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  1. Like
    Fizou reacted to Mord in What happened to the German Tank hunter teams   
    10-4 brother.
    One difference is the grenade bundle is missing, which I would very much like to see return! Breach explosives are fine and all, but nothing is quite as intimate and sexy as a bunch of strapped together potato mashers chucked onto an engine deck! Abstractions be damned bring back the potato bundle lovin'!
  2. Like
    Fizou reacted to Mord in CM1 @ GOG   
    “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”-Mark Twain
  3. Like
    Fizou reacted to kohlenklau in CMRT Module 1 Bones   
    According to my old timeline from late 2016, CM Space Lobsters should be nearly ready for release!
  4. Like
    Fizou reacted to Erwin in CMRT Module 1 Bones   
    Welcome back, Koh...
  5. Like
    Fizou reacted to Mord in CMRT Module 1 Bones   
    This is how we do space lobsters in the Northland.

    Welcome back. What happen, you break up with your new squeeze LOL. Or is the honey moon over?
  6. Like
    Fizou reacted to George MC in CM1 @ GOG   
    All my old CMX1 stuff is still at my website www.blowtorchscenarios.com if interested.
  7. Like
    Fizou reacted to General Jack Ripper in Dare I ask   

  8. Like
    Fizou reacted to Aragorn2002 in Time for some bones.   
    It's almost the middle of May 2019 and it's probably fair to say the new modules for CMFI and CMRT are not around the corner yet.  The community showed remarkable patience all in all and will continue to do so in the coming months. It would however be a justified and fair gesture if BF gave us some bones, in the shape of a series of good screenshots for both modules. After all this time in development there has to be something interesting to show to us. I'm not talking about release dates or pages full of information. Just some juicy screenshots so we all know what we are waiting for and why it is worth waiting for.
    It's time for some bones, me thinks.
  9. Like
    Fizou reacted to Aragorn2002 in Update on Engine 4 patches   
    But with screenshots we of course mean screenshots of the new coming modules. 🤨
  10. Like
    Fizou reacted to DerKommissar in Update on Engine 4 patches   
    It's a more question of quantity, than quality. BFC supports 6 standalone games -- each with their own DLC. Graviteam supports only 2: Mius Front and Tunisia 1943 (a recent branch). However, they do not support Achtung Panzer (some campaigns are sold as DLC, though), Steel Armour or Steel Fury. So, a great deal of their content is left obsolete.
    CM may benefit from convenient automated patching (not necessarily Steam). But, the main issue is the plethora of wide ranging standalone titles that we know and love. I hope BFC manages to synchronize and standardize all the titles, in one form or another.

  11. Like
    Fizou reacted to umlaut in Update on Engine 4 patches   
    Well, comments like yours are probably the reason that BFC usually never give time estimates on releases. Because some people will always latch on to that date - and start whining if it is not met.
  12. Like
    Fizou reacted to Bulletpoint in Update on Engine 4 patches   
    Seriously guys...

  13. Like
    Fizou reacted to A Canadian Cat in CM Helper Replacement?   
    How about Whose Turn Is It? : http://lesliesoftware.com/products/WhoseTurnIsIt/index.html
    full disclosure I wrote it
  14. Like
    Fizou reacted to absolutmauser in Update on Engine 4 patches   
    What better time than to establish with your new bride that she has married both HerrTom and Combat Mission and should expect that between 10 and 40 hours per week will be dedicated to small unit actions? 
  15. Like
    Fizou reacted to umlaut in Update on Engine 4 patches   
    Ikke så meget snak, tak.
  16. Like
    Fizou reacted to kohlenklau in CMFI Rome to Victory Bones   
  17. Like
    Fizou reacted to Bulletpoint in Stalingrad: The Battle for the Martenovskii Shop   
    They just published a new video in this very interesting series. Thought I'd share.
    Not sure why they hired a little boy to do the voiceover this time though.
  18. Like
    Fizou reacted to Combatintman in THIS GAME......IS AMAZING   
    Merry Xmas mate - I think you speak for most here - sure things aren't perfect but the whole CM series offers the experience you described and it is why so many of us love it.
  19. Like
    Fizou reacted to hanshammer in THIS GAME......IS AMAZING   
    So I picked up Black Sea about 3 months ago.... this game is truly amazing. The amount of micromanaging you can do is staggering ,  
    the choices and strategy  you can make  is endless ……. do I take more ammo  ...or do I keep em lite so they are faster … do I call in air support or use artillery , do I throw down a
    smoke screen or just try to run thru an ambush …. do I go to the high ground of try to infiltrate thru the forest ….do I leave my flanks exposed and go for the throat ...or play it safe ….. the campaigns, quick battles,  an building my own battles are great and endless ...
    I find myself constantly thinking about the game... how "next time" I will do things differently and try a new approach …  or bring  a different troop package into battle .
    I am sure there are people out there that don't like the game or are sick of it by now  or want to change this and that , and I don't disagree that  I wish I could
    change some things or improve others  , but for someone new to it.... I am like a little kid on Christmas all over again ….
  20. Like
    Fizou reacted to Falaise in What I hate in mission combat! (22.5 ° angle road)   
    There are 2 things I hate in mission combat
    and that "shark teeth"

    As for the distortion in the ploughed fields, Kieme's mod brilliantly solved the problem.
    But for shark teeth alas, it is a constraint related to the engine of the game.
    Some scenario maker and map maker make a lot of effort to avoid them.
    I am thinking of the Bulletpoint "front contact" scenario where no shark teeth are visible, which gives you some of the most beautiful and realistic map. some other map makers , shift the bend two or three turns to avoid the effect of shark teeth.
    However for historical scenarios that rely on a precise map of places there is sometimes no choice.
    I recently tried the scenario The Carillon 1 It's Quiet-Too Quiet and I noticed this curious road with an unknown angle of 22.5 °
    Revelation !!
    The author, (I do not know who) is a genius who managed with the highway tiles to do this feat, opening a new field of possibility in the design of the maps.
    The only flaw is the visual
    So I created this little mod to give a coherent visual.
    Now I like everything !!
    Road of Carillon

    Change on the map of "Liking up and breaking out"
    then and now

    this one to compare with the one above that I hate

    the different angles of the road

  21. Like
    Fizou reacted to tpr in CMSF2 scenario depot at Few Good Men   
    I´m already excited, there are so many conflicts and possibilites to cover with custom campaigns in CMSF2.
  22. Like
    Fizou reacted to ncc1701e in CMSF2 scenario depot at Few Good Men   
    Just seen this: http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/combat-mission-shock-force-2/
  23. Like
    Fizou reacted to Combatintman in Operation BARRAS - A Company 1 PARA - Sierra Leone September 2000   
    I originally created this mission for CMSF 1. This version is a minor update to that mission to fix some anomalies identified in the porting process from CMSF 1 to CMSF 2; however, the AI is unchanged and no new plans have been added.
    Changes are as follows:
    (1). Ditches are reinstated after it had been identified that CMSF2 had converted the originals into wire fences.
    (2). Jungle areas now have light and heavy foliage tiles.
    (3). The Rokel Creek is now a water feature, rather than mocked up with marsh tiles.
    (4). LS1 is now an exit objective. Victory Points originally allocated to this objective in the original have now been reallocated to other terrain objectives in order to retain the point balance.
    (5). Minor changes have been made to the original briefing to correct an Americanism that had slipped into the original and to reflect the change to the objectives noted above.
    (6). Designer’s notes previously included in the main briefing are now in this dedicated document.
    Thanks to @Bootiefor unsnarling my issues on posting it at the Scenario Depot.
    Grab it here:
    The original CMSF-1 thread discussing this mission WHICH CONTAINS SPOILERS is here:
  24. Like
    Fizou reacted to Freyberg in Upgrade price: I'm sorry, but you guys are insane :) :D   
    Admittedly, I've been a good a good customer over the years - I think I've bought all the CM games, modules and packs except Afghanistan - but this price is insane.
    First I bought the Shock Force 1 big bundle on special for the price of a restaurant meal for two, and now you've basically sold me the Big Bundle upgrade for the price of a takeaway curry and Naan!
    I don't know how you expect to make a living - but thank you though
  25. Like
    Fizou reacted to Sgt.Squarehead in How I view most scenarios and the designers...   
    Two reinforced companies, 320mx320m of urban Mosul, an hour & a half to clear it:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/wfjnp2xy78c1e2g/Ashsh al-Dababir.btt?dl=0
    Give it your best shot. 
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