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Everything posted by Boche

  1. well just saying, I dont think fortifications are designed to be core units.
  2. you are correct xD ill link it one second: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=99095
  3. so why cant blackcat post how he has experienced the game? Man you need to take some chill pills or something...
  4. Yeah, I had one mortar team target light an mg in a foxhole, when the unit was not spotted anymore and the target was canceled, the mortar quickly switched to target and fired off a couple of rounds in quick succession... The last thing I want to do is moan and say the typical "the patch broke more than it fixed" or "now that 1.01 is released we need the next one tomorow!", but somethings have got to be adressed... it seems the mortar thing isnt the only thing plaging 1.01
  5. Is it me or have mortars suddenly started targetting with no orders? its happened a couple of times now. First 2 of my 81mm mortars spotted a Sherman and started firing at it and blew through their whole 24 rounds (albeit they did manage to damage it to the point the cew bailed, which probably saved me ) and now one of my 60mm has spotted some infantry and is attacking with high fire rate and is going through its rounds quickly and there is nothing I can do to stop it. is anyone seeing this? Cheers!
  6. I downed 3 germans with 1 thompson spray ^^
  7. it the topic of the 17ss PGs, and the author of the thread seems to have a book on them. do you by any chance know what recon assets the division had as of 10-11 june ?
  8. THank you snake_eye! looking forward to the scenario!
  9. Im happy to get any information on any german unit, and especially this one since it will help me in ma Carentan scenario
  10. Looks great! and also may I have a copy of that map showing the german deployments in normandy? I could really use it !! thanks!
  11. ah the classic reverse italian joke, jejeje never gets old!
  12. nice, sure id love to see it. im planing on doing the XYZ battle aswell, currently making an "ambush at exit 4" mission.
  13. yeah, jajaja, written it so many times suprising i got mixed up
  14. Im am working on a series of scenarios depicting the 502nd in Normandy, one is the taking of the Saint Martin de Vierville battery ofcourse in real life the battery was found abandoned, but that wouldnt make a fun scenario now would it I made the map historically through Google earth, (before I found the 1947 aerial photo page) and made some playability adjustments to it. its basically a 29 strong airborne group (several HQs and attached units) against 4 Flaks + ammo bearers (both 50% strenght),a defense Fusilier Platoon and several fortifications and MGs. in all totalling 85 men. Well heres the thing, I wanted to see. I wanted to see how some players reacted to the map and how difficult they thought it was. Its not supposed to be challenging yet, its the 2nd mission in the campaign, with much more (hopefully) challenging missions coming later. I also still havnt got the hang of the point system. if anyone can direct me to a guide or can give me some good tips I would really apreciate it. anyone interested in checking "Silence the guns" (name possibly to be changed) please send a PM or email me at ryangarciadonoghue@gmail.com and I shall send the scenario. Thanks and I really appreciate it Here are some pics of the battery, tell me what you think. Is it too concentrated? is it believable? thanks!:
  15. exactly, after all its basically CMSF with new addons but the scenarios where the things that lacked, for me they had no apeall
  16. if they do share development, I hope they do a better job than Afghanistan...I just could not get into that game
  17. well every system has its flaws, also the bad thing is that if the Steam building goes down, the whole system goes down jaja I remember a couple of years back, a tornado damaged the steam center, and no one was able to use steam for about 3 weeks
  18. thats the one, coincidentelly I just found out the name 2 minutes ago and am currently looking at the overview photo thanks!
  19. Does anyone have any plans on how german fortifications where set up say for defense of a artillery battery position inside a bocage square in france? or any kind would be useful? Im making this arty battery position in france and have made some fortifications made it look "profesional" but It would be nice to have some sort of plans to work with. ive searches but all ive come up with are beach fortifications or large scale ones... PS, didnt the red devils take out a battery position on the morning of june 6? what was the name of the position maybe I can look it up, cheers!
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