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Everything posted by Hev

  1. (removed due to idiocy) [ December 22, 2007, 02:59 PM: Message edited by: Hev ]
  2. I dont understand, where did you get "unrealistic" from re the kill and wound rate? Dont just bitch about something, prove that the game isnt right as it is and argue your point! And if someone makes a paintball mod for this game ill give them my missus.
  3. because when ever we have a genuine question that would help shed some light BFC remove all the light switches!
  4. Frankly the very idea that they would sit there taking fire is ridiculous, and seeing as Bradleys operate without an airgaurd it cant be THAT vital! Surely if you have vehicles sat at 500 meters+ but you are taking small arms fire your guys would seek cover in the bus, the only way you could take casualties in that scenario is if your boys were dumb and kept thier heads up! Why hasnt BFC made a coment on this.....come on guys, give us the info!!!
  5. It looks much longer than that but the rpg-7 flies at 115m/s so a two second flight puts it at just over 200 meters.
  6. What comands are you using to cross the gaps, because it sounds like your using the "slow" command. That command is exactly what it sounds like; move forward with minimal exposure, it is very slow and very tireing, and they will always crawl. Try using the other commands, hunt is now quite effective at moving you pixel truppen forward while keeping them alive, the minute they see ANY hostile they will go to ground in situ. To cross small gaps i use assault and quick, they appear to be the best compromise between speed and observation. Also, dont be afraid to use suppresive fire. I found i had to get out of this mentality of only fireing at identified hostiles. I appreciate a real comander may have ROE's prohibiting such behaviour, but if I was THERE and they were MY boys id id do anything that would keep them safe. And that means fireing on positions that you may only "suspect" to conceal the enemy. If you end up suppressing an empty building all youve lost is a few rounds of ammo (or a javalin as they are bloody great at supression ) but if the rooms occupied youve just saved a squad from sure death.
  7. Altho bob is coming a close second, wet and wild gets my vote too Stirling effort that man!
  8. well your guys run over three foot walls, so the lip on the roof shouldnt be an issue.
  9. So they went for Shock Force with the opening title, nice and flashy, also likely to appeal to idiots that use the word bling. So, what do we reckon they will call the second first module? Im going to start the ball rolling with: USMC:The Bash at the Splash
  10. Have you tried superglue, or bungie cords, they are usuly good at keeping things in place
  11. Yeah, its still not quite perfect but at least they do what you want MOST of the time now, as aposed to none
  12. Ive just noticed this bug(?) and tho i havent seen it on any other play throughs it happened multiple times in one game. Im getting cases where the game allows me to target, a building lets say, yet when the shell leaves it explodes in mid air somewhere between the barrel and the target. It also happened with a javalin, the missile left the tube, i watched it fly its profile to the target, another building, and when it struck the eplosion occured between the shooter and the target. In both cases there were no obstructions and subsequent shots hit there mark. Stomp those unplanned features boys........stomp 'em good
  13. I agree with JohnO, someone kidnap webwing and throw him in a deep hole (not madonna) Totaly unaceptable him making us look so bad
  14. Something i think ive noticed with 1.05 is that infantry dont seem to like doors in the corners of buildings, they seem to be picky about what door they use.
  15. Just to update on the friendly fire mission, i used the hq squad to call in some anti personel and the forth coming barrage killed the hq squad before it killed the stuck boys
  16. You did better then me on my own mission.......i must hang my head in shame Not quite sure why they surrendered so easy, ill look into it. Thanks for the input Magomar, its appreciated and im glad you enjoyed it.
  17. Heres a pic, you can see the squad at the top of screen and the idiot at the bottom, if hes still stuck when i reload the save (which you can have if you want) im calling the artilery down on his ass
  18. Howdy all, My second attempt at a mission. I could realy do with any feedback 'cos its a big mission and hard to test on my own, so feel free to email or post any coments. Presenting Entering Hell v1 Its over at http://www.cmmods.com The mission is the first in a sequence im going to put together, they will follow an assault on the city of Al Hasakah (36°30'25.65"N , 40°47'36.04"E) This first op is a night assault to secure the approach to the city. Using a mainly dissmounted infantry force and the cover of darkness can you secure the area without lossing vital men and equipment? Enjoy one and all [ December 16, 2007, 05:26 AM: Message edited by: Hev ]
  19. Ive only been playing from the US side but it seems to be fairly accurate, when was the last time you saw a pic of an American troop using iron sights on a rifle?
  20. I to have seen this and have a save of it in progress if it would help.
  21. Ive just started testing on a battle with some armour, and from first glance they appear to be prone to fire on infantry, especialy any hostile that fires and hence reveals thier possition. Ill get back to you at the end of the night after more tests.
  22. i was wondering how they got the game so dark in thier screenshots, night battles for me arnt THAT dark. I want blackness
  23. I think what its saying is you can now "taget" the vehicle, wether the shot hits or not is another matter
  24. January 2nd????? Whats wrong with the 1st!!!
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