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Everything posted by Childress

  1. The disconnect occurs when the original commander has already leadership ratings in the cellar. This is an area where more granularity may be beneficial. E.g., a 1-10 range in place of the existing 1-5 (+2,+1, -, -1, -2) spread.
  2. Had the Human Wave doctrine been abandoned by '44? Edit, 'barrier troops': In July 1942, Stalin issued Order No. 227, directing that any commander or commissar of a regiment, battalion or army, who allowed retreat without permission from his superiors was subject to military tribunal. The order called for soldiers found guilty of disciplinary measures to be forced into "penal battalions", which were sent to the most dangerous sections of the front lines. From 1942 to 1945, 427,910 soldiers were assigned to penal battalions. The order also directed "blocking detachments" to shoot fleeing panicked troops at the rear. In the first two months following the order, over 1,000 troops were shot by blocking units and blocking units sent over 130,000 troops to penal battalions. Despite having some effect initially, this measure proved to have a deteriorating effect on the troops' morale, so by October 1942 the idea of regular blocking units was quietly dropped. By 20 November 1944 the blocking units were disbanded officially.
  3. Okay. But what about your brother-in-law Vitaly, the tennis pro?
  4. Methinks the icon backgrounds for the Russians would be niftier in brown. Or tan. Not U.S. green.
  5. Suggestion for Battlefront: release a Russian language version of CMRT sooner rather than later- if this isn't already in the works. The middle class is expanding. And Russians love this Great Patriotic War stuff, viz World of Tanks. The only inhibitory factors would be the recent drop of the Ruble against the Dollar and their well-documented pirating propensities. But the government has moved against the latter. Plus CM has its bullet-proof DRM. http://www.forbes.com/sites/markadomanis/2012/07/26/russias-economy-is-not-in-decline/
  6. Well, you wanted to start in 1944...
  7. Question: are only Tankodesantniki formations eligible for desant assaults?
  8. Heh, a Warmist... Here's the solution: release one game and one module per campaign year. That makes a eight releases. Which is doable. And solves the issue, that arose with Market Garden, with non-overlapping units between titles.
  9. Your wait is over! Get ready for The Monument Men. In addition to an all-star cast (George Clooney! Matt Damon!) and facsimiles of Great Western Art the film will feature an actual, running Tiger tank borrowed from the Bovington Tank Museum. Who will end up crushed under its mighty treads? Bill Murray? http://animalnewyork.com/2013/monuments-men-watch-george-clooney-save-art-from-the-nazis/ But the desert camo has to go: windows screen capture
  10. These videos are Russians productions and patriotic bias is in evidence. But definitely worth watching. The production quality is off the charts as Erwin remarked; superb use is made of re-enactments and animations. Maps are in Cyrillic.
  11. You gamey bastiche! All you ex-military types are alike. Deformation professionale? Wait... I recall that Emrys was the first to fess up to this exploit.
  12. Well, it wouldn't be a positive for the bottom line. If it were a positive they already would've done it. It's not hard. Every game/module they release offers new units, new battles and new maps/terrain. That's the sum of their appeal. Why not make all three components importable? I dig the maps from MG so I copy/paste them into base CMBN. That lowers my incentive to buy MG by X percent.
  13. Why do you want Battlefront to go out of business?
  14. You have strong opinions on this topic, BD. And you may be right. But we need to see some credentials.
  15. Hunting down enemy sounds contacts- vehicles or guns or mortars- seems punishingly labor intensive. Do players really care that much about winning? Another exploit is timing the Blue bar. The faster it moves left to right the less activity on the battlefield. And vice versa.
  16. Release date: the anniversary of Bragation, June 22. But maybe earlier. BF is reportedly seeking a project director/code debugger/press agent to accelerate the process: a sort of omnium gatherum position. HistoryLover appears to have the inside track. They're evidently aiming for a kind of yin yang synergy.
  17. Which game? Getting mixed results with the Nancy Drew demo. In one play through I was able to place Nancy and her slingshot hull down behind the abbey and take out the evil Nigel Mookerjee on the second shot. (the first bounced off the glacis) But entering the Manor then she got eaten by Mrs. Drake's carnivorous plant.:mad: The highest level I got to was Talkus Multissimus: For the relentless interrogation of suspects. Overall verdict: Immersive! But intimidating learning curve.
  18. Seems pretty serious. What's the verdict? Stick to infantry battles? Get back into Free Cell? Go ahead and mock but I thinking of buying Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor. Simplistic, yeah, but you gotta love they way they handle the terrain mesh.
  19. Why the scare quotes? Do tell more! The mind reels.
  20. Getting a bit tired of your gainsaying everything I say, Jon. So the girlfriend and I kidnapped your Australian Cattledog and will keep him until we see some improvement. I'm holding his tags . Rambunctious fellow, this one, so we had to sedate him. And what grown man names a male dog 'Whimsy' anyway?
  21. Poesel71: So, you're proposing Terrain FOW Light. Fine by me. I recall reading that the placement of trenches and foxhole in CMBN was determined by coding challenges. The sunken trenches in Shock Force were always visible to the attacking side.
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