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Everything posted by Hev

  1. Ok ive found that a mout stryker platoons hq is six men while a normal stryker plt is three. this is messed up!
  2. WTF!!! And while we are at it i cant delete a company hq unit when all i want is a platoon anymore. Anyone else seeing this?
  3. Hi All, ive spent the last week working my ass off on a city map made from google earth, its as close as i can make it and if i do say so my self i think it looks spiffing . Problem is the pathfinding between buildings. I spent ages making sure the slum section of my map had the correct internal doors and walls. (I cant tell you how mind numbingly painful that process is!) and yet when i move my Blue force Infantry through the area they insist on climbing onto roof tops and doing thier best batman impressions. Please Battlefront, MOUT operations are imposable at the current time, is this going to be sorted in 1.05? Ps and just so its not all bad; I set my mission at night and i have discovered that the recon strykers spot amazingly well at night when button'd. exactly as i expected them to PPs I wanted to add that the ai doesnt apear to notice when youve removed an internal wall between two buildings, so instead of just moving through the building they exit the building then re-enter through the target buildings external doorways! [ November 05, 2007, 10:51 PM: Message edited by: Hev ]
  4. The javelin has become known around these parts as "uber arty". Theres no wait, it looks cool and it makes a BIG bang!
  5. Agreed, era and the ballistic sheilds on humvees need to be in the game.
  6. I have seen this, usualy the gun barrel is doing circles like its trying to come to bear. (or the gunners drunk)
  7. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Nothing is broken, me thinks your playing a different game then us
  8. I think your on the right track for the scale of the game, in most scenarios for shock force your armours main job will be to keep your infantry alive by providing close support. Thing is "close support" should always be done at the max range possable. And beware the kornet (at-14) altho not a garunteed kill against an abrams, it is capable of a kill.
  9. Its a good question, ill look into what my rig can handle before begging for mercy. ill let you know what i find. As for my system specs: QX6600 (the 2.4 quad) XFX 8800gtx Asus p5b (p965) 2gig corsair 8500c ddr2
  10. ok, some quick testing reveled that while playing as red i could add two tank campanies to red and one to blue. and only when the were a few (read lots) of brewed up tanks did i notice even a little slowdown. hope that answers the question.
  11. throw me what ever scenario you made to test it and ill keep adding till i find my limit
  12. we definitely need a way to fire the auro cannon on the bradly at some infantry with out worrying about it launching a tow!!
  13. It had a different animation, it flew dead level just realy slowly
  14. *Not sure if this was a bug or a feture or what but i do know that BFC planned to put the two attack modes into the game* I noticed today i javalin flying direct to a building, dead level flight path and about 5 feet off the deck, problem was it was doing about 10 mile an hour. sorry i didnt get a screenshot or save, has anyone else seen this. Very funny to watch
  15. For me the AA didnt want to work with the vsync turned on. No vsync no jagged lines.
  16. well i am and as a side thought i havent seen them move as far as i recal. [ October 02, 2007, 06:52 PM: Message edited by: Hev ]
  17. For me theres been a marked improvement with the stability of the framerate and the overall level of frames. Faster and smoother.........( sounds like something my missus tells me ) wich is great. My Rig QX6600 XFX 8800gtx 2gig Corsair 8500c Asus p5b Deluxe
  18. I agreed with the tree, this is what should have been released, everything that needs to work now seems to work as it should, all thats left are little things ( the QB's ) to sort out. Right now im a happy camper.
  19. So the depressions we are seeing are fox holes dug before the battle (like in CMx1) OMG thats so cool. Thanks for the statement BFC.
  20. OMG did you even read the post, no i think not! WHEN YOU CLICK AN ENEMY UNIT, ALL OF YOUR UNITS THAT CAN SPOT IT LIGHT UP. WHEN YOU CLICK ON ONE OF THOSE UNITS 90% OF THE TIME THE UNIT CANT SEE. is that any clearer for you, cos it sounds and looks like a bug for me.
  21. Ok great theories but having seen it id love to hear from BFC on this one. Looks like a bug, and if its not is there a way that makes the depressions visable only if you have eyes on. And on the posative side if it is a feature that guys hastily dig a fox hole during the battle, thats bloody awesome!!
  22. Ive had the spotting bug before 1.04, but its definately there. You click the enemy unit, a bunch of your unit icons light up, you click one of them and the enemy vanish's.
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