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Everything posted by Childress

  1. The riders should at least jump off when the tank is stationary and taking small arms fire. No? Prediction: tank riders and flame units will generate mucho threads in the coming months.
  2. Uh-oh. Sounds super gamey. May not be- sort of- fixable until buildings become flammable.
  3. Not for the general game buying public. Given equal features the ETO will always outsell the Russian Front. CMBO did better than CMBB. And I too find the period less interesting than previous years. Germany had to strip the front to counter Allied invasions. But the complexities of the Soviet OOBs in the earlier campaigns will be a bear to get right.
  4. Agreed, that case can be made. If you disregard CM's end battle breakdown the net number of men hors de combat can be interpreted as plausible: the dead, the wounded, the severely wounded, the walking wounded, the routers, the skulkers and the shell-shocked. But BF needs to get these stats right eventually. If only for the sake of chrome.
  5. To pass the time consider this unique title which is due for release any day now. Here's the trailer: This is the Alpha build and it includes the developer commentary. The final version will include enhanced ballistics, deformable terrain and historical scenarios. Patience, guys!
  6. Did you ever play CMBB? That's how it was in that game, at least on release; non-stop cowering and crawling. Half the time your guys (including Crack units) were balled up in the fetal position, whimpering 'Mama!'*. Forum members howled in frustration. So Battlefront softened the effect. Casualty rates increased. But did CMBB 1.0 get it right? Edit: *which concords with my late father's recollections of WW2. They were scared ****less most of the time. He fought at Kasserine Pass and saw a mate's head blown clean off by a shell. Mind, US troops were REALLY Green at that time.
  7. The most potentially controversial entry in Tim's AAR was this: Expect a long thread on this topic when RT is released.
  8. And many more hits on enemy AT guns and teams. Based on anecdotal observation, these have become implausibly resistant to direct HE fire. I don't believe this was the case several updates ago.
  9. Right. In an actual battle the W/K ratio tends to hover around 3:1 or higher. Posters have advanced several rationales for the discrepancy: * Aggressive players * BF over-modeled small arms ballistics. * The Wounded tally excludes very minor stuff. Their numbers were significant. (JonS) * Troops are rendered too resilient in the interests of game play. They should be cowering more and exposing themselves less. (viz CMBB) * Not enough surrendering. Currently you get 1,2 or 3 throwing in the towel. Not entire squads and platoons as actually happened (viz Primosole Bridge) That's realistic but fiendishly difficult to code. Personally I favor the simple summation of 'casualties' on the end screen. Or BF applies a plausible statistical breakdown based on that figure, favoring the side that holds the ground. The precise K/W result wouldn't be sorted out until several days or weeks or months later anyway.
  10. The nifty aspect of doing Arab/Israeli wars consists in their neat encapsulation: 48-56-67-73. And they were short. No modules necessary. Then there's the modern version.
  11. Yup. An ideal choice. And the other A/I conflicts. A perfect fit for the CM engine. And tanks! Lots of Tanks! But the ideological implications could prove dire. They'd have to hire bodyguards.
  12. You have become Death, the destroyer of nations. I dunno. Is there an eleventh plague? Anybody know? Steve?
  13. Slysniper, you've descended on the forum like the Angel Of Death wearing a black hood and wielding a scythe. The very incarnation of the tenth plague mentioned in Exodus.
  14. You're right. The nomenclature that BF's implementing will bewilder newcomers.
  15. I've met people who knew OJ. They universally describe him as charming and charismatic. He preferred hanging around with white folks, a source of friction among some Blacks. Cowlings was a rare exception. He's also, reportedly, a neat freak. I wish! Try middle-class Culver City.
  16. O/T Ah, you take me back in time with that reference, FroBodine. I lived a few miles from the murder scene which I visited the day after the event. The sidewalk in from of Nicole's place was drenched in blood and cordoned off- an horrific tableau. Cops everywhere. My b-in-law used to play tennis with OJ's partner in crime, Al Cowlings, in Malibu. By coincidence I ran into Al, a massive former NFL receiver, at a local supermarket a few days after the Bronco chase ended. We chatted for a few minutes. I couldn't bring myself to question him about his friend's guilt or innocence. We ended up shaking hands. I remember my hand disappearing into his mammoth grip.
  17. Having lived in CA a bit longer than Dadekster I can confirm the state treats business owners like The Class Enemy. My brother-in-law used to own a furniture stripping shop in Santa Monica, AKA Soviet Monica. They gave him hell with unannounced inspections of his place and the chemicals he stored. He was presumed guilty until proven innocent. But they never discovered an infraction. Meanwhile groups of the homeless used to wander by and take dumps on the sidewalk in front. SM refused to intervene; it was their 'right', ya see.
  18. I recall that Fast is significantly quicker for the first few dozen meters. Like racing across the street. If you got 'em on Fast for a full minute you're doing something wrong.
  19. Sorry, Baneman. I got distracted by his gold-plated, '58 mint condition Eldorado. That was one tricked out ride!
  20. Last week I ran into a older man in the parking of a Trader Joe's. He looked awfully familiar. So I helped him load his grocery bags into the back of his Cadillac Eldorado. The hair was getting sparse on top and he had a soul patch going on but there was no doubt... it was Elvis. I put a friendly hand on his shoulder and asked, 'Elvis, why did you fake your own death?' His eyes got as big as saucers. Then slammed down the trunk, jumped into his car and took off like pack of revenoors was after him. Damn, I could have handled that better...
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