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Everything posted by Childress

  1. Because in the game turret/hull rotation incorporates target acquisition which is far from instantaneous. So strictly realistic rotation rates would result in, well, less realism. It's a unitary process. Separating the two elements, turning and acquisition, into discrete sequences my be a worthwhile goal for 4.0.
  2. What a coincidence! That's just what I was reading at the beach yesterday. Kinda spooky...
  3. De-boned, plucked, liquefied in a blender and poured over the rocks with a twist of lemon.
  4. Primarily unusual planetary alignments and weather patterns. Additionally there's this suggestive line in Nostradamus' 84th quatrain: ‘Water shall be seen to rise as the ground is seen to fall underneath’. True, but often they can't help themselves. And I'm seldom wrong about this stuff.
  5. Prediction: the patch will include a new, entirely unexpected feature.
  6. Nah. I credit Soviet spy extraordinaire Richard Sorge. In late 1941, he informed the Soviet command that Japan was not going to attack the Union in the near future, allowing the command to transfer the 18 divisions Siberian division, plus thousands of tanks and aircraft from Siberia and the Far East to the Moscow region. They turned the tide, nearly destroying the Wehrmacht. Three factors doomed the Nazis invasion: Sorge's activities, the unprecedented atrocious weather beginning late Autumn and the month delay of the start of Barbarossa from May to June . Debate.
  7. Because your typical cop has a little bully inside? Seems logical, you get to throw your weight around with consequences that seem to be diminishing every year. The French have a term for it: deformation professionalle.
  8. I can attest that the police are getting increasingly fascistic here in LA. I was about to cross a semi-busy street a couple of weeks ago carrying a bag of groceries, took a couple of steps and retreated. A squad car, lights flashing, siren screaming pulled up. I never saw it coming. The cop had me stand at attention while he inspected my DL and called Division to ascertain if I had any outstanding warrants (!). His demeanor was astonishingly arrogant and overbearing. The jerk was about to write me a ticket for 'attempted jaywalking' (WTF?) but ended up delivering a pompous warning. I considered demanding his name and badge number but desisted-that might have set him off. He had the Power. Acquaintances have had similar experiences the past few years. Traffic tickets have become ruinously expensive in California. The state and municipalities are broke primarily due to out of control pension liabilities and need the revenue stream. A neighbor got ticketed for burning a stop sign on an empty residential street at 6am- on his bicycle. Cost: $500. You're correct. Don't know the situation in Washington but there's been a massive immigrant invasion here the past 30 years- almost entirely Hispanic. The majority of these tend to be hardworking people with families who maintain a low profile- for good reason. You wonder if their perceived submissiveness goes to cops' heads, inflating their sense of power. A ticket for the most minor infraction can be a financially devastating event for these people. And the police know it.
  9. Very promising, 'Mr. X'. Look forward to the release. The map is great! By the way I researched your personal data. Your name is Franz Huebner, you live in Dusseldorf and manage a BMW parts factory. Your wife's name is Hilda. Sorry, but someone had to do it.
  10. Good advice. If you want to perfect your convoy skills open up The Passage and take the Soviet side. You're loaded with T34/85s and Tankodesantniki and need to secure a narrow opening between two bodies of water. There's a single bridge and one dirt road. Good luck, comrades. If you can make it here you can make it anywhere. (cue Sinatra)
  11. Haha. If we're going to have two levels how about 'Chuck Norris' and 'Conchita Wurst'? The first is probably tougher but the second is no slouch either. The concealment factors in that one are off the charts.
  12. I recall a U.S. WW2 vet or two back around 2000. On one of the CM1 forums.
  13. Low Bocage is fine either way, imho, passable or impassable. The key consists providing numerous gaps in the latter. There was a scenario (Last Defense?) in BN that featured two lines of low bocage extending several hundred meters with no holes. Implausible.
  14. Re-posted from the General Discussion forum: In the mid-sixties I was hospitalized in New York clinic with pneumonia. I was about 12. I shared a room with a man, fortyish, attached to an IV and possessing a decided German accent. He was intermittently chatty, relating that he had been in the Hitler Youth before emigrating to the US. One day my dad came to visit and, having served under Patton in N. Africa and Sicily, questioned the man about his wartime experiences. But the German proved reticent on the subject. My father then brought up the unfortunate fate of the Jews. The man exploded, detailed the various crimes against civilization committed by that group and terminated the exchange with the remark 'Who cares about the Jews?'. He never addressed me another word. Months later my mother informed me she read in the local paper that the German had been arrested on a 'morals charge'. The second encounter took place at the neighborhood tennis club a few years later. One of the members was a German-American who had served in a Wehrmacht tank unit. He admitted joining the party as a teenager but deplored the Nazi regime for its crimes, swearing he had no idea what was going on- meaning the death camps. He was in his early twenties when the war ended. I believed him. Then he said something which I'll never forget: '*****, Americans (paraphrasing) who judge us for what we young Germans did do so unjustly. When the Nazis came in the economy improved, we were optimistic. And they have no idea how thrilling and seductive it all was; the rallies, the pageantry, the comradeship. In retrospect it was a lie, but you had to be there. What would you have done?'
  15. Yes it usually affects the young. Always has. I'll take a shot at the 'reasons'. (risking a forum ban) Gun violence, in fact homicides in general, is concentrated in the US among the underclass. Notably the black, urban underclass although the kid who jacked us in the liquor store was Hispanic. 's been proved that the best predictor of violence isn't poverty, discrimination or historical grievances its the absence of a father in the home. The underclass married the welfare state decades ago rendering Dad a vestigial organ. Racist? Not at all. It's been shown that whites who grow up in fatherless homes suffer precisely the same incarceration rates as fatherless blacks or Hispanics. Another unpleasant fact re guns:democracy historically took root in societies characterized by the presence of well-armed, yeoman farmers and, yes, slavery. The United States, the Roman republic and Greece for example. The first task of a totalitarian regime is to separate the citizens from their weapons. As happened in Rome as the Empire and its expanding bureaucracy gained power at the expense of the middle classes.
  16. Quite a story, Ken. I've looked down the barrel of a gun twice here in LA. Once by a jittery off-duty cop in the neighborhood while the wife and I were inspecting his cool SUV late at night. The second time by a gang-banger in a liquor store. Hand trembling (must have been a noob), he jammed the pistol hard against my temple. Fortunately I had had the wherewithal to hide the bulk of the cash while he was attending to the other 6 or 7 victims lying face down on the floor.
  17. Funny you ask. I could have sworn I saw JasonC followed by a conga line of homeless guys after cashing out at an ATM machine yesterday. Tried to alert him but he seemed obliviously absorbed in his TI hand calculator, the one with the graphing capability and linear algebra operations that goes for 300 bucks.
  18. When you're talking of the Planet of the Apes do mean the movie or the planet? Never mind, scratch that. Sounds plausible. This is Real Life or Combatmissionland?
  19. A little off topic. What effect, if any, does wind have on ballistics or bombardments? Apart from laying smoke, of course.
  20. SS: I find it counter-intuitive as well. Usually having an unengaged tank pop smoke and studying the drift does the trick.
  21. This, too. Curious that in such a mod friendly game these elements cannot be user modified.
  22. So.... we're the Soviets and I'm setting up as the defender in a PBEM. I feel submerged in the intense, blood red setup zones for our side. Discerning subtle terrain features, elevations is proving very, uh, challenging. Maybe a toggle switch that turns off the zones? Note: setting up the Germans is less problematical.
  23. A propos of Target Briefly one wonders why the game limits arty delivery to only three choices: 5, 10 and 15 minutes.
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