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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. I will get GL Welcome to Sicily going for the Holidays but I just started Men With Suspicious Hats so need to get through this one. The last patch is making CMFI/GL look and play much better on my Mac.
  2. It does look a bit surreal John but maybe they have a feel for it after CMSF. Wherever they go in New Modern will be fine I am sure based on their real world business sense.
  3. Well your RPG design worked. Several turns I had RPGs miss over and or near the LAVs. Speaks to BlackMoria’s preferance for RT with pauses. When the fireworks get too close PAUSE and adjust.... before the boys go into the wrong place during 60".
  4. Operation Corporate well Blimey! You do travel the world plenty. Is it just me or does anyone notice an increase in CMSF activity? Maybe a precursor to the New Modern release and or CMSF2 ... next year?
  5. Hey BlackMoria, I am not as skilled a player as you are and hope you took no offense to my joking suggestion to snake eye. Of course I agree with you. RT with pauses will allow much greater micromangeing and fewer wonky things. I would think the ideal of all me vs AI worlds would be RT with the ability to "rewind" say 30" of RT play to re issue different orders. One can kind of do this with RT turn based but takes more steps. My approach is often to dive in Elite RT-TB play till too many wonky things occur and then restart the game hoping to have learned from my experience. It works for me as my "uninterrupted" play time is very limited. Doing RT with lots of pauses ... I often forget where I was in the move by the time I get back to the game. With RT-TB I just fire up the saved move and see where I was = easier. I am sure you will bullseye A Helluva Take Over - Op Market Garden when it comes out.
  6. You are hard at work snake eye. Looking top-notch. RE: Blackmoria's CMSF skill. Yep he plays very well but here is a designer strategy that might work. Below from Blackmoria's Fallujah Hospital tips. (Thanks Blackmoria kept my behind intact to see the doctor) "My success is part system mastery of CMSF, a obsessive amount of micro managing of my forces while playing real time (the only way I play) with frequent pauses and a whole lot of good luck. Having had nearly 20 years in as a combat arms officer does help for tactical savvy and planning." The man is very good at CMSF and must have good luck... so to trip him up .... you could introduce a "Real Time NO PAUSES" mode and see how he makes out
  7. RPGs in "low intensity conflict." If they were prevalent in both Iraq and in Afghanistan and I have no doubt they were they should be included. I need better tactical skills to avoid them. It was funny how sometimes there were 3 flying past my LAVs in a 60" turn. I am sure that got the guys attention. Looking forward to your next projects Combatintman. I have yet to play all the CMSF Mac Bundle originals yet! I am switch hitting in CMFI now. Interesting how much the latest patches smoothed out CMFI & CMBN. Makes my appetite for New Modern all the more.
  8. Sounds like a good investment for next year. I was noticing last PM how much the patches for CMBN CMFI improved the smoothness of the game play but at 2560 x 1440, my ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB graphics could use a boost.
  9. Thanks for a Mac version waclaw. I got this message trying to get the file. "Invalid Link. This link wasn't well formed."
  10. "Clear and Hot! Nice job snake eye. "The only thing that annoys me is the fact that I have not so many A.I Groups as found in CMBN and CMFI-GL. It will be better in CMSF2." Yes I am sure CMSF2 in CMx2 will be a treat.
  11. Operation IRAQI FREEDOM Fallujah Hospital - Run # 4 = Tactical Victory Elite Turn Based. No US dismounts (3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion USMC (Wolfpack) wounded and I used them a plenty. 1 LAV KO’d! I think from 36th Iraqi Commando Battalion it was @20 Commandos WIA @ 10 KIA. Seemed like every bad guy in town had an RPG! Looked like fireworks at times and they seemed to see well at night. I definetly lost points for peppering the buildings a bit too much. I was ready for the 'surprise' that happens at the close near the south and north bridge areas thanks to BlackMoria’s advice. Thanks. I would have gotten worse results had I not prepared for that surprise. Good map. Plenty of room to work with equipment and forces at hand. Nice balance of VPs. “ROE is a key consideration and damage to civilian structures, particularly the hospital, is to be minimized.” I could have destroyed every bad guy around leveling everything but then I would not win this "low intensity conflict." I will play Fallujah Hospital again in the future to try for better end game results sticking closer to ROE and getting no LAV knock out. A fun scenario, Combatintman. Thank you.
  12. "We want to offer people a lower cost entry point into CM by allowing people to buy the previous (unsupported) version at a $10 discount. Customers can then buy the Upgrade on it's own for $10 or buy it as part of a Module Bundle and save $5." It seems like the plan is offer a reduced price - discount - on the previous (unsupported) version so as to interest a broader spectrum of customers. Sometimes $10 off is just enough to get the ... I'll give it a try and see how it plays" purchases. If they like it they are able to simply Upgrade or that added incentive...buy it as part of a Module Bundle and save $5 makes the possibility of an extra sale as well. At least that is my business take on it. I think everyone who owns the best current state of the engine can see the improvements in the games families and modules but a less war-game savvy consumer (likely to start with the discounted versions) may look at the buying everything in the best current state of the engine as too expensive.
  13. Congratulations on your first scenario!!! Looks very absorbing from set up. Have not played yet but will and let you know what I see. Thanks ian.leslie. *
  14. Sounds reasonable to me. A lower cost entry point into CM and if you get stuck in the game family take the discount and improve the game experience. "These options give customers the most amount of flexibility.." Consumer choice is good
  15. It is Maine. It is Cold and sometimes leaks are slooooow as Maple Sweetness.... but worth every drop when that 1st taste trickles from the encephalon encased in glass
  16. Not yet. Seems I can’t get on the website and keep getting sent to the virtual que but it supposed to be all mo beta real soon Got distracted with weekend chores and football so didn’t play much. Fire up run #3 Elite TB and darn insurgents between South & North Bridge KO’d two LAVs at > 300 meters! It was probably my fault as I had left the hatch open so maybe my night vision capability was not so good? I mucked about clearing and securing Highway Junction, IED Factory, South Bridge, and North Bridge and got another LAV KO’s with an RPG. I think a lll these guys and their cousins have RPGs. Before I tackle the Hospital Area (probably filled with IEDs and RPGs) I decided to restart #4 as I may have “peppered” some of the “civilian objects” a bit too much and I should not have any LAV’s KO’d if I do it right. Once I get stuck in a scenario I don’t mind restarting them to try and learn from my goof ups. Credit to Combatintman for encouraging my Health Care visits and BlackMoria for asking about my peace and well being. I doubt I will match your stellar results when I actually get to the Triage Line in the Hospital Area but I will do my best.
  17. "It's gonna be comprehensive." That is a lot of work Mord. I had no idea how you & DC did the mod but I sure am thankful for your enhancing the CM games. Thank you.
  18. Fire - Enough said. Fire? Show Smoky some love http://blogs.usda.gov/2013/07/16/smokey-bear-gives-bear-hugs-in-new-wildfire-prevention-campaign/
  19. Lots of interesting possibilities noted. CMAK desert war was just plain fun to play. CMBB offered a very deep toy box of hardware. As for New Modern "Black Sea" , the masses in Ukraine and government in Russia maybe on track for real world events happening before the end of 2014.
  20. Although not CMBN, a New Modern CMx2 “Black Sea" might be a timely release? Seems like Battlefront picks some interesting locations to demonstrate what the CMx* engine can do! Ukraine protests: Thousands march through capital http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-25173719 Ukraine: Protesters besiege government building http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/12/02/ukraine-protests/3801183/ “Protests have been held daily in Kiev since Yanukovych backed away from an agreement that would have established free trade and deepened political cooperation between Ukraine and the EU. He justified the decision by saying that Ukraine couldn't afford to break trade ties with Russia.” Mord….”But Steve dropped hint a while ago about about (paraphrasing very lightly) "not having amphibious vehicles...yet." Who knows what that means?” Vietnam maybe?
  21. Flamethrowers...should cause damage decals... like this. Toggle intro video, War Movie Mode ON and...
  22. Thanks Mord. Would be great to have you CMSF Sound Mods updated and know the full Mac parameters. Would provide customers with more options from Tweet Bird to Sounds of Silence to Metallica in overdrive.... to some Ultra HQ background sounds... whatever mood you are in.
  23. I tried reviving some of Mord's old Sound Mods for CMSF Mac. Some success but not complete so I do not know all the factors. I think Mac needs to be 16 bit, 48,0 KHz sample rate mono except for ambient sounds in stereo. I would also like to know all the parameters are for Mac sound files in the CM games. I often listen to music but sometimes like ZERO background sounds. With a silent background you know when you .." hit the red button and - BANG! All hell breaks loose!"
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