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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Quick glance at news of 10.9.3 beta release for Apple developers with new graphics drivers. I do not have a Apple Developer status so I can't test it on my system. Hope this fixes the CMx2 graphic issues. Interestingly this 10.9.3 beta release is claimed to support 4K resolutions at 60hz! CMx2-3, etc is gonna look ambrosial in 4K... if I can sell a Live Horse to pay for a decent 4K monitor
  2. "CM:Black Sea will have the same features as CM:RT. They are both version 3.0 of the game engine." Credit Cards ready I need to get my Hackintosh parts ordered asap. Apple has yet to get their new Nvidia graphics drivers delivered after 10.9.2 so being a CM Addict I may need the other "evil OS" system to calm my nerves
  3. Thanks DC. Distinctive unit portraits getting autoatically assigned via the editor would be very elegant and another imeersive game element.
  4. Chris ND "..worth remembering the big picture: this is a tactical game, and what happens before the player gets his forces to play with on the battlefield is essentially a minor detail. The operational/strategic backstory must fit the needs of the tactical CM battleground... not the other way around. We've got a game to make here, not a novel to write." GH42"..Just playing a little what if Chris. Not trying to one up you guys or second guess. Its an interesting tactical problem, is all. Its like catnip." The CM fun (relaxation from work) factor is most important to me. I learn a bunch from the guys who have real world experience. Operational/strategic/tactical research is something I will seldom do. When CMXX is a "war-game" to play (for fun) with authentic realism and gets explained to me in valuable forum threads ... then CM games are a win-win+ for me.
  5. " I think we could push a lot more a lot quicker if we felt WW3 was about to start. You'd see commercial airliners doing a lot more work, that's for sure." Would TSA make the servicemen and women remove their boots if WW3 was about to start?
  6. Playing CMFI/GL last PM with an unrestricted variety of units with Mord & DC's Gustav portraits. This mod adds immensely to the unit representation variety. Thank you agin guys. Will CM Engine #3 allow tagging the specific unit portraits via the editor?
  7. Status update on "Black Sea" http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=113978
  8. Not to sound simplistic or silly but .... My grandmother taught me... kind of drilled into me "Do unto other as you would want them to do unto you." Worked on her farm from the animals to the hired help to our family. I always ask myself why ...but try really hard to treat others the way I want to be treated. Yes GrandMaw had Live Horses
  9. Should make for some very interesting wargaming especially as Modules and Packs roll out to complete the game experience. CMSF stand alone was fun but the CMSF Bundle is much more fun. Modern Black Seas using the new CM engine will be rocket fast and look fantastic. Real Time is going t Rock!
  10. Looks like a war-game with little of everything in CM Black Sea. Russia, NATO, rebellious ethnic groups, naval components, etc. This will be using Engine 3.0? Spring is real soon so Late Spring should be.... May?
  11. "Starting in 2012 we began the process of making the artwork and TO&E for the game with a detailed 18 page backstory being finalized in the Fall of 2013 (ahead of the Kiev protests). ..... In fact, the game is largely done and testing is slated to begin in a few weeks for a late Spring release." Sounds great! Any more about the detailed 18 page backstory that can be released? "...we are not throwing together a game to capitalize on the problems of others." Regular customers realize that Battlefront is NOT out for blood bucks. It is wise to state the history of Black Sea development up front as after CMSF and what went and is going down in Syria... it would be easy for some to make irresponsible comments. Thank you.
  12. They had to have live horses, didn't they? No domestic form of armored transport you get tough and ride the tank and roll the dice. Sure looks cool when the tank riders open up before they dismount!
  13. "...Putin's got a lot riding on the outcome. It's important for the West/Europe to offer him a way out. Otherwise he's liable to dig in further. That couldn't possibly be a good thing. Steve" I do hope Putin can save face to look like he wins one for Russia for home consumption because an authentic Nato / Russia "exercise" could turn out much more lethal very quickly than most recent modern war events in memory. I am amazed how few people I speak with in the USA are even aware of where Russia is much less Ukraine. They can tell you who won what Oscar for makeup but what is Crimea? It is actually embarrassing.
  14. Yes, CMSF is still a great game. The CMSF rebirth with all the new features will be a must have for modern fans. "..I hope Black Sea follows something similar. The US/NATO can conduct regime change or stop unsanctioned aggression in a matter of months if it chooses to do so...." GH42 Sounds familiar or maybe just a dream
  15. CMFI/GL is fun! I would say if you enjoy the demo, get CMFI/GL. Eventually you can add the two CMBN modules to make the fulfill the CMBN treat.Then some Red Thunder is on order... for WWII completeness. Leave room for Black Sea and CMSF-2 because New Modern CM v3.0 is really, really going to Rock:D
  16. Hister, How good is GTX 770 for this game? You should know by now Erwin, Lots of good advice above. I am taking note for my 2014 Hackintosh build. If both of your systems run CM just fine right now at 2560x1600 you are already in the cat bird's seat. Enjoy I fully understand future proofing when possible. True 4K monitors are only just rolling out and expensive. In a few years they will become less so and by then you will be purchasing a new CM system for 4K.
  17. Thank you Schrullenhaft. You are correct my Mac Pro doesn't have built-in video.... "you'll have to wait until Apple addresses that with a patch or the next '.' update (which may take awhile)... Kinda what I expected. I fully understand this is not Battlefront's fault and my situation is a bit unique. I tried today's NVIDIA Web Driver 331.01.01f01 release today but.... does not work :mad: Since I am limited to the "small" CM games that are playable until Apple addresses that with a patch or another update.... I have more time to research my Hackintosh parts list I will research the cost to build a dual OS Windows & Apple CM Kit! Should not have to do that but ... may mitigate "update" failures in the future.
  18. Might be this 10.9.2 issue? http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=113872
  19. Do not wait. Get what you need to enjoy CM now and in the near future. 4K UHD = 3840 pixels × 2160 pixels is maybe 2 or more years away. Too expensive now for simply gaming. When it becomes available it will be very detailed sweet. Then there will be 8K UHD*which is 7680 pixels ×*4320 pixels (33.2 megapixels), etc., etc.
  20. Good Luck Hister. BTW: The Apple 10.9.2 update borked the drivers. I am not the only Mac experiencing these issues and it is not related to the GTX 760. What a bad time to screw the drivers up as CMRT is soon to be released and Phil should not have to fix Apple's graphics faux pas to get CMRT out the door. Lots of good advice above. Phil Culliton ….FPS is only one part of the equation. Higher-end cards likely won't see a huge FPS improvement with our optimizations - the game still has to do a ton of work in total per frame, and the GPU is still going to be bottlenecked by that. What you may see is draw distance improvements, etc., as the rendering pipeline has to do less busy work and can be asked for a bit more in terms of image quality….. Schrullenhaft - The following will have little-to-no impact, STRICTLY on the performance of CM: 1. Multiple-cores. 2. Greater than 4GB of RAM 3. SLI/Crossfire multi-video card setups. 4. SSD loading performance. Phil has heavily optimized the rendering pipeline. I am getting better image quality in CM2 - better shadows, better draw distance, better model quality - at *faster* frame rates than before. I am currently stuck with a slow CPU in my old Mac Pro. I opted for the GTX 760 with 4GB VRAM as to boost the performance I could and maybe use the card in a Hackintosh this year. I also run at 2560 x 1440 Resolution and CM looks great with everything maxed out. I have plenty of headroom with 4GB VRAM for any current CM game with many GB s of Hi Res texture mods and I can run a sometimes needed 2nd monitor. I can scroll around the scenarios much more smoothly than before with this GTX 760 with 4GB VRAM power. Jock Tamson's note…”you don't need to go high end/this generation for either CPU or GPU, you need to get the best out of the CPU and get a half decent GPU….” pretty much sums up what I understand as well. His quad core i5 2500k overclocked at 4.7Ghz, with a 4GB GTX 680…. should easily play all CM games but remember “FPS is only one part of the equation.” so don’t expect huge FPS in CM but smoother and more consistent scrolling (not jerky) around these HUGE maps were are getting loaded the huge numbers of forces. Personally I am looking forward to 4K UHD*resolution of 3840 pixels × 2160 pixels (8.3*megapixels,*aspect ratio*16:9) I have seen these displayed and they are very photo realistic impressive and immersive in minute detail.
  21. "I don't think it's a gpu horsepower issue. But, I could be wrong." 2.26 GHz on an old Mac surely trumps 3.5 GHz on a PC I suspect the GTX 770 will be plenty of PC-GPU for Mr. Hister. Whatever the purchase it would be helpful to know how it runs CM.
  22. Hi Hister, Below are the links to my outlier Mac rig using a EVGA GTX 760. They may be of use or not. The straight PC guys may be better sources for you. In general, I was very impressed with the overall improvement (everything set at best) with this GTX 760 GPU on a Mac. The recent 10.9.2 upgrade seems to have degraded my ability to use some stock Mac Bundle scenarios. Not sure why (drivers?) but I submitted a help desk ticket in hopes of sorting that out. Your CPU: AMD FX-6300 BOX 3,5 GHz is a considerable + factor for your rig. I am running at 2.26 GHz but my card does a fine of rendering Hi Res Mods with everything on Best, shaders, shadows, etc. I do hope CMRT brings the FPS counter option we see in the pre release vids. Best of luck getting the gaming experience you need. PC (non-EFI) Graphics Card in Mac Pro playing CM http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=112909 Downsampling CM on Mac http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=113620 CMSF Mac 10.9.2 PC (non-EFI) Graphics Card http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=113845
  23. "The key here is the hostile fire coming back at you. No amount of conditioning, practice, or training can alleviate the physiological changes your body undergoes when confronted with that much threat/adrenaline......The real discriminator is heart and motivation..... servicemen will sacrifice everything for their buddies. That's very noble and deserving of all the praise and laurels we as a society can provide. But its the leadership's responsibility to make sure the sacrifices are kept to a minimum. That can be a challenge when you believe your own hype." Expressed very well Gunhappy42.
  24. Updated Mac OS to 10.9.2 yesterday. Now getting partial loading of several stock scenarios in the CMSF Mac Bundle that were loading fine in Mac OS to 10.9.1. Loading screen hangs @ 36% most of the time and CMSF not reposnding message so must "force quit". System Processor 2 x 2.26 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon Memory 18 GB 1066 MHz DDR3 ECC Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 4096 MB Software OS X 10.9.2 DELL U2713HM Display Note non standard PC (non-EFI) Graphics Card. CMFI/GL and CM/CW/MG are not having any such problem with the OS update. Have not done exhaustive testing on all CM game platforms but hoping I can get CMSF back to fully functioning as I do not want to downgrade back to 10.9.1. CM looks great in 10.9.2. Maybe Black Sea and CMSF-2 are just around the corner. If so I can "battle" through with CM WWII till then I guess Thanks for any help. Oh... I tried installing Nvidia "WebDriver-331.01.01b15" but CMSF issue remained so I removed it.
  25. Adding the progress thru the campaign and the played scenario (mission) automatically appears in the single missions list is a nice carrot for the effort. Might even encourage more exploration / variation of campaigns.
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