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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Mord... "Nam is my wargaming Nirvana! Don't piss on my Nirvana!" Should be a new sig line Mord. Baneman … “ just napalm the jungle already! Aye ... Just DO IT! Migo441… songs by Jefferson Airplane, Three Dog Night, et al. With associated "morale adjustments" after R&R. db_zero… “Viet-Nam ...epic battles…not just Guerrilla warfare. .. NVA very tough and competent regular units…” US Militarily won the war. NVA took over the country! Michael Emrys … “your Vietnam game would tank early and be a financial disaster that could destroy or at least severely cripple the company.” Don't let Mr. Emrys fool you. He probabaly has a 1960s vintage bong in his closet... for research purposes Michael is "in country" all the way to departure from Saigon. sburke …CM Vietnam you know you want to do it. Pull the pin and toss it bro! CM: Vietnam - Think about it: -Caves and tunnels, bunkers buried into the terrain With FOW- you know you HAVE to have sewers and cellars for East Front 1942 or it will be a total flop for Stalingrad so it HAS to already be in -LIVE Dogs & Water Buffalo and blood trails -Napalm (I Am the God of HELLFIRE and I Bring You....)- pffft -riverine patrols with yes- boats! A great future product for Battlefront customers.
  2. "Because there are so many great maps out there (MarkEzra having made a huge chunk of them) we don't feel this is a "front burner" type of feature request." No Mr. MarkEzra... you gave BFC some development options with your maps Thanks.
  3. sburke (n'all Nam supporters / participants) ... Thank You. Vietnam is a 10 ring place holder in the BFC business model.
  4. You are so correct Lee. This guy is such a down to earth type / common sense guy. The funniest part was his insitence on "historically accurate" as he actually was in Nam doing some ... difficult assignments including... hand to hand ... survival.
  5. CMSF Redux is brilliant news Blimey. I know you will make another round about the globe modding CMSF Redux. Thanks in advance. Ukraine game "Black Sea" will be in play 1st. We will get to see the bases of CMSF Redux and .. get more when BFC gives new Life to CMSF. Many good play days ahead.
  6. Marco Bergman made a larger font mod for CMSF. What MB made (Thanks Marco) works but is not perfect. I recently uninstalled larger font mod for CMSF Mac Bundle. Maybe a new Engine 3.0 larger font mod might work? I am running at 2560 x 1440 with a PC (non Mac) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 4096 MB graphics with graphics settings maxed out and the games are... real pretty with mega mods... but the fonts are... tiny. The good about 2560 x 1440 fonts is if your monitor is close to your face you can read the tiny fonts (with my glasses) but you do not see the pixels on the screen. "The primary problem is that OpenGL"... not a BFC issue as much as a resource priority / allocation issue. With the next push to 4096 x 2560 true 4k ... CM will look more than superlative only inches from the screen and I suspect by then the adjustable font size.. though "pretty tough" will be resolved.
  7. You will capture a bridge across the Euphrates Sequoia... and it will be awesome!
  8. Sorry.. I haven't seen the greatest British Colonial/Zulu Wars film ever made... but I will order it to be initiated. As for "beating a dead horse" how do we know it is really dead? Doesn't look to shabby... maybe it is just one of those "lulls in the battle"... resting...sleeping. By Engine 4.0 ... horsey (and all it's Animal Planet brethren) could be ALIVE and participating in our victory on the battlefield;)
  9. Hell Yeah! Battlefront is on a THUNDER ROLL and it feels so good:D
  10. Zulu (1964 film)? No. I have not. But my friend is Netflix:D
  11. then of course... WAR HORSE - Joey trained for the plough .... cut.... Joey faces an oncoming tank....escapes and runs into no-man's land, where he gallops through the devastated Somme battlefield and gets entangled in the barbed wire barriers... a war horse could survive the battle... cut... Joey returns to his family's farm. Getting all Verklemptz
  12. Roy rode "Golden Cloud" before Trigger. Lone Ranger rode a chestnut mare called Dusty.... but Lone Ranger saves Silver's life from an enraged buffalo (Water Buffalo?) in gratitude, Silver chooses to give up his wild life to carry him. Tonto's horse Scout.... "Git-um up, Scout!" Surely our animal companions will have life breathed into them by the powers that animate and want to be "historically accurate." Getting all Verklemptz
  13. BFC's long term plan as best I understand: CM Red Thunder March 2014! Sometime after CMRT is released, Battlefront will also release a 3.0 Upgrade for CMBN and CMFI.Fixes, tweaks, etc. that show up in Upgrade 3.0 for both Normandy and Italy will be made available to Red Thunder via a free patch. A final CMBN pack. A final CMFI pack. A CM Bulge module/packs. New modern Black Sea "NATO, Ukraine, Russia in near future" modules/packs. More Eastern Front modules/packs broken up by year 1944,43,42,41 with successive titles so all of the Eastern Front is fully covered. CMSF reborn using whatever the current game engine is…The INTENTION is to make it so all the existing CMSF content, from all sources and all Modules, will work with the updated game system. If this business model is correct, Battlefront customers have enormous entertainment commodities in the pipeline. I am amazed at the breadth of war gaming on the horizon. As Steve noted..." The amount of changes we've made over the years is... uhm... larger than a few :D" I know how much better the new CMFI/GL & CMBN/CW/MG are. Better in so many ways. Will be ordering CMRT 3.0 too. Can't help but imagine how great the NEW CMSF will play when it is available.... but I am sure it will be of the highest quality.
  14. Sequoia... have you considered bestiary inclusinons (once animated and rideable) in your "Dealership Series?"
  15. So the bestiary begins. Sir George probaly has scenarios with a compendium of real and mythical animals set to pop out by triggers. Imagine a Submachinegun Company (44) tripping a stampede. Oh the horror
  16. Giddy Up Trigger-Away! Yeah looks way too crisp and clean to be ... dead. A tag for the nag The grin might be Battlefront smiling as they know some day the will raise Trigger from the dead:D For the boys scared of rough riding the broncos motorcycles and bicycles will be available;)
  17. Check the CMSF forum re: CMSF. The future sounds bright for the game!
  18. Water Buffalos... You should hear some of his Nam stories! Maybe the new iteration of CMSF will have camels If we can have horses and cows...maybe motorcycles and bicycles are also possible. His "historically accurate" comment was an honest comment form a guy who probably never played a computer game... too many real animals to take care of.
  19. " 01/30/14, 10:39 PM Battlefront.com Administrator Join Date: Feb 1999 Posts: 18,435 CMSF will be eventually reborn using whatever the current game engine is, then be able to keep up with the pack. However, I shudder at the thought of how much work this is going to be. The amount of changes we've made over the years is... uhm... larger than a few The INTENTION is to make it so all the existing CMSF content, from all sources and all Modules, will work with the updated game system. Whether we can make that happen or not is unknown at this point. However, I can promise you that we will not give up easily on this goal. It's huge for all of us, so worth putting the time into figuring out how to make it happen should it prove tough going. What is totally unknown is how much the last 4 years of game changes will impact existing scenario gameplay balance. It might be that we have to rebalance all the "disk" content and leave it to you guys to update user made stuff. We're hoping that rebalancing isn't needed because that would cause a big delay in getting product out to you guys. I can not promise you guys anything in terms of timeframe, only that it is on our radar after Black Sea is out the door. Steve ============== Thank you Steve Started a new thread with new title to emphasize CMSF will be reborn whatever the current game engine is when it arrives. If Battlefront can provide a way for CMSF fans to "update user made stuff" that would work . As for timeframe, Battlefront has so much quality product arriving regularly now I think most modern fans will have their game time filled for a while and... if not... Black Sea is on the way! Thanks Battlefront
  20. Good job Erwin. Detailed AAR that should help others give it a go. Combatintman, Your CIMIC House is a solid CMSF scenario IMO. I enjoyed it in playing AI -RT. Your feedback is also limited to folks playing AI. Human to Human could generate a much different outcome. With all the announcements today in Red Thunder I suspect CMSF-2 and or Black Sea are going to be much more scenario designer friendly for Human vs AI games.
  21. Ken will you be testing decals with Bil in a Beta AAR
  22. I can't make this stuff up. True story Had to fix a gate this afternoon. Local rolled by on ATV and we talked a bit. Mentioned I was excited about new "historically accurate" game set in WWII Russians and Germans. "Does it have hoses in it?" I don't know. "If it don't have hoses in it ... it ain't "historically accurate." Well they have to create the computer models n's tuff. "Do they have dead horses in it?" I don't know. "If they have dead horses in it they just have to make dead horses ... not dead ....to pull wagons and cannons. Horses did that in WWII so that would make it "historically accurate." You have a point. "Do they make games about Nam?" No. Not yet anyway. "If they do they will need to make live Water Buffalos. We sometimes used them in Nam." Good point. We talked a bit more and my friend rolled off on his ATV. I was not going to contradict him about horse history. The fellow would give you the shirt off his back, help you any way he could, has RODEO in his blood and horses on his property. I just found it hilarious I see this thread this evening. So... there must be a way to make dead horses ... not dead ....to pull wagons and cannons. If it works for horses, then try cows and someone can MOD the odd Water Buffalo and Tag it
  23. Commendable for a company alleged to be dead
  24. Steve this is such a welcome addition to CM and the tremedous Mod Artistes ! Thank you Battlefront. Stolichnaya infused with Ginseng root (and other herbs) all round:D
  25. Add to CMCF-2 wish list please add the 3.0+ Engine and * Backpack and vehicle flamethrowers * Tank riders - cowboys;) * Hit decals * And lots more... for a complete list, please visit the "Overview" section. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=330&Itemid=567 New Modern is going to be so much fun
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