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Everything posted by Childress

  1. With Fast you get noticeable acceleration over the first 50 meters (+ or-) compared to Quick. After that they even out with the augmented penalty applied to Fast as you pointed out. Move is practically mandatory when scaling vertical terrain. You also get better spotting than using Quick. I'm pretty OK with the movement modes as is with one exception: the extra fatigue cost for heavily laden units , though present, may be too mild. There's little incentive NOT to load 'em up with ammo.
  2. Chris' video appears to show troops loading from an ammo dump while prone/hiding. Is this likely?
  3. Contrary view from Takimag: http://takimag.com/article/a_newer_better_cold_war_nicholas_james_pell/print 'I for one welcome our new Russian overlords'. Money line: The same folks who think the invasion of Iraq was “Churchillian” think there’s something sinister about Russia defending its own quite real interests right next door to itself, as opposed to some totally fabricated interests in some desolate sandpit halfway around the world.
  4. Battlefront will surely do a bang up job on RT. They'll follow up with intelligent updates. You'll get interesting and balanced scenarios- even given this one-sided phase of the war. But I can't help but think 1943 would have been a better choice. They had *almost* all the German models thanks to Fortress Italy.
  5. A good example: the Challenger disaster in 1986. A few lousy o-rings...
  6. Note the Crimea: free image hosting
  7. Oddball, go to post #8: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=113650&highlight=AMBUSH
  8. Many complain that CM in its current state favors the attacker. A cleaner, more usable Ambush routine- which Steve announced recently- may contribute to the cure. If the complaints are legit. Now hiding defenders with a CA lie prone with their faces in the mud. Neighboring units, an HQ, don't alert them to the threat. Text says they're peeking, but they really aren't in any useful way. As is, setting up an Ambush leaves a lot to be desired.
  9. Yanukovych's first attempt at the presidency in 2004 was invalidated by their Supreme Court due to electoral fraud. His 2010 victory was declared legitimate by international monitors. So who's to blame? He is a crook but the Ukranians, essentially, admittedly, the Russian speaking eastern half, voted the SOB in. Citizens in the East and the Crimea want to re-integrate with Russia which at the present time is Switzerland compared to Ukraine. Russia's more prosperous and they offer, iirc, a business friendly a 12% flat tax (viz Gerard Depardieu). I'm sure there are plenty of fine folk in Ukraine but their taste in politicians...
  10. That is indeed the plan. The mystery part is that they're 'working on it'. Doesn't seem terribly complicated. The AI's not going to use it anyway. One suspects it will be a game changer in h2h matches.
  11. CMRT may constitute a wait and buy scenario. They've added a lot of new stuff. It's easy to predict that a patch or two will be necessary to get it running like a Ferrari. Flamethrowers, or tank riders alone, as Vanir pointed out, make the game a significant expansion. The're getting ready to implement an Ambush routine (update#1?) which could modify the balance of power between attacker and defender in favor of the latter.
  12. Battlefront is already aware of any objections we make. They're constrained by either time consuming coding challenges or the limits of current computer processing power. Visible tank tracks were never a feature in any CM game.
  13. Drafted?! You were inducted. There was a near unanimous vote. The only dissenter was ** who judged your grog credentials- though damned good- not quite up to the levels he expects. And you win a prize. We all chipped and bought you a Brooks Brothers gift certificate. They're having on a sale on grey flannel suits, by the way.
  14. Whadd'ya mean, Mikey? I just unconditionally surrendered. Now you've done it. You got the argumentative, win-at-all-cost juices flowing again. Thanks, pal. Now where did that Ukraine thread go? I recall some poster made an incorrect assumption.
  15. Yes. And if a crew were determined to estimate precisely the source and caliber of a hit from an impact the TC would have to EXIT the tank and do the inspection. The Powers That Be, including, most importantly, Michael Emrys, have declared 'keep moving, nothing to see here'. That's good enough for this customer.
  16. A propos of your devastatingly witty remark- I think I'm pretty much okay. Internal systems are functioning properly except the Optics button is glowing bright orange. Off to the optometrist... You made some good points.
  17. The point was that all graphical enhancements are not necessarily a positive. There are no visible treads because their existence on the map would grant your opp total knowledge of the movement of your AFVs. Collapsed walls and fences already do that in a minor way. It impairs Fog of War. Coding in visible tracks while preserving FOW poses, apparently, insuperable difficulties. Like realistically appearing foxholes. I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, the Graviteam tactical games show tracks. A big mistake. I think decals are terrific in principle and super immersive, provided they don't give too much away. Who wants to spend x number of minutes triangulating every turn?
  18. God, I love this photo. Thanks.
  19. Don't underestimate yourself. Your last sally left a gaping hole in my upper left breast. I calculate that it arrived from a N/E/E direction and was satirical in nature.
  20. RT isn't out yet. There are just screenshots. The rub is the amount of information one can extract from the them. If it's just nifty, not overly detailed chrome- fine. If BF made the impacts highly realistic- to the point of enabling determination of the direction and caliber- then, yes, it could prove problematical given the player's ability to freeze frame. There's a reason why there are no visible tank tread marks in the game. A very sound reason.
  21. We purists never joke. We're a grim lot.
  22. So... in RT the player can examine, in media res, the damage inflicted on his own vehicles. Using vector analysis can he not make an informed estimate of the source and angle of the AT shot? Certainly a possibility in any engagement- theoretically. In reality, the heat and chaos of an actual battle would seem to render this kind of on the fly calculus far fetched. Debate.
  23. Here's the skinny: get your credit cards ready when the black spotting icons are replaced by the real thing in Bil's and Elvis' AAR screenshots. BTW, I'm on the fence. Confident that it will be great but the period depicted, the Soviet Sledgehammmer era, doesn't light my fire.
  24. And Ukraine possesses the most opulent and fertile grain growing fields in the entire world. They're world's fifth-biggest exporter of wheat by volume and the third-largest shipper of corn as of last year. And destitute broke. Losers.
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