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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Obviously this is an older Land Warrior System ... not really a horse....designed to appear to be a dead horse but placed in full view and being used for reconnaissance. Crafty bunch of SW guys at BFC tipping their hand as what we might expect in CMBS
  2. So Russian's Land Warrior - the Future Force Warrior program? integrate small arms with high-tech equipment; provide communications and command and control at the infantry soldier level; look at the individual infantry soldier as a complete unit rather than as a segment of a larger force. Respectfully... The lady in the line up is for "the PR show" .. right? Does Russia actually have women in the fighting force on the front lines with their men?
  3. Nice additions mvp7. Thanks. ChrisND has his plate full with CMSF Resurrection into the modern game engine. If he can manage to make bringing the original CMSF material along happen ... you will IMO see a renewed interest in a classic game that that kick started CMx2 and it's children.
  4. A place holder for a Live Horse or Water Buffalo
  5. Just trying to dial in his "contact the troops"... frequency I suspect Ugh... Since Russian is not my native tongue does anyone know what Vlad was being told about these Russian soldiers?
  6. One Russian soldier in the review line has lipstick mod and smiles for the boss
  7. Was in sattelite country working when CMRT was released. Too much work then and now. I just got notice all my new Hackintosh parts should be on the bench here next week! CMRT purchase(s) will commence after build and testing. I hope Apple gets their 10.9.3 graphic drivers out by then but no matter .. I will have an Evil OS in my new hot box
  8. "On June 22nd, 1944, the Soviets launched the single largest ground offensive that the world has ever seen: Operation Bagration. So massive was the attack that in just a few days the German Army Group Center effectively ceased to exist, leaving the Third Reich with roughly 400,000 casualties it could not replace. " Well if that don't get you interested in a little Red Thunder... have someone take your pulse:D Credits lists an abundance of talented personnel. One Task "Quick Battles" appears to be entrusted to Mark Ezra by himself! "Version 3.0 of the Combat Mission game engine includes a plethora of new features and upgrades. Highlights include: - Flamethrowers!
  9. Skwabie is correct. I posted too quickly and confused my response. Sorry Erwin and all. Vehicle texture randomization does work for SF. Are you ready for CMSF-2 & CMBS yet
  10. Thanks Skwabie, Vehicle texture randomization doesn't work for SF. Nice set up to get different skins. The uniform texture mods are sweet but are more HD than needed for playing a fluid game. Fight On!
  11. "...a little more detail here, and there and there's new stuff too." Looks very nice & ready for a RT "bon fire" ... flamethrowers and all Thanks,
  12. Respects Rambler, "if you're an organized type of person" far from it but your Weapon Skins v2.0 makes me a happier person Thank You.
  13. the 3rd or 4th - 10.9.3 beta release for Apple developers with new graphics drivers went out yesterday. Security trumps graphics but I really hope Apple gets their graphic faux pas corrected soon. Hackintosh parts are slowly coming in and I hope to be in the 4.5GHz range when complete. Should add a quickness in my Blue Bar Burn
  14. Happy to help guys. Question Skwabie "vehicles are no-go for SF"... Are you not getting HD resolutions on the Abrams & Bradley using Ryujin's HD Mod?
  15. "I think MikeyD has a Point" and he is spot on regarding .."magic performed by their 'first second programmer' Phil..". To be fair I'm no tech wiz either
  16. Thank you Skwabie. Looking forward to trying "The Art Of War Campaign" when Apple releases new graphic drivers. I currently get stuck at 36% loading in 10.9.2 for both the Campaign and Scenarios. Have to force quit due to Apple's driver issues. Your Art Of War Campaign should work fine in Windows and when Apple fixes their graphic drivers and or I get my Hackintosh built
  17. RE: Ryujin HD Mod https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ghxab478yr0lnff/nM3iKBJR7M This is 542 MB folder on my free account so total traffic is 20 GB per day before I get banned so I should be OK unless there is a huge US Army HD itch that needs fixing Thank you Ryujin for your Mod. Enjoy.
  18. My grand pappy's stuff vs. My MODERN stuff is better.... Heck with that... what was the CMBB vote on "sexiest pixel butt" "More of a sense of ownership (abstract as it might be) for sure will keep us admins on our toes." You admins can easily tap dance through this CMRT minefield just watch out for the horsey... Ordered my 1st Hackintosh build case yesterday. If I am going to be overwhelmed by the Russian Hordes, riding Cowboy on tanks I want to have 4.5GHz "Evil OS" box to be overwhelmed properly with
  19. Lethaface - Guess the house wins indeed. They even brought some guns to show they mean business, I guess. If Putin "wins" a legitimate vote for 'anschluss' (tinfoil hat territory) why would Russia... who never invaded Crimea ... even need slingshots
  20. It can and it may gunnergoz. Hopefully the world has learned how to apply enough non military pressure to make the masses realize what is best for them and it is not another war. Best to you and your wife / family.
  21. Not advocating a "drill baby drill" approach. I do think there are small switches that can be flipped ... responsibly over time... these may not be THE factor but would squeeze Putin's grip so he lost his control / support. It may not take Mr. President Big Oil to do it... slowly crush their economy and at some point Putin will get the ... point.... maybe from several of his "friends." Hey even if If 60% of Crimea's population vote against 'anschluss' if they too get squat for being free under Russia ... they too may consider to re-change their recent change?
  22. "If 60% of Crimea's population vote for 'anschluss', who are we to denounce it?" Not arguing but offering this perspective. If 60% of Crimea's population vote against 'anschluss', who is Puttin to denounce it? I posit this as I do not think any vote against 'anschluss', would or could be tolerated by Puttin. I do not know what is best best for Ivan just saying when Puttin "does not invade" Crimea as Lavrov tells Kerry and Russia refuses to allow anyone outside .. inside ... to "observe" a "free and fair" vote re: 'anschluss' sounds like the House Wins regardless of what the ballots say.
  23. ScoutPL "No the next "big one" will be fought with economics and trade agreements. The majority will just shut out the troublemaker and he will wither on the vine. It just has to get bad enough for the majority to come together and see the need." If the US oil and gas industy amped up the supply to drive oil and gas prices ... lower than Russia could tolerate... it might get bad enough for the majority and the oligarchs... the very rich businessman with a great deal of political influence.... to see the need and act?
  24. In the the hundred million threads and posts about east vs west was there any mention of .... Live Horses and Fire CMSF website for your tutorials bookmarked. Thank you. To be clear CMRT is released really soon? ... before CMBS with extra features unique to the modern setting... in May-ish?
  25. Welcome home ScoutPL. "Black Sea" will be engine version 3.0, the same as Red Thunder. However, there will be some extra features unique to the modern setting. More info at a later time." Now is a later time ChrisND Need some fun fix facts as I am finalizing my "Evil OS" Dual Boot Hackintosh parts list for next week. YD.."..CMBS will be released as version 3.x of the engine, likely with some minor, incremental improvements over the CMRT 3.0 release (3.1?).... " Yeah next week so I can do my 1st build and get it right before I am overwhelmed by the Russian Hordes
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