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Everything posted by Boche

  1. Well since mp40s spit out so much of it at times, I wouldnt mind having more!
  2. good to know!, maybe it will get me to actually play Afghanistan...!
  3. I have to say, the modded vehicle engine of the half-track...sounds so real.
  4. jeje not so much impressive as suprising, I did have to load several times though jajaja
  5. Mine did, I managed to kill some 37 Amis and wound another half dozen, I rushed through the cross roads with smoke and attacked the sleeping americans in the house behind, which is filled with them! I was suprised. I lost 1 KIA and 1 WIA...lets see how many defenders we have left in the morning...
  6. I have to say, IMO there is something so apealing about how an M8 HMC looks...maybe its the "cuteness" of the stuart just with a bigger gun!
  7. this work is incredible....really. Ive toched the ocasional armoured vehicle, and I remember the armor feeling nothing like i expected, all jagged etc. After looking at these mods that make the armor look so much like the ones ive seen, makes me remember the feeling, wow.
  8. Well after the work that snowball did with A-stan, i wouldnt trust any other company with CMBN...the mechanics where as always great, but the campaigns just did not grip me. I wouldnt mind other companies making the content, but people from this community should make the scenarios and campaigns. IMO.
  9. Also take into consideration, Normandy is a difficult place to extract a good Campaign from. Since as far as im aware of few offensives happened. Im sure that once the comonwealth and Market Garden comes the door will be open to potray many more German operations
  10. yeah, campaigs take a lot of time. taking my experience from CMSF, the campaign will come, no doubt about it. Just be patient.
  11. Any pictures? it seems allot of work installing all these skins going in game just to get a glimpse of them
  12. Also I know it was a problem in CMSF but do units actually become casualties when a building colapses on them in CMBN?
  13. The line "staring death in the face" comes to mind
  14. True, maybe we can have a Airborne batallion both early and late...satisfy both sides.
  15. Yeah I supposed so aswell but just making sure...but do yellow soldiers run slower? I havnt really noticed that
  16. hmmm well, if you need to get an attack on end and you start taking casualties someone is going to have to be left behind btw to the author, are you talking wounded as in yellow or light/dark red?
  17. well just saying, I dont think fortifications are designed to be core units.
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