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Everything posted by Boche

  1. BUMP Any noob PBEM player interested in playing a couple of matches? if you are let me know!
  2. wow man, that was more exciting than a football match! jajajaja loved the ending! fantastic.
  3. The Blue Division was fully compromised of Spanish division of volunteers, just integrated into the Wehrmacht with their material and training. Dont think you can compare it to an SS division. But they did fight as well if not better...
  4. Thanks for all the suggestions people, thing is I hate reading off screens and will do nothing to improve my already declining eye sight! Ive downloaded a couple of docs to watch recently, and im watching Patton 360 aswell. hell I know the docs have inacuracies (even yours truly, whos WWII knowledge is good but nothing compared to most people arround here, can still pick out bits and pieces) but still entertaining to watch and well you get the jist of whats going on and keeps me motivated to play CMBN.
  5. 1.Considering a full divisions worth of men where executed by the soviets just in Stalingrad, one can only imagine. 2.Sadly, where I live you still have to fear both...
  6. for those of us that have no disposable income? id love to get books and read them all but i have neither the money, let alone the space on my bookshelf for that amount of books... if anyone knows a good series of docs to watch please do share them!
  7. jeje I think it lacks the "absolutelly correct" part!
  8. hmmm...the shrapnel must have been travelling atleast at 88 miles an hour!
  9. Just today I had an inmobilized Sherman get knocked out by an arty shell direct hit, although Im not sure if it was 81 or 105
  10. heh ive had panthers dance arround for more than a minute when they had some 4 or 5 tanks at which to choose from, kept truning the turrent and hull left to right to left to right, rotating turnning aiming etc etc...
  11. if they arent any carbines in the squad its preety dificult to get one!
  12. I heard the next Call of Duty is heading that way aswell...
  13. Thing is the article says that units wont obey orders if out of C2...not exatly true jaja
  14. I was always told about the troll under the bridge, never thought there would be a whole platoon!
  15. Also if you can try and get a flank on it, that will negate the shield protection and also the Flak takes ages to turn so it will give you enough time to run if it starts to.
  16. One question, isnt it a waste of food putting your rations in the most likely place to get hit? jajaja
  17. we should go back to more civilized times
  18. they are severely vulnerable to mortars, use those. and yes there is always a chance.
  19. Its happened to me aswell...(preplanned and only with onmap mortars) PS: I dont think the mortar issue is a reason to stop playing all together, try and mix it up, do what I did and start playing the Germans!!! or something
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