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Everything posted by Combatintman

  1. Hit the unbutton command when you set them up in the editor if they are buttoned. They don't seem to unbutton when you're in the editor but they will unbutton on turn one. All you need to do is to check in Scenario Author mode. I'm sure it never used to be like that and it is counter-intuitive but hitting the unbutton command on set up in the deploy units screen does the trick.
  2. Of course if it was a Chieftain they would be used to it going CLUNK CLUNK STOP at some point between the tank shed and the main gate of camp on a crash out.
  3. You could always just do a one-off 'what if' scenario with it kicking off at the airport.
  4. So 10 years after the Cold War ended vs a shorter period of time to the CMSF-2 timeframe with more kit in common ... not going to happen under the CMCW banner mate, I'll wager both pensions on it. There is already a ton of competition for nations and a time frame spanning, depending on how you frame the start potentially from from 1947-1989. We all know what a sh1tfight R2V was for nations and their TO&Es ... playing extra pretend outside the Cold War time frame ... no ... There's a European Mod somewhere I'm sure for SF - go knock yourself out with that ... after you've finished your other stuff of course
  5. There's a bigger bug than that then - CMCW is entirely missing the Brits.
  6. I suspect it is the British Army's version of Combat Mission which Steve announced as something that BFC had been working on as part of a British Ministry of Defence contract over the last couple of years. If you want it apply here: Home - British Army Jobs (mod.uk)
  7. No - imagine you decide to play a scenario as ... say Blue and said scenario isn't winnable by Blue even though it is advertised as playable in all modes. I suspect you'd be pretty urinated off after spending two or so hours playing the scenario (and playing an absolute blinder) when you get to the end and the end game screen tells you that you lost. The words of complaint would be "the scenario is broken." Even if you personally won't be urinated off, there will be plenty of others who will.
  8. For me the Hill 214 battles and keeping enough of Team Yankee alive make this a shaky CM campaign prospect.
  9. To drag this thread closer to the subject of its title, there are no real nuances to avoiding getting whacked by aircraft. If you have air defence assets then deploy them: With half-decent fields of view/fire into the sky. In positions to cover the stuff you really really don't want to see get destroyed. Close to stocks of further missiles. In addition to the above, and/or if you don't have air defence assets: Use smoke to either obscure your really important stuff from the enemy asset calling in the air asset. Get yourself into woods or other terrain that offers you good concealment and, where possible cover as well. Seek out and utterly smash every single C2 and dedicated observation asset the enemy has. Employ rapid manoeuvre. Ultimately though, there is a fair amount of abstraction in the modelling of air/aviation and their engagement by ground assets so you will always be susceptible to the fortunes of war when you hear the sound of freedom above your troops.
  10. @Howler - the last sentence is bang on the nail - have a like mate.
  11. Been done since ... Bayonet charge foils enemy ambush - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) Not claiming this to be the last either.
  12. I can tell you for free that 'designed with the idea of humans playing vs humans' is a false assumption. The rule for bundled scenarios is that they can be played in all modes although exceptions to that rule were made for CMCW in relation to the Soviet Tactical Doctrine primer scenarios and a couple of others in that title. None of those exceptions include H2H only. There was no direction given to any of the scenario designers to optimise their scenarios for H2H for any title I've been involved with (CMSF-1 &2, CMRT, CMFB, CMFR, CMCW). The challenge of following the rule, particularly when making a scenario based on a real action, is that the scenario has to be winnable by both sides in all three modes. The get out clause is the one-liner in the 'Load New Game' screen where you can say 'best played as (insert side).' Designing H2H is even more variable: How do you know how skilled every single player is who buys the title? Which of those players is going to take Blue/Allied in your scenario? Which of those players is going to take Red/Axis in your scenario? Is one of those players going to play to their skill level or just have a bad day? Is one of those players going to have a good day and play above their skill level? Steve from Battlefront posted some time back that the data/feedback he has indicates that most people play the title in Human vs AI mode. This would likely explain why the rule of playable in all three modes was introduced. It also reinforces the point that your assumption is not well-founded. Nonetheless, designing for all three possible combinations is achievable but it generally involves employing most of the victory point combinations, asymmetric objectives and time limits. Achievable of course does not necessarily mean that your scenario is awesome in all three play modes. It should be in one of the three and if you can do it in two, then so much the better. If you can do it in all three then your name is @George MC Linking the above to your point that designers 'boost' defenders with 'tons of points' - that is correct in many instances. I 'boost' one side or the other or both sides with victory points in order to achieve the effect I intend. As an example, to avoid a turn one cease fire resulting in a victory for a defending force that typically occupies all of the high victory point objectives that the attacking player needs to capture I will 'boost' the attacker by giving that side the equivalent number of victory points for friendly casualties at a threshold that will only be achieved by the defender's actions half way through the battle (ballpark figure for illustration would be 20% casualties). The turn one ceasefire would; therefore, result in a draw. The intent here is to make both sides commit to the scenario and play it through. If both sides commit then the attacker will not get those victory points and is not intended to. You confirm these thresholds by testing and adjusting as necessary if that 20% (or whatever) threshold is achieved too early. Some of those 'boosts'; therefore, are never intended to take effect if the scenario is played with good intent by both sides through to its time limit or to a point where one player or the other genuinely elects to cease fire.
  13. If you've got CM Cold War and CM Fire and Rubble you have them already - they were bundled with those titles.
  14. Totally agree mate - I think others have tried the same thing but they petered out. I know the editor not quite inside out but not far off that; however, I have never really grasped QBs at all. I'll be honest that this has partly been due to the fact that I rarely play QBs so have less interest in them than making scenarios but I think that I ought to understand the things a lot better because after putting the graft into making a decent map, it seems a waste not to be able to offer it as a QB map. Good luck with the thread and I'm looking forward to learning from whatever contributions are offered by people who have walked the QB walk. Have a like mate.
  15. @chuckdyke - no just defined areas on the map using the click combination above in the 2D editor.
  16. The AI can be programmed to fire at area targets using the CTRL-click command.
  17. Means you can join them together without internal windows showing would be my guess.
  18. No there isn't a convenient way to do it. Pick your building with the appropriate size, shape and number of floors, go into 3D mode and then change the door/window style, the colour of the facade, the roof type and the window/door layout using the the ALT-click, SHIFT-click, CTRL-click and CTRL-click for modular buildings. For the independent buildings, you just have to know what they look like before you place them or place them, look at them in 3D to see whether you've got the right one or not. Independent buildings have more limited options in 3D - SHIFT-click will change the facade, CTRL-click will inflict damage on it.
  19. That's one of mine @Megalon Jones ... and it is Sichenhausen not Sichausen said something like this sickenhowzen. Have a like for the great video and always interesting to see how someone else tackles the mission.
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