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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. My officers came to work after a night of Stolichnaya They had to reincarnate to get a 2nd chance at Berlin bunker busting. From the looks of it they may need more Stolichnaya & rebirthing. Gefechtsvorposten don't miss much;)
  2. Comrades, The Hauptkampflinie is crawling up my Gefechtsvorposten removing impaction ... being spanked by the inexorable huns Sterling job I must regroup and restart and pay attention to... "Do not attack yet ...wait for the main body of the company to arrive." Because I now know what happens when fools rush in...
  3. ChrisND mentioned something in his Gustav Line: Venafro Back Into Hell video on twitch. I think he said BF was working on optimizations for the patches before v3.0 upgrades would be offered. Can't say that for sure but I think that is what he said @ 1 month ago.
  4. Thank you Panzer Mike, Pete Wenman, Daft, Snake_eye, Combatintman, Pnzrldr This is going to be fun! Will play Elite RT vs AI. Recon and Sappers will head out tonight
  5. Watched the CMBS Alpha video on ChrisND's twitch feed. Looks good.
  6. Just checked BFC repository. CMRT Vorposten not on offer yet. Maybe tomorrow.
  7. Sure looks like 'The railyard at Pitrovsk' Intense atmospheric screenshot! Very nice.
  8. Drove a tank or several to their death with that same (Late. Wine) mod. The casualties of creation
  9. "On average a scenario take me about a month.." Thank you for sharing your war-game passion with the Red & Blue hordes PanzerMike.
  10. I hear you grunt GI. Apple's hangs at 36% will be fixed some day. I am resigned to playing what I can because my fixating on what is broken and beyond my ability to fix is futile till Apple fixes what they broke.
  11. "a specific atmosphere.." You underestimate the impact Juju. I am "All Abord!"
  12. BS... I thought the same Michael. Have some friends who's company was based on last names and they would have been B.S. Construction! They opted for a different moniker. Being afflicted with Apple's 36% OpenGL pox... since the end of February... a patch would be most appreciated. I will upgrade CMBN & CMFI to v3.0 ASAP. That gives full spectrum CM customers time to enjoy the goodness of the patch and v3.0 before we move to some kick arse Modern CM
  13. Plenty of CM folks are appreciative of the long hours of composition CM Scenario designers and play testers give to us. I reckon many don't comment much for various reasons. Manageable force size scenarios when playing AI, Real Time, are a treat. Thank you in advance or to quote c3k "Attack!"
  14. You too may join the elect. Just put your hands on the monitor and cry out from your heart, "I believe!" "I believe!" Mr Emrys lives in Brazil ... on occasion I also believe the patch and the v3/2 upgrades for BN/FI are out before BS.
  15. "...I hope the patch and the v3/2 upgrades for BN/FI are out before BS." Agreed and I would bet this is the case. Sacrifices offered to Great Gods of Programming Sanity
  16. I don't know Erwin. Radio reports today indicated Mr. Abu "rockstar" has dispersed his forces into civilian vehicles / dress as much as possible to avoid Mr. Hellfire. I think it was a Mikey D's mod that changed the dress of uniformed Iraqi's to civilian so that might work. Also heard State Department said Green Zone was a safe area in Baghdad for US folks but one reporter said the Iraqi military that went to work near Green Zone today had civilian clothes under they uniforms! I doubt they are doing this so they can run away to soccer practice when their shift ends.
  17. Playing RT only, manageable force sizes are a great. Ready to take out the German outposts Comrade.
  18. Yes fixing the broken OpenGL in 10.9.3 would be great. Earlier this week I read in one of the Mac / hackintosh forums that 10.9.4 beta had no real graphic improvements. The poster suspected 10.10 would be where Apple would focus their resources on graphics. "The Burning Basis Vector" was an opnion post suggesting OpenGL Is Broken. Plenty of the article is beyond my limited graphics understanding but one of his arguments is "OpenGL driver quality is highly variable, and lags abysmally behind DirectX..... " .... a non-technical, and thus, ultimately irrelevant reason that can be solved by throwing more resources at the problem. With the resources at hand in Apple's bank account a broken OpenGL in 10.9.3 ... something they broke... should not have to wait till 10.10. "The Apple beatings will continue until morale improves" or they fix OpenGL
  19. Thanks for letting CMSF fans know where development is on the the big upgrade. Hoping Black Sea will be a modern mega hit for Battlefront as I suspect it will.
  20. "One tidbit regarding CM:BS is that SAMs will be present in the game... " Hope CMSF-2+ gets SAMs... maybe in a new module? "Say, a patch, the v3 upgrade, and a brand new game, like Black Sea... " I like the way you think Michael I hope this is the case and Battlefront did not head off to Brazil for a few weeks
  21. Working in "Satellite State" with slow satellite internet so have not kept up on events in Iraq today. "Without getting into the political aspects, air strikes are tricky." Very true Sgt. Joch.If US is involved at all (or not) we will get blamed. As for targets, Mr. Abu "rockstar" might be a fitting drone objective per Iraq. Not as simple as just hit something for sure. re: CMSF-2 in http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=115379 From Chops... "...My understanding is that the developers are working on game performance enhancements for the CMx2 engine, and that the patches/upgrades will not be rolled out until this is complete. One tidbit regarding CM:BS is that SAMs will be present in the game." Wonder if CMSF-2 gets SAMs as weel?
  22. Absence of power creates a vacuum. Maliki "govt" has squandered goodwill and money and their failures spawned the relutcant Sunni support for ISIS & ISIL. From what I read most of the Sunni's don't want to live under this jihadi extremist domination. Given a choice of getting free of Maliki "govt" or jihadi extremist domination ... they appear to be letting ISIS fight for them for now. Reports are when Maliki requested air strikes from US to hit ISIS in staging they were denied. Should engender confidence in US allies? ISIS appears more than ready to do their own thunder run into Baghdad. I wonder what warning US State Dept. is sending out to US Citizens in Iraq? Don't want Benghazi v2.0. Areas under ISIS and ISIL control today sure look like "a regional caliphate”.. now with momentum and more military equipment and money and oil... that neighbors like Saudi Arabia, Turkey are going to have to deal with. Of course US will have to deal with this as well because I suspect some of these traveling jihadis are planning an overseas visit. I hope not. Back to CMSF2.... I am hoping to see the Status Update Sticky CMSF2 this summer. Some development information / profess notes would be great for the game fans
  23. I saw a map of the areas under ISIS and ISIL control now. Looks like "a regional caliphate” to me. Abu Bakr may have military helicopters and modern tanks and is only @ 125 miles from Baghdad. Govt. set “….a state of emergency asking for volunteers to pick up guns and bolster the Iraqi army. " CMBS & CMSF2 could portray current events in modern combat for sure. ".... I will be revisiting Helmand Province and plan to knock out a load of scenarios for the British module depicting events of the action there." Outstanding Combatintman! Looking forward to your work. I have not tired map making with the editor overlay but it seems like it would be a huge timesaver. "How many platoons in a horde?"A yellow jacket nests worth of platoons Playing Pete's CMRT attack by Ivan armour in the area of Stary Dorogi. Feels like yellow jacket nests worth of Russian forces that never stop attacking me. +2 waiting for CMSF2!
  24. Sounds great Combatintman! The special map editor overlay will be ab elegant way to "go mad creating scenarios." This will be a "good thing" for all modern fans. I am also interested how / if ChrisND is coming along with the CMSF scenario conversion ability for CMSF2. That piece would immediately make literally hundreds of user made scenarios available for a 3.0 engine CMSF2.
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