is a bit of a bleed-over as your Truppen stop, take position, and go into their next command. For example, in an average squad, and I think even in sections depending on size, one guy always drops back several AS to "cover the rear", then goes back to the AS where his buddies are. Also, when crawling, you'll often see a guy go into adjacent AS. Because your HMG team is SOOOOOOOOOO mucked up, I figure it has to be something unusual, like the three significant features in those 3 AS.
  7. Baneman, I think you have a perfect storm of an AS convergence affecting the wonky HMG team. I have never had a team act like this one, ever, even before the latest patch that fixed the "wandering" syndrome. You have an entrenchment, a hedgerow, and a minefield all abutting one another. That's gotta be confusing the AI.
  8. Thanks Sequoia and MeatEtr, that makes sense.
  9. "For sure we're going to release Gustav Line as a Module only to start out with. We haven't even started on that and it's twice the size as Gustav on its own." Sorry Steve, this confuses me. I thought you were working on the GL Module release? What am I missing here??
  10. Zenomorph, sorry to hear about your uncle's problems, but I salute him for his service! My Dad was in the 27th Division, but was wounded on Saipan; didn't make it to Okinawa. The tanker was a loud, burly, gregarious, and very funny Irishman named Joe Boyle. He was father of a kid in my class--and he was one of those kind of scary parents, at least when I was in high school. Anyway, yes, he was at, or at least near, Aachen. What we all thought was so funny at the party was that this young kid (with the very Germanic name of "Sam") in a foreign land was able to go toe-to-toe with Joe. And get the best of him. By the way, Joe's reaction was to slap him on the back and say something along the lines of "You're all right, kid." Sam and his parents visited my sister about 5 years ago (and my sis has been to Germany to see them). The father was born in '44 or '45 in Aachen. When they got back to Germany, he sent me a bunch of local material about the Battle for Aachen and Siegfried Line campaign. Hopefully some day I can get to Germany and get a personal guided tour of the battlegrounds around the area.
  11. About 25 years ago, my sister and her family hosted a young German high school student for a year through an exchange program. He was from Aachen. Real nice kid, very quiet, polite, and well mannered; he and my family are still close. Anyway, at a Christmas party, where many of the guests were from my parents generation, and included many WWII vets, one ex-tanker from the 2nd Armored asked him where in Germany he was from. "Aachen." In a rather loud voice (and to get a rise out of him) the tanker said "Aachen, eh. We blew the s h i t out of that place. I don't think there was a building standing when we got done with it!" There was about 10 seconds of uncomfortable silence in the group around the kid before he answered "Oh, that was you?" Much hilarity ensued after that comeback.
  12. From CMSF you can import some textures (need renaming), but not maps, at least the last time I tried. Same for CMFI last time I tried.
  13. That wound is photoshopped...has to be.
  14. Chaos, try it without the attack order. No order is when I get the best 'nade action with my men.
  15. You know, the more I think about it, it could be a distant church bell, but the first thing that comes to my mind is the way some trains sound when they arrive at a station, with a clanging bell (as opposed to the airhorn sound when they come to a road crossing). I'll have to listen more closely tonight.
  16. I have that one, Vanir, but it has a train station sound in it...an old fashioned train bell, actually, which is OK for urban fights, but out of place in the country with no RR tracks on the map.
  17. Hi 3j2m7, I just saw your email to me, and I responded. Unfortunately, the uniform bmps only distinguish between officers and all other infantry (and paratroopers for the Allies and engineers for the Germans. There isn't way to identify a specific bmp for a squad leader/NCOS, for example. They both use the same bmps, randomly.
  18. Baneman, this is a great AAR! It looks like that HMG team is in or damn close to a minefield. That might be affecting their behavior. it would mine!
  19. What ASLVeteran said. I have it, but never played it.
  20. In the Bloody 100th! They were savaged on several occasions. Wonder if he knew the crew of the aircraft that caused all the extra Luftwaffe animosity against the 100th? (You know the story--Damaged B17 put its wheels down signifying that the crew wishes to surrender and will land, LW escorts it toward a landing area, damage is repaired so decision made to not surrender afterall, B17 shoots down most/all of escort with out warning. Germans very angry--swear to take out the 100th whenever encountered. 100th has horrendous casualties in subsequent raids.)
  21. ^^^ This. It's all good! (Hi Sublime, hope school is going good.)
  22. And unlike Gable, he had over 30 combst missions, and flew when he technically didn't need to as a Squadron Commander.
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