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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. I do not know the “ideal machine specs”. I have learned from building my 1st computer, my hackintosh. 1st was a powerful GPU makes for a much smoother, fluid 3D game experience. This is probably a more consistent “frame rate” but I don’t have a FPS counter. Graphic settings can be set to best / most eye candy and CM looks great. I moved my GPU out of the older Mac Pro into the new hackintosh in my build. The new motherboard, CPU, memory, etc. in this build made a huge positive impact on CM’s load and times. Everything in CMRT is fast with other programs running at the same time. I would not think having multiple cores is a problem for CM. If the game has enough GPU power, enough memory, increasing your CPU power should speed up the game loading and saving. This is what appears to have happened in my hackintosh. Having multiple cores allows me the headroom to have other programs running and still have a great CM experience. I have even had all 3 games CMBN/FI/RT playing scenarios at the same time w/o a problem! The 36% Apple OpenGL load problem is a very good example of how driver level malfunction can impact the game. No amount of hardware can fix that problem. Phil Culliton resolved the Apple OpenGL issue in Red Thunder with an an explicit workaround that makes CMRT Mac a true joy to play.
  2. What MikeyD states ..."CMRT additional computations have been front-loaded into the initial load sequence in a (successful) effort to speed up realtime play. So any wait time you gain at startup is more than made up during gameplay in higher framerate and reduced lag." .... makes sense to me. I am much further down the tech geek totem pole than MikeyD is for sure CMRT feels really fast and smooth on the Hackintosh. The CMBN/FI scenarios I can play (despite Apple's OpenGL mistake) load and play well but it "feels" like CMRT is faster and smoother ... just zings along loading, saving, computing turns, etc. I usually play Real Time vs AI. The load times I noted for Hpt. Lisse on Hackintosh were done as Elite Turn based saves. Checked Gog and Magog scenario largest stock CMRT scenario. Gog and Magog loads in 18 seconds. I had previously tested the same scenario in 10.9.3 Gog and Magog loads in 22 seconds. Maybe Apple polished something in 10.9.4 to improve graphics? *Looking forward to CMBN/FI Patch & Upgrades coming soon I hope*
  3. Interested in this query re: load times. Even dablled in OSX Ram Disk = no improvements in loading times. Hackintosh is ripping loading times in CMRT - OSX .
  4. It was interesting watching the pilgrims reactions to Darth Vader and his Candy Monkey as the curtain was slowly pulled aside to greet them. Some ran away in fear while others laughed a lot. A few tried to strike up a conversation with Darth Vader through the window. These folks got treats from the Candy Monkey.
  5. “I actually don't see what the big deal about the dummy is.” A “old friend” from years ago now… stored his life size Darth Vader coiffed mannequin, holding a lifelike monkey / bird feeder hanging from a rope on Darth Vader’s arm with assorted candies in the bird feeder tray… very near his front door window. When the doorbell rang, he enjoyed slowly pulling the curtains aside so D.V. and his Monkey could greet the visitor with candies. He was a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.
  6. Load Times on Hackintosh. Both Tests run in Best/Best, shadows, shaders, etc. on. Maximum eyecandy settings. Z Folder = 3.22 GB Myth of Invincibility (7.9 MB) = 14 seconds Augustow Plague Boil (24.7 MB) = 21 seconds I do not know what is holding up your load times on the new tower. "Now, once in the 3-D environment, the New Tower shines – the 4790K combined with a more powerful 7870 video card clearly renders out the battlefield faster, no question." This is a good thing and reason to upgrade for sure. My Hackintosh has me plenty of vigor for anything CM related I toss at it. Apple's OpenGL screw up is another story Phil and Battlefront have CMRT running in stunning war game glory Good Luck with dropping the tower load times Hpt. Lisse . System Specs: Hackintosh - ‘EVO Black Resurrection’ = EBR Intel Core i7-4770K - 3.89GHz not over-clocked in OS X Gigabyte Z87X-UD3H motherboard EVGA GTX 760 ACX 4GB GDDR5 RAM 16GB G.SKILL Sniper Series DDR3 2400 memory at 1600 MHz in OS X Intel 335 SSD 240GB Cooler Master HAF XB EVO LAN Case DELL U2713HM-2560 x 1440 Apple OS X 10.9.4 (13E28) Boot ROM Version: MultiBeast.tonymacx86.com
  7. After An Ultimatum, Christians Flee Iraqi City by Leila Fadel by http://www.npr.org/2014/07/21/333537790/after-ultimatum-christians-flee-iraqi-city-en-masse Only 9 families converted! Everyone else was instructed to leave their homes, possessions, etc. and get out of Mosul. I suspect if "caliphate" acquired a mobile surface-to-air missile system it would get a visit from Mr. Drone before these folks could use it... at least I hope it would. Eventually this "caliphate" will get some Awakening Movement v2.0 as few people desire this level of Life Management.
  8. Patch / upgrades for WWII are currently in testing. I am sure CMFI/GL and CMBN/CW/MG are all going to feel like a new game with patch / upgrades. Carry on and Thank You Chris ND .
  9. "modern equipment is much more complicated..." Modern equipment is a whole lot of fun to play with too "Heck, we haven't even officially announced the game yet." Many Modernistas are ready for the unofficially announced game... later 2014 works. Any specifics on the patch / upgrades for WWII? Thanks for the feedback.
  10. Thanks ChrisND for the current CMSF- v.3.0 status.
  11. A return to Steve's 1st post in in this BFC created in this thread is insightful. "War is merely the continuation of policy by other means." - Carl von Clausewitz "I can not stress how strongly we hope that in the coming days, weeks, months, or even years we are proven wrong about everything else. We wish the people of Ukraine the best, regardless of their ethnic, religious, or political affiliations. You deserve to live peacefully...." I suspect no one considered a MH-17 catastrophe "policy" manifested mayhem / madness..could ever become reality. The business predicament facing Battlefront's reputable product development....." we are not throwing together a game to capitalize on the problems of others" is on very solid ground for for regular customers and a solid reason for their forum silence. A 1/2 cocked media "report" could potentially derail CMBS product release for Battlefront. I (and I suspect other regular CM customers) would eagerly purchase a pre release CMBS when offered. "Wars are about killing and being killed for goals which may, or may not, have value. Wargames are about the tactics and weapons of those wars" Steve@BFC
  12. Real -300 s & Inflatable S-300 dummy & netting camouflage Optional Irregulars with video cameras strapped to their chest rig. We all know CMSF- v.3.0 is on the long list of project development but a progress update would be appreciated.
  13. Yep. I do not know what Iraq surface-to-air missile have. I hope none of the disaffected Sunni deserters from the Iraqi military volunteer to help this "caliphate". Wonder if CMBS / CMSF-2 will get mobile surface-to-air missile systems? I must admit one of the exciting gaming moments is watching the ATGMs fly across a huge battle filed and hit their target. Pretty cool game function. One of the flavor objects could be a "half an ounce (14g) of pure gold"?
  14. "...Islamist militant group Isis has told Christians in Mosul to convert to Islam, pay a tax or be killed...The ultimatum cited a historic contract known as "dhimma," under which non-Muslims in Islamic societies who refuse to convert are offered protection if they pay a fee, called a "jizya"....Isis issued a similar ultimatum in the Syrian city of Raqqa in February, calling on Christians to pay about half an ounce (14g) of pure gold in exchange for their safety." http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-28381455 I wonder how the tax records are kept? Maybe you get a "jizya" tattoo # on your arm if you pay up? If they take your head off it is obvious you didn't pay up or convert. Iraq's Awakening Movement v2.0 will hopefully come before this "caliphate" grabs some surface-to-air missiles for their glory and amusement.
  15. Can you hide Dead Livestock under a haystack? What happens to the dead horse and the cow under a haystack when a tank destroys the haystack? PETA wants to know Is there a very fine slender piece of metal with a point at one end and a hole or eye for thread at the other, used in sewing found in the haystack? Sorry... happens while waiting for patches, and engine upgrades
  16. 'the best victory is one where the opponent surrenders without any bloodshed' Yes. I agree 100%. Difficult to accomplish. I am not in their land messing with them. If jihadi opponents in their current 'pointless' existence / proxy war are indoctrinated ... with nasheed Islamic State of Iraq.... that they may contribute more in a far away war against 'infidels'... like in Europe, UK and USA.... not much we can do but prevent when possible and resist their contributions. Present-day, terrorist-run "caliphate" in Iraq and Syria has so little in common with the original caliphates. *not all Anasheed are jihadist.* ISIS jihadists have co-opted Anasheed to advance their agenda and ideology. Back to CMSF-2...... The CMSF-2 (with v3+ engine) should provide a rich gaming milieu for any perspective.... Red on Blue, Blue on Blue, any mix of these colors via economic stagnation, sectarian conflicts to, Caliphate "forced procurement" to spread ideology. With the Battlefront focus on current production we CM fans are on "intermission" till CMx2 and CMBS are completed I suspect. When CMSF-2 arrives, hopefully bringing all the original user made value with it, we will have massive CMSF-2 Awakening Movement of just how timely and timeless this game is. Might even be able to scenario Iraq's Awakening Movement v.2 ?
  17. Thank you for the visual list Pete Wenman.
  18. The modern Caliphate does not appear very enlightened. If there is no relief for their grievance / ideology but to behead others that don't pass their ideology test ... it seems their is little recourse their ideas and manner of thinking .... the real problem. In the BBC " Iraq's Awakening Movement" audio clip I was struck by the Marine's sincerity that the Sunni's who were killing Marines saw that the AQ in their midst were worse than Marines and turned things around rather sharply on AQ. Maybe Iraq's Awakening Movement v.2 will happen for mr. Al-Baghdadi & his crew.
  19. "Under Flavor Objects, Farm, the horse is number 4, and the cow is number 5." OMG... What a mess I just made! To bring my Dead Livestock... to Life again:confused: Maybe crop circles and ground-etched occult symbols flavor object magic ... around the Dead Livestock could work
  20. The "opportunity" to train in the civil war in Syria appears to have improved their resources, material weapons and use of ATGM's on refurbished M1A1 Abrams tanks!
  21. Operation Ladbroke Elite RT vs AI. Italian T.V. Italian 4 Killed, 5 Wounded. British 15 Killed, 7 Wounded. Enjoyable to defend Lieutenant Withers attack. Had to move guys about to cover the attack approaches but it all worked out. Thank you Lt. Smash.
  22. Copacabana Party tonight for the BF crew Jet back to the US overnight. Monday = v3 updates, new modern game, patch fixes etc. on full speed
  23. If my presence in a place is a cause for grievance then my moving out should resolve the grievance. Shouldn't it? If after leaving to provide relief for the grievance the grieved follows me to my own country ... to kill me and anyone like me... it seems their ideology, their ideas and manner of thinking is the real problem. Heard this tech related audio this AM. Jihadi Videos Push Islamic Music's Austere Boundaries http://www.npr.org/2014/07/13/331133851/jihadi-videos-push-islamic-musics-austere-boundaries Islamist militants have stepped up their game when it comes to the music and visuals in their videos. NPR's Arun Rath talks to scholar Peter Neumann about today's tech-savvy jihadists.
  24. I tried the alternative... cloud castle fantasies and Live Horses! Went to check ChrisND' twitch leak on patch, upgrade status but unfortunately he was out of town yesterday. Probably in Brazil with the rest of Battlefront
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